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Resource, 31 Jul 2024,

Caring for Your Patch

In 2023, members of the Kinglake Landcare Group produced a booklet to assist residents to connect with the local natural...

Resource, 24 Jul 2024,

Follow us on Instagram so you never miss a working bee or event

Resource, 23 Apr 2024,

VLFP Budget Underspend Information

Resource, 19 Dec 2023,

AMG Minutes

Minutes of AGM 

Resource, 15 Dec 2023,

The Economic Benefits of Native Shelter Belts Report

The Economic Benefits of Native Shelter Belts Report (2015) was produced by the Basalt to Bay Landcare Network.

Resource, 14 Dec 2023,

ATO fact sheets for primary producers

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has produced a series of fact sheets for primary producers on the tax incentives.

Resource, 23 Nov 2023,

Bulk Chemical Safety data sheets

Safety data sheets Wetter Deludge 1000

Resource, 20 Oct 2023,

About Uralla Nature Reserve

Learn more about the history of Uralla Nature Reserve and how to get there.

Resource, 9 Oct 2023,

Caring for Landscapes map

Resource, 11 Sep 2023,

Op Shop Trail

The Muckatah and District Landcare Group are committed to protecting and restoring our natural environment.One of the ways we can do this is to...

Resource, 11 Sep 2023,

Muckatah Landcare Brochure

Resource, 7 Aug 2023,

Seachange & Treechange

Resource, 7 Aug 2023,


Resource, 7 Aug 2023,


Resource, 23 Jun 2023,

Membership Forms

yearly membership forms

Resource, 24 May 2023,

Article on Managing mud and water on horse properties by Dr. Mariette Van Den Berg

Advice to horse owners on managing water run off and rain in winter to prevent mud and compaction.

Project Update, 10 May 2023,

Indian Myna brochure

Indian Mynas are an exotic bird specie causing great distress to landholders as they bully native birds and commandeer highly...

Resource, 12 Mar 2023,

Regional Landcare Coordinators

Contact details for 10 Regional Landcare Coordinators

Resource, 11 Jan 2023,

Magazine Contribution Guidelines

Resource, 9 Jan 2023,

Welcome Pack

Module 3 - Victorians Caring for Landscapes (jpeg) - a one-page outline of the Landcare and environmental volunteer groups/networks that...

Resource, 6 Jan 2023,

Employment-related Links for Landcare Facilitators & Employers

This fact sheet provides links to current (as at January 2023) online information on a range of employment-related topics for...

Resource, 5 Jan 2023,

2023-24 Annual Progress Report 2021-25 VLFP

A PDF of 2023-24 Annual Progress Report template for the Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program that is to be completed online...

Resource, 5 Jan 2023,

Landcare Facilitator - Position Description Template

Employers can use the generic Landcare Facilitator Position Description template when they advertise to employ/engage a 2021-24 VLFP-funded Landcare Facilitator.

Resource, 4 Jan 2023,

Grievance Policy Template

This template is to be adopted and used if a VLFP-funding recipient organisation does NOT have a Grievance Policy.

Resource, 4 Jan 2023,

Workplace Health and Safety Policy Template

This template is to be adopted and used if a VLFP-funding recipient organisation does NOT their own Workplace Health and...

Resource, 4 Jan 2023,

Code of Conduct Template

Template to be used if a VLFP-funding recipient organisation does NOT have a Code of Conduct or has not adopted...

Resource, 4 Jan 2023,

Policy Templates

Policy templates that can be adopted and used if a VLFP-funding recipient organisation does NOT have a Workplace Health and...

Resource, 6 Dec 2022,


Volunteer to assist with the flood recovery with Disaster Recovery Australia and/or BlazeAid.

Resource, 5 Dec 2022,



Resource, 29 Nov 2022,

Guidelines - 2021-24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program

The Guidelines for the 2021-24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program.

Resource, 29 Nov 2022,

Guidelines - 2021-24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program

The Guidelines for the 2021-24 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program.

Resource, 25 Nov 2022,

Personal well-being

Travelling the road to recovery videos from Dr.Rob Gordon and trauma fact sheets.

Resource, 2 Oct 2022,


Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare Group are running the 2024 Autumn Bulk Chemical Program.

Resource, 16 Aug 2022,

Transforming Weeds in East Gippsland

Thanks to funding by the Victorian Government through the Biodiversity Bushfire Recovery Grants Program, EGLN has put together a 28...

Resource, 12 Jul 2022,

ATO fact sheet for primary producers - Landcare and similar expenses

This Australian Taxation Office (ATO) fact sheet outlines entitlements that can be claimed as income taxation deductions for the costs...

Resource, 12 Jul 2022,

ATO fact sheet for primary producers - tree farming / forestry operations

This Australian Taxation Office (ATO) fact sheet outlines the income tax consequences of engaging in forestry operations, including entitlements that...

Resource, 12 Jul 2022,

ATO fact sheet for primary producers - fire preparedness and prevention expenses

This Australian Taxation Office (ATO) fact sheet outlines entitlements that can be claimed as income tax deductions for the costs...

Resource, 12 Jul 2022,

ATO fact sheet for primary producers - expenditure on establishing shelterbelts

This Australian Taxation Office (ATO) fact sheet outlines entitlements that can be claimed as income taxation deductions for the costs...

Resource, 19 May 2022,

Landcare Victoria Inc. 2022 Annual Report

The 2022 Annual Report report details another year of achievement by Landcare Victoria in support of, and on behalf of,...

Resource, 18 Mar 2022,

Landcare Facilitator Program Survey 2021

View the results of the 2021 Facilitator Program Member Survey.

Resource, 24 Feb 2022,

For Networks - Engagement Contract Template for the Provision of Landcare Facilitator Services

This engagement contract template is for 2021-25 VLFP-funded Landcare Facilitator positions where a contractor has been engaged by a network...

Resource, 24 Feb 2022,

For Groups - Engagement Contract Template for the Provision of Landcare Facilitator Services

This engagement contract template is for 2021-25 VLFP-funded Landcare Facilitator positions where a contractor has been engaged by a group...

Resource, 23 Feb 2022,

Landcare Facilitator Part-time Employment Contract Template

This employment contract template was drafted in 2021 by DEECA's Victorian Landcare Program staff with advice and assistance from Workplace...

Resource, 22 Feb 2022,

Key Work Areas - 2021-25 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program

The Key Work Areas for the 2021-25 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program include six Key Work Areas for Landcare facilitators' Work...

Resource, 22 Feb 2022,

2021-25 Landcare Facilitator Work Plan Template

A PDF of the template for the 2021-25 Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program Work Plan, which is to be completed online...

Project Update, 2 Jan 2022,

Living Next To Nature postcard

This postcard provides a summary of the project and links you to the website where you can download the Living...

Resource, 29 Nov 2021,

Upper Maribyrnong Catchment Group - 2023-24 Membership Form

Upper Maribyrnong Catchment Group - 2023-24 Membership Form 

Resource, 12 Nov 2021,

Strategic Plan

The first YRLN Strategic Plan was produced in September 2021, and will guide our activities for the next five years.

Project Update, 25 Oct 2021,

Green Fire-Walls Project By Lakes Entrance Community Landcare

Lakes Entrance Community Landcare have completed a fascinating and useful study into fire protection through revegetation.

Resource, 20 Sep 2021,

Wildflowers of the Macedon Ranges video

This photographic display by Newham & District Landcare Group and Woodend Landcare celebrates the wildflowers found in Woodend’s Grassland Reserve...

Resource, 23 Aug 2021,

ALG Strategic Plan 2020-2025

The mission of the Ararat Landcare Group is to promote the understanding and stewardship of the environment in the Ararat...

Resource, 15 Mar 2021,

GVTG Species list

2021 Species list

Resource, 1 Feb 2021,

Landcare Victoria Inc. Complaints Policy

Landcare Victoria Inc. members are subject to the LVI Complaints Policy and Procedure.  This policy applies to everyone involved in...

Resource, 2 Sep 2020,

Successful tree planting guide

This guide is a useful resource including information on what a successful tree planting project envolves 

Resource, 22 May 2020,

Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program: Frequently Asked Questions - May 2020

The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, the Hon.

Resource, 5 May 2020,

Native plant survey on former railway line closed 1977

An example of a flora survey produced to give a snapshot of flora species identified during walking surveys of a...

Resource, 23 Apr 2020,

COVID-19 Updates

Read the current COVID-19 Update.

Resource, 31 Mar 2020,

Nest Boxes for the Gippsland Region

This handy resource booklet is designed to help with the correct construction,  installation, maintenance and monitoring of nest boxes for...

Resource, 6 Feb 2020,

Cultural Heritage Guidelines

These documents may assist groups in understanding and evaluating potential cultural heritage aspects of a planned project.

Resource, 29 Nov 2019,

Strategic Plan 2019-2024 Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network

     The plan adopts a risk management approach based on the current and revised Risk Management ISO Standard 31000.2018...

Resource, 12 Nov 2019,

Riparian Areas of the Upper Ovens Valley

Find out about the values and importance of Riparian Areas in the Upper Ovens Valley.

Resource, 12 Nov 2019,

Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group General Brochure

General information about the Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group and the area.

Resource, 12 Nov 2019,

Environment Plan

The Upper Ovens Valley Environment Plan guides the work of the Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group.

Resource, 30 Oct 2019,

I care, We care, Landcare Promotional Campaign

DELWP's Victorian Landcare Program has produced a new Landcare promotional video - I care, We care, Landcare - as part...

Resource, 30 Oct 2019,

I care, We care, Landcare Animation

Resource, 24 Oct 2019,

Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Guide

For Landcare and environmental volunteer groups and networks

Resource, 24 Oct 2019,

Previous VLFP Review updates

Resource, 18 Oct 2019,

Victorian Landcare Program Strategic Plan

Supporting Landcare for the Future

Resource, 4 Oct 2019,

Ideas for the future of Forest Creek Castlemaine

Forest Creek between Best Motors and Barker St needs some improvement.  The Landcare Group has a proposal to revitalise this...

Resource, 24 Sep 2019,

Victorian Landcare 2017-18 Achievements Report

This report provides an overview of the work undertaken by many thousands of Landcare group/network members, landowners and environmental volunteers...

Resource, 29 Aug 2019,

2019 Victorian Landcare Awards Winners booklet

The Winners booklet contains stories on the winners of each of the 15 Landcare Award categories that were presented at...

Resource, 29 Aug 2019,

2021 Victorian Landcare Awards Winners

The 2021 Victorian Landcare Awards Spring Edition of the Victorian Landcare and Catchment Magazine contains stories on the winners of...

Resource, 24 Aug 2019,

EGLN Annual Reports

EGLN Annual Reports

Resource, 1 Apr 2019,

2019 Bulk Chemical Order Form

Resource, 20 Mar 2019,

Fire preparedness & prevention expenses for primary producers - ATO Fact Sheet

ATO fact sheet on primary producers' entitlement to claim income tax deductions for costs of fire emergency preparedness and prevention...

Resource, 20 Mar 2019,

Fire preparedness and prevention expenses for primary producers

Fact sheet for primary producers - fire preparedness and prevention expenses

Resource, 20 Mar 2019,

Landcare and similar expenses for primary producers

Fact sheet for primary producers - landcare and simillar expfire preparedness and prevention expenses

Resource, 7 Mar 2019,

VGT Resources

This page willl give you access to various resources that have been developed for gorse identification, best practice control and...

Resource, 18 Feb 2019,

Landcare Farm Gate Signs

Order Form

Resource, 12 Oct 2018,

Magazine Index

Search the index entries by topic, author, organisation, or story title.

Project Update, 8 Jun 2018,

CHLG position on Melbourne Water land sales - map and rationale

CHLG position on Melbourne Water land sales - map, accompanied by explanatory rationale 

Resource, 6 Jun 2018,

Landcare Victoria Inc. Member Group Grants Policy

Landcare Victoria Inc. supports Member Groups to make grant applications where the Member Group is financial for the current financial...

Resource, 6 Jun 2018,

Landcare Victoria Inc. Code of Conduct

Each Landcare Victoria Inc. Member Group needs to have a documented code of conduct which covers child safety, bullying, sexual...

Project Update, 22 Apr 2018,

CLEA Resources

CLEA is a project of Landcare Victoria Inc.

Project Update, 11 Apr 2018,

Whirrakee Wattle Biolink brochure

The Biolink project involves pest plant control, revegetation of flora recovery species and installation of nest boxes for native fauna.

Resource, 11 Apr 2018,

Volunteer form

It is important to us that volunteers are able to communicate their interests, along with skills that they have or...

Resource, 11 Apr 2018,

Group brochure

Find out about our group - who we are, where we work, what we are passionate about and how to...

Resource, 20 Feb 2018,

Order for competitively priced chemical


Resource, 20 Feb 2018,

Annual Membership Form

Becoming a paid Landcare Member supports the Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare Group in so many ways. 

Resource, 20 Feb 2018,

Joining BDPO and becoming a member

Becoming a Landcare Member supports the BDPO Group in so many ways.  Your fees help us cover all the projects...

Resource, 17 Feb 2018,

Minutes DropBox

Saved to YLCG-Dropbox 

Resource, 2 Feb 2018,

Establishing shelterbelts on land used in a primary production business

Fact sheet for primary producers - expenditure on establising shelterbelts

Resource, 24 Jan 2018,

Gateway tips - December 2017

Getting the most from the Gateway

Resource, 9 Aug 2017,

Rural Roadside conservation

NDLG has always been active on protecting rural roadsides as a great natural asset, but 2015 saw an active campaign begin...

Resource, 20 Jul 2017,

2017 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners and nominees

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2003 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2005 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2007 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2009 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2011 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2013 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

2015 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

Resource, 10 Jul 2017,

Victorian Landcare Awards recipients

Our award winning Landcarers over the years.

Resource, 14 Jun 2017,

Writing quality Landcare Awards nominations

Guidelines and tips

Resource, 12 May 2017,

Child Safe Standards

Information for community groups where children are involved

Resource, 14 Apr 2017,

Mt Buffalo

Mt buffalo images

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

Land with protected vegetation

This contains maps with the legal protective boundaries for plant species.

Project Update, 13 Apr 2017,

Weed intervention

This goes into the prevention of weeds spreading further and the hopeful eradication of these weeds.

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

workshops of 2010

2010 workshops on GPS tracking recruiting and many other things

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

Community get together

Images of an enjoyable BBQ and field day.

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

Baranduda plant list and reveg

This documents the plants found in Baranduda and shows their interest in bringing back those species long lost.

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

2012 informative reptile event

This is a file on a reptile event back in 2012.

Project Update, 13 Apr 2017,

Newsletters and flyers

This shows some flyers for some interesting past events that the Baranduda Landcare Community found most enjoyable.

Project Update, 13 Apr 2017,

bike trail proposal

This file has a map for the Mt bike proposal and the people involved.

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

nesting box information

This file has photos of nesting boxes being utilized and images regarding their construction and habits for both sugar gliders...

Resource, 13 Apr 2017,

meeting details (2004-2012)

Meetings report for previous years dating around 2004-2012

Project Update, 13 Apr 2017,

Local area plan

This document shows the vision and mission of the Baranduda Landcare in their attempts to create a more environmentally sound...

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,

Flora in the local area

This provides a list of plants to expect in our surrounding district.

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,

Fauna list

Fauna list whether, threatened, hollow dependent, hollow partially dependent and simply general.

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,

an old tree planting day

This is an example of a tree planting day poster.

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,


No matter how small your yard, you can attract birds to pollinate your plants of all kinds.

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,

Analysis of project site

This folder involves information of the site, including community involvement, funding, expenditure.

Resource, 9 Apr 2017,

Swainsonia sericea

These are some images of Swainsonia sericea on one of barundudas surveys.

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle research

Dung beetle research information

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle projects Australia wide

Projects through out Aus

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,

How to, guide for dung beetle releases

This describes the procedure of releasing dung beetles onto the farm along with other useful operations

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle bio-control and the discovery of it's benefits.

An introduction into the history of the birth in agriculture science.

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,


The negative impacts of Parasiticides on the dung beetle.

Resource, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle resource package

Compiled by the Lucyvale Better Beef Group in 2008 with funding from the National Landcare Program, the Dung Beetle Resource...

Project Update, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle monitoring results

A range of information about the results of monitoring (native and introduced beetles) Volunteer Monitors set traps on a fortnightly...

Project Update, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung beetle identification chart

A simple identification chart for the most common dung beetle species found in our area.

Project Update, 31 Mar 2017,

Dung Beetle Articles

Dung beetle articles that can provide information that could be included in Landcare Newsletters.

Resource, 28 Mar 2017,

Victorian Landcare Program Review Action Plan

Supporting Landcare into the future

Resource, 15 Mar 2017,

Castlemaine Landcare Group 2017 membership form

Please fill in the membership form so that we have up to date details of members.  2017 fees are due...

Resource, 9 Mar 2017,

CHLG Membership form

Christmas Hills landholders can use this form to join as a new member ($20 - and you get a member...

Resource, 9 Mar 2017,

Christmas Hills Landcare Group Annual Reports

The Christmas Hills Landcare Group Annual Reports summarise the events, projects, group health, membership and finances of the Christmas Hills...

Resource, 27 Feb 2017,

Magazine Library

PDFs of Landcare magazine's current issue and all back issues

Resource, 10 Feb 2017,

Economic benefits of Landcare

National Landcare Program case studies

Resource, 30 Jan 2017,

Castlemaine Landcare Group 2017 Calendar

Calendar of meetings, working bees and other events for 2017.

Resource, 23 Jan 2017,

Victorian Landcare Facilitator Program Fact Sheets

Guidelines & FAQs (2015)

Resource, 10 Jan 2017,

Climate-ready vegetation

A guide for natural resource managers (version 2)

Project Update, 23 Dec 2016,

Property Management Plan Course Resources

Manuals and General Information about Farm PlanningI've bought a property - now what ? (CG fact sheet)Farm Plan 21 ManualCaring...

Resource, 18 Nov 2016,

Group brochure and strategic plan

Resource, 17 Nov 2016,

30 Years of Landcare in Victoria

Celebrating 30 Years of Landcare in Victoria at the Queen's Hall in Parliament House on 25 November 2016.

Resource, 9 Nov 2016,

Digital Landcare Meetings Case Study

Recently the Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups started to use Digital Meetings for their regular committee meetings, to try to deal...

Resource, 14 Oct 2016,

Corangamite Landcare Support Plan

The Corangamite Landcare Support Plan 2013-2018 provides a framework for the Corangamite Catchment Management Authority (CMA) to support Landcare (including...

Resource, 12 Oct 2016,

Register as a Landcare Gateway user & managing content

Information about registering as a Landcare Gateway user and editing content and permission levels

Resource, 11 Oct 2016,

Landcare group and network maps

The Victorian Landcare Program has produced a series of maps displaying group and network boundaries.

Resource, 10 Oct 2016,

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Resource, 5 Oct 2016,

Dung Beetle Resource Kit

Compiled by the Lucyvale Better Beef Group in 2008 with funding from the National Landcare Program, the Dung Beetle Resource...

Resource, 23 Sep 2016,

Sample Wildflowers of the Merton Area

This pdf file has samples of some of the more common wild flowers found in the Merton area.  We are...

Resource, 21 Sep 2016,

Online document management

Tips for managing group documents and images

Resource, 21 Sep 2016,

Using social media

How to make the most of social media

Resource, 19 Sep 2016,

Guide to plant species in South Gippsland

A Native Vegetation Planting Guide for South Gippsland

Resource, 19 Sep 2016,

Online member management

Tools to help you manage your group's membership

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,


Land class fencing, sediment fences, stock containment areas, wildlife fences, BlazeAid, and DELWP's rehabilitation policy for repair of fences damaged...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Fencing & stock containment areas

Fencing guidelines in flood-prone areas, land class fencing, stock containment areas, BlazeAid and wildlife friendly fences.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Using labour market programs: advice for groups

The environmental and community benefits of Landcare work mean your group could be eligible sponsors in the Government’s labour market...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Employing contractors and consultants: advice for groups

Landcare groups may need to use contractors and consultants to provide specialist services and skills that are not available within...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Selecting a method of employment: advice for groups

If you need to employ staff, it’s important to work out what method of employment best suits your needs and resources.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Employing staff: advice for groups

Your group will reach an exciting and rewarding stage when you’re in a position to employ staff to do a...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Celebration and recognition: advice for groups

Landcare group members volunteer a lot of time, knowledge, skills and other resources towards protecting and enhancing their local environment.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

What skills and knowledge does the group have?

In a Landcare group there will be members with a wide range of personal and technical skills which are very...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Managing volunteers: advice for groups

Whether members of your group or people who are involved in a one-off project, volunteers and voluntary works are a...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Recruiting and retaining members: advice for groups

Volunteers are the lifeblood of Landcare groups.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Sharing the load - delegation: advice for groups

By delegating properly, group leaders can not only lighten the work burdens on key members but, perhaps more importantly, help...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Beating burn-out: advice for groups

‘Burn-out’ is a problem for many volunteer groups.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Succession planning: advice for groups

Leadership is important to the success of your Landcare group.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Conflict resolution: advice for groups

Conflict within your group, or between other groups and individuals, can waste a lot of time and energy that could...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Effective leadership: advice for groups

If your group is to be effective, its best chance is with a leader who enthuses, guides and directs you all.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Permits and permissions in Victoria

As part of achieving your goals, your group is likely to be confronted with legal responsibilities for which you need...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Personal safety: advice for groups

All Landcare groups and networks have a moral and legal obligation to minimise risk or injury to anyone involved in...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Risk management: why worry?

All Landcare groups such as yours are involved in activities which involve some risk.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Insurance for Landcare groups

Insurance has become an essential part of modern life, to protect assets and people.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Incorporation for Landcare groups

If you want to trade as an entity in your own right, your group will need to be incorporated.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Keeping records: advice for groups

You need to keep records for two important groups – you and the people who support your work.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

How to market your group successfully

Marketing uses different techniques to attract customers.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Working with the media: advice for groups

Gaining positive and consistent coverage in the media can have a very positive impact on your Landcare group.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Raising the group profile

This Landcare note should help you get more of your members involved in group activities as well as tell the...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Using technology: advice for groups

Your group will be more successful if you use communication technology systems to find information and keep yourselves organised and efficient.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Key principles for effective communication

Effective communication is essential for delivering a clear message to your audience.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Effective communication in your group

Effective communication is essential to minimise misunderstandings and conflicts and ensure your group works smoothly.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Planning and running events

Getting the ‘basics’ right when you’re planning and running an event gives you a better chance of having a successful...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Monitoring and evaluating group activities

Monitoring your Landcare group’s activities and projects provides valuable information to everyone involved in the project about how your work...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Project site planning and management: advice for groups

Project site planning is what you do to identify everything you need (materials, labour, funds) for the activities you want...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Developing a Landcare project

There are several factors you need to consider if you are going to develop and implement a project effectively.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Project planning: advice for groups

Landcare groups usually manage a number of projects, both large and small.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Project management: advice for groups

A well managed project is more likely to get the best results and can adapt to changing circumstances and seasonal events.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Deductible gift recipient and taxable charity concession information for Landcare groups

It is becoming common for funders to ask for Deductible Gift Recipient and Tax Concession Charity status from groups when...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

GST and ABN: advice for groups

Taxation requirements change constantly. It’s important to keep up to date because there may be legal financial requirements you need...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Budgeting: advice for groups

Putting together a budget is important as it sets up the group’s financial plan for the coming year, and predicts...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Banking: advice for groups

This Landcare Note outlines the tasks associated with banking and offers information on how you can assess and improve your...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Keeping financial records: advice for groups

Reliable financial records are an essential tool in keeping tabs on your finances, while providing a useful history that will...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Financial management: advice for groups

Good financial management is important to help make sure your group has the funds for what you want to do,...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Using a prospectus to gain funding for your group

Using a prospectus is one way your Landcare group may consider approaching a corporate or alternative funder.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Local fundraising: advice for groups

Local fundraising is vital for community groups, not only because it generates important funds but it also allows you to...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Grants guide for community groups

Grants give your members the resources to undertake projects and activities set out in your group’s plans.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Sponsorship: advice for groups

Sponsorship plays an increasingly important role in supporting Landcare projects, providing additional resources so groups can achieve their goals through...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Partnerships and collaboration: advice for groups

Landcare groups need to collaborate with people and organisations who can provide information, technical, material and financial support.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Funding options for community groups

This Landcare Note is a guide to finding financial support from a range of local, regional and federal bodies.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Action planning: advice for groups

Having an action plan means you can organise your activities efficiently and effectively.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Strategic planning: advice for groups

Strategic planning helps you set out what you are trying to achieve and how to get there.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Group planning: advice for groups

Good planning can help you be clear on what you want to achieve and how to do it.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Developing an Indigenous Landcare group

Establishing an Indigenous Landcare group is a unique way of engaging the Indigenous community in natural resource management.

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Effective meetings: advice for groups

It’s important your meetings are run with clarity and purpose so the group is able to function effectively, maintains enthusiasm...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Meeting types: advice for groups

Understanding the different types of meetings needed for a group to function effectively will help your group achieve all it...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Committee roles: advice for groups

If your group is going to work effectively and achieve what you want to do, you need a good committee...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Committee function: advice for groups

Your Landcare group needs to decide the best way for your committee to work in order to minimise any conflict...

Resource, 7 Sep 2016,

Starting up a Landcare group

If you’re thinking about starting up a Landcare group in your area, there are a few things to consider before...

Resource, 6 Sep 2016,

New Landcare Group Start-Up Kit

The New Landcare Group Start-Up Kit outlines the formal and informal steps required to start a new group.

Resource, 24 Aug 2016,

Landcare Victoria Inc. Participant List Template

All groups should record participants at events for insurance purposes.

Resource, 24 Aug 2016,

Landcare Victoria Inc. Rules

These are the current LVI Rules covering the operations of the LVI as a whole and the relationship of a...

Resource, 17 Aug 2016,

Employing Landcare support staff

A series of links to assist with the employment and management of Landcare Support Persons in Victoria.

Resource, 17 Aug 2016,

Marketing and communications

Useful tools and resources to help community groups develop their media and marketing activity.

Resource, 17 Aug 2016,

Landcare notes: Managing a successful group

Detailed practical tips and advice for achieving group success.

Resource, 17 Aug 2016,

Fire Recovery Resources

Practical land management fire recovery information for private landowners on livestock, fencing, pastures, soils, weeds, native vegetation, riparian areas and erosion, wildlife, horticulture, assistance and support services available, and fire research and reports.

Resource, 17 Aug 2016,

Flood Recovery Resources

Practical land management flood recovery information. These webpages include information on livestock, fencing, waterways, soils, weeds, riparian vegetation, erosion, wildlife, horticulture, grants and financial assistance, and how to volunteer to help with the flood recovery.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Videos - after the 2009 & 2014 fires

Videos to assist landholders with bush fire recovery on: building sediment fences, erosion, weeds, land productivity, native animals, and community...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Native Vegetation

Burnt trees and renewal of native vegetation after fire, shelterbelts for fire protection and wildlife, landscaping for bushfire, revegetation guides,...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Riparian vegetation

Riparian and instream vegetation and flooding.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Risk of weed invasion after fire, advisory list of environmental weeds in Victoria, and opportunities for landowners to deal with...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


The Arthur Rylah Institute (ARI) at the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) conducts research into the responses...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Water quality

Impact of bushfires on water quality.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Riparian Areas & Water Quality

Bushfires potential impact on water quality, stream ecosystems and making soil more prone to erosion.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Impact of floods on erosion and building sediment fences.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


There is risk of increased weed invasion after emergencies such as floods.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Waterways & farm water

Impact of floods on waterways, farm and livestock water, and blackwarter events.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Pastures & Soils

Pasture recovery after fire, using biological approaches for soil and pasture recovery after fire, and fire's influence on soils.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,



Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Assessing cattle and sheep after fire, agistment, fodder, injured livestock, drought feeding, stock containment areas, disposal of livestock carcasses, and...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Information on the impact fires may have on crops, water supplies, soils and pastures.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Farm recovery after flood.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,


Livestock and animal welfare.

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Assistance & Support Services

Fire recovery assistance and support programs, health, well-being and safety after fires, and fire updates information from VicEmergency, local governments...

Resource, 15 Aug 2016,

Grants & financial assistance

Flood recovery grants and financial assistance available.

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,


Wildlife bushfire response information, 2020 Wildlife Rehabilitator Bushfire Grants, and shelterbelts and wildlife.

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,


Recovery from fire damage in fruit orchards, blueberries, raspberries, hybrid blackberries & olive groves.

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,

Bushfire recovery features of Victorian Landcare magazine

The Winter 2020 and Winter 2010 issues of the Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management magazine are features on Landcare's role...

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,


Horticulture after flooding.

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,


Wildlife emergency response information.

Resource, 12 Aug 2016,

Volunteer Management Manual

Does your group need help in how to get the most out of your volunteers?

Resource, 5 Aug 2016,

Landcare for schools and students

Educational resources for teachers and students alike

Resource, 3 Aug 2016,

Privacy Statements

Does your group need a privacy statement? Advice for groups around the need for developing a privacy statement.

Resource, 3 Aug 2016,

Health and Safety

Does your group have a health and safety policy? Advice to help all Landcare groups develop a safe working environment.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

Templates: Employing Landcare support staff

Includes a number of templates to help during the employment process.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

Being Investor Ready Handbook

Develop the skills to source funding from non-traditional sources.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

How to: Mapping

Information and advice for using mapping technologies, from Google Maps to ArcMap and everything in between.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

Landcare logos

Using the Landcare logo in promotional material

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

Hire agreement template: Lend your equipment to others

A template that allows groups to create an agreement between two parties when hiring their equipment to other people or groups.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

Toolkit: Planning With Purpose

A set of guides designed to help members create a plan for groups, networks and projects.

Resource, 28 Jul 2016,

How to: Gaining sponsorship

How to source and secure sponsorship as well as tools to assist with the process.

Resource, 12 Oct 2015,

Resource, 11 Jun 2015,

Join our group

Members can access a range of benefits including:

Resource, 19 Jun 2014,

Join Us

Membership information

Resource, 4 Feb 2014,

Resource, 10 Dec 2013,

2008 & 2009 projects

Resource, 26 Nov 2013,


Photos and documents relating to Planet Ark activities held in 2013

Resource, 5 Oct 2013,

Indian Myna Control

There is a growing swell of people joining the grassroots effort to reduce Indian Myna Bird numbers in our community

Resource, 8 Sep 2013,

Membership Application

Resource, 6 Sep 2013,

Useful Links

Resource, 4 Sep 2013,


Latrobe Landcare Network communications and major documents.

Resource, 19 Jul 2013,

Equipment Purchases

A folder containing details of equipment purchases arising from the C4N funding received

Resource, 30 Oct 2010,

Gorse (Furze)

Resource, 23 Jun 2010,

TLG Community Forums

In 2010, Torquay Landcare Group plans to continue its series of Landcare Community Forums. Guest speakers are asked to address...

Resource, 12 May 2010,

Group Contacts

Sub Committee-

Resource, 3 May 2010,

Resource, 29 Jan 2010,

Finance and Funding

The CEC receives its income from a range of sources including government funding and returns from its social enterprises

Resource, 7 Jan 2010,

Booking form for the information day

Click on the link below and print off a booking form for the information day

Resource, 18 Jun 2009,


Meeting Dates

Resource, 11 Mar 2009,


Resource, 25 Oct 2008,

Private Land

The Western Port Catchment Landcare Network is a community based Landcare network. Go to for more information.

Resource, 18 Jun 2008,


Resource, 29 May 2008,



Resource, 12 Jan 2008,

TLG Newsletters

Newsletters supply good reading matter and help convey the range of the group's current activities and wide span of interests.

Resource, 17 Dec 2007,


Resource, 13 Dec 2007,

Committee of Management

Resource, 27 Aug 2007,

Network Committee of Management

Elected members of the East Gippsland Landcare Network Executive

Resource, 14 Jul 2006,

Soil Health Evaluation Reports

As a key component of developing and improving the Ovens Soil Health Program, the network has undertaken a number of...

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Wurdale Landcare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Murroon Landcare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Gerangamete Flats Landcare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

East Otways Landcare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Birregurra & District Action Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Barwon Rivercare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Barongarook Landcare Group

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

About the Bellarine Landcare Group

The Bellarine Landcare Grp meets at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of each month at the Marcus Hill Hall.

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Press Releases

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Weeds and pests

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,


Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Managing or establishing vegetation

Resource, 23 Mar 2006,

Indigenous vegetation

Resource, 24 Jul 2005,

About Castlemaine Landcare Group

How to contact us and information on joining Castlemaine Landcare Group