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PDFs of Landcare magazine's current issue and all back issues

The PDFs for all the issues of the Victorian Landcare and Catchment Management magazine, i.e. from issue No. 1 (Spring 1996) up to and including issue No. 86 (Summer 2023-24), are available below.

Every issue of Landcare magazine since issue No. 38 (Summer 2006) has been a feature on a specific topic.


Issue 87 - Winter 2024 - Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (3.4 MB)

Issue 86 - Summer 2023-24 - Landcare Support Roles - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 85 - Spring 2022: Landcare: The Next Generation - Download (2 MB)

Issue 84 - Winter 2022: Online Landcare - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 83 - Summer 2022: Landcare and Biodiversity - Download (1.9 MB)

Issue 82 - Spring 2021: 2021 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (1.8 MB)

Issue 81 - Winter 2021: Invasive Plants and Animals - Download (2.1 MB)

Issue 80 - Summer 2021: Small Farms and Food Production - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 79 - Spring 2020: Roadsides, Rail Reserves and Trails - Download (2.1 MB)

Issue 78 - Winter 2020: Landcare and Emergency Recovery - Download (1.9 MB)

Issue 77 - Summer 2020: Landcare and Community Engagement - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 76 - Spring 2019: 2019 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (2.2 MB)

Issue 75 - Winter 2019: Landcare and Health - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 74 - Summer 2019: Women in Landcare - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 73 - Spring 2018: Managing soils - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 72 - Winter 2018: Landcare and research - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 71 - Summer 2018: Water Management - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 70 - Spring 2017: 2017 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (3.2 MB)

Issue 69 - Winter 2017: Climate Change - Download (1.4 MB)

Issue 68 - Summer 2017: Connecting Nature and Community - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 67 - Spring 2016: 30 Years of Landcare! - Download (2.7 MB)

Issue 66 - Autumn 2016: Invasive Plants and Animals - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 65 - Spring/Summer 2015: 2015 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 64 - Winter 2015: Urban Landcare - Download (1.9 MB)

Issue 63 - Autumn 2015: Aboriginal Landcare and the Arts - Download (2.2 MB)

Issue 62 - Summer 2014/15: Landcare and Technology - Download (2.1 MB)

Issue 61 - Winter 2014: Young Landcare - Download (1.9 MB)

Issue 60 - Autumn 2014: Landcare Support - Download (2.2 MB)

Issue 59 - Spring/Summer 2013: 2013 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (2.1 MB)

Issue 58 - Winter 2013: Sustainable Farming - Download (2.1 MB)

Issue 57 - Autumn 2013: Revegetation - Download (1.9 MB)

Issue 56 - Spring/Summer 2012: International Landcare - Download (1.8 MB)

Issue 55 - Winter 2012: Recruiting Volunteers - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 54 - Autumn 2012: Invasive Plants and Animals - Download (1.8 MB)

Issue 53 - Spring/Summer 2011: 2011 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (2.6 MB)

Issue 52 - Winter 2011: Sustainability - Download (1.8 MB)

Issue 51 - Autumn 2011: Managing Water - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 50 - Summer 2010: Biolinks and Biodiversity - Download (2.3 MB)

Issue 49 - Winter 2010: Fire Recovery - Download (2 MB)

Issue 48 - Autumn 2010: Soil and Carbon - Download (1 MB)

Issue 47 - Spring/Summer 2009: 2009 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (1.2 MB)

Issue 46 - Winter 2009: Planning for changing times - Download (1017 KB)

Issue 45 - Autumn 2009: Landcare Planning - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 44 - Spring 2008: Future Landcare - Download (3.6 MB)

Issue 43 - Winter 2008: Climate Change - Download (3.4 MB)

Issue 42 - Autumn 2008: Soil Health - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 41 - Spring 2007: 2007 Victorian Landcare Awards - Download (2.9 MB)

Issue 40 - Winter 2007: Landcare's Changing Audience - Download (3.6 MB)

Issue 39 - Autumn 2007: Weeds - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 38 - Summer 2006: Water - Download (1.7 MB)

Issue 37 - Winter 2006 - Download (933 KB)

Issue 36 - Autumn 2006 - Download (1.2 MB)

Issue 35 - Summer 2005 - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 34 - Autumn 2005 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 33 - Summer 2005 - Download (4.5 MB)

Issue 32 - Spring 2004 - Download (1.4 MB)

Issue 31 - Winter 2004 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 30 - Autumn 2004 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 29 - Spring 2003 - Download (972 KB)

Issue 28 - Winter 2003 - Download (998 KB)

Issue 27 - Autumn 2003 - Download (974 KB)

Issue 26 - Summer 2002 - Download (981 KB)

Issue 25 - Spring 2002 - Download (822 KB)

Issue 24 - Winter 2002 - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 23 - Autumn 2002 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 22 - Summer 2001 - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 21 - Spring 2001 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 20 - Winter 2001 - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 19 - Autumn 2001 - Download (1.4 MB)

Issue 18 - Summer 2000 - Download (1.4 MB)

Issue 17 - Spring 2000 - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 16 - Winter 2000 - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 15 - Autumn 2000 - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 14 - Summer 1999 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 13 - Spring 1999 - Download (1.2 MB)

Issue 12 - Winter 1999 - Download (1.1 MB)

Issue 11 - Autumn 1999 - Download (1.6 MB)

Issue 10 - Summer 1998 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 9 - Spring 1998 - Download (2.2 MB)

Issue 8 - Winter 1998 - Download (2.3 MB)

Issue 7 - Autumn 1998 - Download (1.5 MB)

Issue 6 - Summer 1997 - Download (1.3 MB)

Issue 5 - Spring 1997 - Download (109 KB)

Issue 4 - Winter 1997 - Download (117 KB)

Issue 3 - Autumn 1997 - Download (123 KB)

Issue 2 - Summer 1996 - Download (106 KB)

Issue 1 - Spring 1996 - Download (12 MB)