See every project across the entire Landcare community.
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Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Indian Mynas are a feral bird specie in Australia.
Rutherglen Landcare Group
Over the past 25 years our group has established more than 330 ha of revegetation and protected many hectares of...
Rutherglen Landcare Group
Commercial Olive Plantations are part of the agricultural sector in north-east Victoria producing a variety of edible fruit and styles...
Rutherglen Landcare Group
In conjunction with the Australian Platypus Conservancy and Corowa Landcare Group, Rutherglen Landcare has conducted a Platypus Survey along areas...
Maffra and Districts Landcare Network
Woorndoo Chatswood Landcare Group
Kinglake Landcare Group
Boxes for Birds is a Kinglake community nest box project, in partnership with Birdlife Australia.
Kinglake Landcare Group
This project seeks to provide local residents with essential skills for rural living across a range of topics including: •...
Upper Plenty Merri Catchments Landcare Group
Members of UPMCLG have been working towards restoring a part of Dry Creek along the Wallan-Whittlesea Road.
Blairgowrie Friends of Mornington Peninsula National Park
Hidden Valley Environment Sub-committee
Members of the Hidden Valley Environment Sub-group recently visited a significant patch of bushland in Hidden Valley to look for...
Hidden Valley Environment Sub-committee
Members of the Hidden Valley Environment Sub-group and the local community gathered on Clean up Australia Day in March and...
Upper Plenty Merri Catchments Landcare Group
Members of UPMC, Friends of Merri Creek and the Wollert Community Farm had a great day at UPMC's recent nest...
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
Plants and our planet need insects. In 2020 we started researching this topic and growing some useful plants .
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Goulburn Valley Tree Group
The Goulburn Valley Tree group has a native plant nursery at 4-6 Kerford St Tatura, which sells about 40,000 plants...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
The objective of this project is to reduce the impact of foxes and feral cats on biodiversity and stock/agriculture assets...
Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group
Newham and District Landcare Group
The Roadside Management sub-group of NDLG meets bi-monthly.
Newham and District Landcare Group
The Campaspe-Maribyrnong headwaters biolink refers to a network of native vegetation linking Cobaw State Forest and Macedon Regional Park.
Springsure Hill Landcare Group
Aims of the Seedbank To provide a Seedbank in the West Gippsland region for the use and benefit of the...
Muckatah Landcare Group
The Muckatah and District Landcare Group are committed to protecting and restoring our natural environment.
Yea High School Junior Landcare Group
Yea High School Landcare activities. Over two days this week students from Yea High School worked with UGLN Landcare Facilitator...
Milawa-Markwood-Oxley Landcare Group
Supplied and assisted students to plant 200 seedlings on a block adjacent to the school.
Our Lady of the Way Primary School Junior Landcare
Students from the Our Lady of the Way Primary School recently built 10 nesting boxes for wildlife.
Upper Plenty Merri Catchments Landcare Group
Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group
Find out more about current projects at
Nangana Landcare Network
The project that brought the member groups of Nangana Landcare Network together and continues to inform our direction is the...
Johns Hill Landcare Group
Due to the endangered conservation status of Emerald Starbush and with exceptionally low numbers of plants in the wild, it...
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
Yinnar, Yinnar South Landcare group is planting a forest in the Billy's Creek Valley in Jeeralang, Victoria.
Longlea and District Landcare Group
Adopt a Roadside program aims to reduce litter on Victoria’s roadsides to stop pollutants from entering local waterways, improves the...
Longlea and District Landcare Group
The North Central Waterwatch Program aims to increase the knowledge and skills of community, to help them become custodians of...
South Gippsland Landcare Network
Visit the SGLN website to learn more about our Landcare groups and how to join them.
Ullina Landcare Group
Ullina Landcare Group manage the Glengower reserve which is 8.5 Ha with the agreement of DELWP who liaise with the...
Wooragee Landcare Group
What was once a pile of rubbish and weeds his being transformed into a lovely picnic area that highlights our...
Mount Alexander region Intrepid Landcare
Here it is - our ‘Mt Alexander region Intrepid Landcare 2022 calendar’! Keep an eye out for exact dates closer...
Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group
Merri Creek Management Committee
The Merri Creek Management Committee’s Upper Merri Landcare Facilitator supports Landcare and environmental volunteer groups/networks in the Upper Merri and...
Wallan Environment Group Inc.
A hidden natural gem has been re-discovered by members of the Wallan Environment Group in the far upper reaches of...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Weeds are quietly infiltrating our neighbourhoods, threatening biodiversity and impacting everyday life - bindi's are a perfect example causing repeated...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
110 groups participate in Keep Victoria Beautiful's Adopt A Roadside program.
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
This has been our major on-ground project since 2010 with many project sites along the Bendigo Creek between Howard St...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
The North Central Waterwatch Program aims to increase the knowledge and skills of community, to help them become custodians of...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Sightings of sugar gliders at a Huntly Bush Kinder session were the inspiration for this project - a perfect example...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
As a peri-urban Landcare Group in a rapidly developing area, we are concerned at the loss of remnant vegetation and...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
In 2016, the VNPA undertook the Bendigo Bushland Ambassadors Project and collaborated with groups like ours with the aim of...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Each year we try to hold a Clean Up Australia Day event.
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Connecting kids with nature is a very strong focus of our group.
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Trees for Mum is a free national event inviting children of all ages to celebrate their mum and the beauty...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Whirrakee Wattle (Acacia williamsonii) is virtually endemic to the Bendigo region, growing in very few locations other than the Whipstick,...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
Each year we run a National Tree Day planting event and encourage community action to help revegetate and enhance a...
Northern Bendigo Landcare Group
In 2016, Huntly Fire Brigade were very fortunate to have a long-awaited new station built.
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
Strzelecki Koalas are unique. We know what they eat.
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
Providing incentives for the control of pest plants on properties is a long-standing role provided by the UGLN.
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group, with support from Wettenhall Environmental Trust, is introducing Conservation Corners; an innovative way to re-establish...
South West Woody Weed Action Team
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
Our group members have been collecting local seed and growing it on to plant along upper Middle Creek in Yinnar South.
Nelson Coastcare
Nelson Coastcare aims to maintain and improve the ecological values that made the area worthy of listing.
Goulburn Valley Tree Group
Portland Coastal Cliffs Inc.
Over the past two years the group have been successfully purging the spurge from the sand dune on the main beach.
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
Budgeree Bushland Reserve is at the corner of Whitelaws Track and The Mill Road in Yinnar South.
Deep Creek Landcare Group (covering Lancefield, Romsey & Monegeetta)
Deep Creek Landcare Group (covering Lancefield, Romsey & Monegeetta)
Doggett’s Bridge is a site that the Deep Creek Landcare Group has been working on since the group’s beginning.
Deep Creek Landcare Group (covering Lancefield, Romsey & Monegeetta)
The Deep Creek Landcare group has been a regular feature at the Lancefield show and also at the Lancefield Megafauna festival.
Deep Creek Landcare Group (covering Lancefield, Romsey & Monegeetta)
Sheehan’s Crossing Streamside Reserve (alternately known as Buckley’s Crossing Crown Allotment 50a) is located on the edge of the Volcanic...
Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group
The BDPO own and hire-out a range of equipment to members.
Friends of Cape Nelson Landcare
A variety of funding sources has contributed to a major restoration of the Glenelg Council's Picnic Hill Reserve through extensive...
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
This was the first project our newly invigorated group undertook in 2007.
Warrnambool Field Naturalists
This project will help us determine the plants, mammals, birds, invertebrates and reptiles that inhabit this remnant bush property.
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
Loss of wild trees & shrubs from SW Victoria has been happening long since the Koroit to Hamilton Railway line...
Western Port Intrepid Landcare Group
Working with the Friends of Mount Cannibal to remove Sweet Pittosporum on the slopes of Mount Cannibal Flora & Fauna...
Westernport Swamp Landcare Group
Members have restored the Lang Lang Primary School Arboretum as a special native reserve for students and the public where...
Merricks Coolart Landcare Group
Landcare Victoria Inc.
As part of the 30 years celebrations, the committee decided to create an archive of Landcare Voices.
Connecting Country Network
Visit our website to learn about our current and past projects:
Gunbower Landcare Group
Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network
Andersons Creek Landcare Group
To subscribe to our newsletter just email Fritz at
Maude and District Landcare Group
We continue to be vigilant in identifying and removing Serrated Tussock plants throughout the district.
Maldon Urban Landcare Group
MULGA obtained grants between 1993 and 2006 to establish 11 small fenced exclosures in parts of the Maldon Historic Reserve,...
Andersons Creek Landcare Group
This roadside reserve is a declared Significant Roadside. The wildflower display in spring is spectacular.
Andersons Creek Landcare Group
Andersons Creek Landcare holds regular working bees at 10am on Wednesdays, weeding and planting along the banks of the...
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
Our network is always up to something - but with multiple projects on the go at any one time its...
Yinnar-Yinnar South Landcare Group
The Growling Grass Frog (Litoria raniformis) hasn't been identified in Yinnar / Yinnar South for many years.
Napoleons Enfield Landcare Group
Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network
A biolink project of the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network funded by the Natural Resources Conservation League of Victoria Linking the...
Nerrena Tarwin Valley Landcare Group
The Black Spur Creek Wetland (BSCW) Project area is 100 acres of public land, once railway reserve, that lies between...
Kara Kara Conservation Management Network
The Kara Kara CMN is based in St Arnaud in north-central Victoria, an ecologically-diverse region containing sizeable tracts of remnant...
Kara Kara Conservation Management Network
Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network
Resource for landholders, information, sustainable land use The Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network is currently developing a "Small Rural Property Guide"...
Mt Worth and District Landcare Group Inc
Protection of waterways is a key aspect to ensuring sustainable agriculture.
Mt Worth and District Landcare Group Inc
Within the Landcare group, there are different types of Landcare activities available to members.
Mt Worth and District Landcare Group Inc
WEED MANAGEMENT IS EVERYONES BUSINESS In a community survey in 2013, weeds were identified to be one of the most significant...
Mt Worth and District Landcare Group Inc
Seaview Mechanics Institute In 2012, Landcare members and Seaview Mechanics Institute members worked to establish a small Indigenous community garden...
Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network
The 11 Landcare groups of the Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network have developed a biolinks plan based upon vegetation quality analysis...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
Melbourne Water is currently in the process of divesting a number of properties that it owns in Christmas Hills that...
First Friends of Dandenong Creek
Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network
In 2011, the Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network was successful in securing Victorian Government funding (until June 2015), through the Victorian...
Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare Group
Over the coming 12 months, a group of local community members will work on reducing invasive plants and animals, removing...
Gippsland Intrepid Landcare
We're going to help map willows for the CMA so they can manage them at a later date.
Middle Yarra Landcare Network
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
Raise funds for us just by SHOPPING & SAVING Shop with hundreds of famous retailers who provide DEALS and...
Wooragee Landcare Group
Wooragee Landcare were fortunate to receive a grant under the Wettenhall Small Environmental Grant scheme.
Mount Elephant Community Management
Main Creek Catchment Landcare Group
The Main Creek Catchment Landcare Group is working with local properties to establish a major biolink to enable native species...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
The Christmas Hills Landcare Group is running a project to enable local people to detect the presence of different native...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
This is an ongoing project that continues to seek funding to help landholders manage environmental woody weeds on their properties.
Kinglake Scouts Junior Landcare Group
Thanks to funding provided by the GBCMA the Kinglake Scouts Junior Landcare Group visited the Healesville Sanctuary.
Kinglake Scouts Junior Landcare Group
The Kinglake Scouts recently helped to build and paint another 14 nest-boxes.
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
Community Environmental Recovery Action Plan Project (CERAP) Nillumbik Shire Council's Natural Environment Recovery Working group received funding from the Victorian...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
In 2015 the Christmas Hills Landcare Group secured funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme via a 2014-15 PPWCMA...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
The Christmas Hills Landcare Group engaged the services of Dr Dean Rouse to search for 11 target orchid species on...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
Firescape is a pilot CFA program which aims to facilitate planned ecological burning on private land.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
"Learning from our Elders - Recording the environmental history of the Kiewa Valley".
Friends of the Mitta
The Mitta Mitta is the most popular whitewater river in Australia, with school groups doing multi-day journeys, commercial rafting, and...
Friends of the Mitta
Burke Rd Billabong Committee of Management Inc
The Burke Road Billabong Reserve is approximately 10 hectares of Crown land within the Municipality of Boroondara.
Mitta to Murray Landcare Network
The Mitta to Murray Landcare Network (M2MLN) established the community driven Mitta to Murray Blackberry Action Group (M2MBAG) for Collective...
Mitta Valley Landcare Group
The Mitta Valley Landcare Group is active member of this community driven Blackberry Action Group for Collective Action to Manage...
Bryants Gap Landcare Group
Wises Creek-Talgarno Landcare Group
The Wises Creek Talgarno Landcare Group is active member of this community driven Blackberry Action Group for Collective Action to...
Jarrahmond Landcare Group
Jarrahmond Landcare Group takes pride in maintaining the Jarrahmond Avenue of Honour in partnership with the RSL and the Jarrahmond...
Jarrahmond Landcare Group
The Birds of Jarrahmond project compiled a list of the local birds and a brochure of photos.
Benambra Dinner Plain Omeo Landcare Group
A display board with visual and text descriptions of weed species in the Alpine Region is proposed for the Dinner...
Middle Yarra Landcare Network
Cleaning up alongside Gold Memorial Road (rubbish and weeds) and planting indigenous grasses and shrubs.
Glenaroua Land Management Group
Once again GLMG will be catering for the Broadford Community
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
The activities of the secretive Latham’s or Japanese Snipe at a newly recorded feeding location in Moyne Shire have been...
Blampied Kooroocheang Landcare Group
Seven diverse environmental and agricultural projects in local communities around the Goldfields region will benefit from close to $180,000 in...
Corangamite Landcare Program
It is with great pride that we launch the Faces of Landcare publication marking 30 years of Landcare in Corangamite.
Sheepwash Creek Landcare Group
NE Dung Beetle Project
This project aimed to increase landholders' knowledge and use of improved management practices to improve soil health and reduce water...
Friends of Kororoit Creek
Ravenswood Valley Landcare Group
Rabbit management in the Ravenswood Valley In July 2014, in response to the increasing prevalence of rabbits in the Ravenswood...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
Stawell Urban Landcare Group has successfully applied for grant funding over the years, and has engaged Project Platypus, to have...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
Keep Victoria Beautiful Adopt a Roadside program aims to reduce litter on Victoria’s roadsides to stop pollutants from entering local...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
Nesting boxes were made by Stawell Secondary College students and installed in the Box/Ironbark forests at Deep Lead to create...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
This project is organised to inspire locals to create food producing home gardens and involves a range of workshops and...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
The Ironbarks Walks are held annually to educate local primary school children about the trees and flowers they see and...
Stawell Urban Landcare Group
This is a Stawell Urban Landcare project with a walking track from Federation Park to Stawell Racecourse and has become...
Yarram Yarram Landcare Network
The Yarram Yarram Landcare Network Coastal Saltmarsh Protection Project has protected 700ha of saltmarsh since 2009.
Berriwillock Landcare Group
Waitchie Landcare Group
Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group
Surverys are being planned to identify deer numbers and behaviours to estimate their impact on new plantings Survey of Zierra...
Friends of Campbells Creek
Baranduda Landcare Group
BLC has received funding under the revised Second Generation funding program (Caring for Country) to carry out works designed to...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Links to websites that are relevant to Baranduda Landcare and its activities Links to other websites of interest
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project documents the implementation of a Volunteer Action project funding received in 2010 which focuses on activities designed to...
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project presents information and documents activities related to the threatened flora of Baranduda range Threatened plants survey September 21...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Photos, descriptions and observations regarding social activities including the annual "Up the Duda" celebration and "Feral Feast" typically the last...
Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group
Blackberry, ragwort and Bridal Creeper, attacked with sprays, biological controls or manual labour.
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project focuses on the 2km Wodonga - Yackandandah roadside walking track and reserve Baranduda Landcare in conjunction with Baranduda...
Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group
Where owners see the need to replant the native vegetation - rainforest, Swamp scrub or limestone Box forest we work...
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project contains pdf files of previous years calendar of activities Documents summarising events of Baranduda landcare from 2005 to...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Baranduda Landcare Group
Nestbox project Baranduda Landcare has constructed and installed more than 250 nestboxes over the last 5 years aimed at providing...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Promotional or educational videos created by Baranduda Landcare Movies Of Baranduda Landcare This movie was created with funding received via...
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project relates to a proposal to develop a mountain bike trail in the Parklands Albury Wodonga managed area of...
Lismore Land Protection Group
CCMA funding enabled the fencing and re-vegetatation of a 5km stretch of the Woady Yaloak River which included an area...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Understanding the soil type you are working with is an important aspect of land management.
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project focuses on the flora of the Baranduda district Flora photo album A recommended reference is the Wodonga Retained...
Lismore Land Protection Group
To assist landholders in understanding the destructive potential of serrated tussock, and help in its identification, the Lismore Land Protection...
Baranduda Landcare Group
This project focuses on the fauna of the Baranduda district Fauna List Partially hollow dependent fauna Threatened fauna Totally Hollow...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Lismore and Derrinallum primary schools recently enjoyed a day at Tower Hill.
Lismore Land Protection Group
Lismore Landcare Protection Groups area is fortunate enough to include several wetlands and habitats of high significance to the Victorian...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Houses all documents relating to BLC's successful bid for funding announced in April 2012 providing for funds over a 4...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Lismore Land Protection Group secured funding of $50,000 per year for 3 years to help fund their Landcare Facilitators positions.
Baranduda Landcare Group
Steering committee meeting Baranduda Landcare was part of a successful bid by the consortium of groups including Friends of Willow...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Lismore Land Protection Group
Weerite Landcare Group will engage landholders to undertake a perennial pasture establishment program.
Baranduda Landcare Group
Design of a logo for Baranduda landcare Baranduda Landcare's official logo was created by Leon Walsh in Dec 2004 building...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This 2011 / 2012 Caring for Our Country Community Action Grant project involves the establishment of biodiversity corridors using indigenous...
Baranduda Landcare Group
Birdscaping your garden - annual Baranduda Landcare activity No matter how small your yard, with some imagination & appropriate plant...
Lismore Land Protection Group
The Weerite Landcare Group area is located within the Pomborneit-Weerite fire affected area in the 2009 bushfires.
Baranduda Landcare Group
Documents and photos relating to bike path development for Baranduda The establishment of a bicycle path into Wodonga from Baranduda...
Lismore Land Protection Group
During 2010 tributaries of RAMSAR listed wetlands (including Lake Corangamite) will be fenced and protected through a Lismore Land Protection...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This 2011 / 2012 Caring for Our Country Community Action Grant project aims to protect and enhance native habitat in...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This Victorian Government funded Second Generation Landcare Grant project aims to engage landholders during 2010 - 2011 in a pest...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This is a 2010 / 2011 Victorian Government funded Second Generation Landcare Grant to engage landholders in a pest plant...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This project builds on a previous trial undertaken in the Lismore district to compare biological farming with conventional district practice...
Lismore Land Protection Group
LLPG in partnership with DPI will soon be collecting soil core samples from 8 different soil types from within the...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This action plan outlines the priorities of the network for the next five years.
Lismore Land Protection Group
Landcare projects that have been undertaken in the Lismore area include: Waterways Fencing and revegetating waterways have been a key...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Over the next 3 years from July 2009 the Lismore Land Protection Group will be delivering a range of workshops...
Lismore Land Protection Group
During 2010 the Lismore Land Protection Group will be assisting landholders with the establishment of perennial pastures and multi-purpose wide...
Lismore Land Protection Group
'Breaking new ground with biological farming' By MONA TIMMS A GROUP of 22 farmers in the Lismore area are involved...
Lismore Land Protection Group
The Corangamite Shire has the funded a Lismore Land Protection Group project aimed at mapping, collecting seed and propagating Lightwood...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Waterway fenced and revegetated at Lismore with assistance from Bundy Bush Fund and Lismore Angling Club volunteers Bundaberg Rum, the...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
A selection of videos captured during 2015 of fauna on private properties in Christmas Hills Echidna cooling off - Jan...
Lismore Land Protection Group
Over the 2012/13 year Lismore Land Protection Group members planted 34,000 trees across the landscape to provide habitat for wildlife...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
A selection of videos captured during 2013 of fauna on private properties in Christmas Hills Common Dunnart - 18.1.14 -...
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Please note that the projects run by the East Gippsland Landcare Network are constantly changing, if you are interested in...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
A selection of videos captured during 2013 of fauna on private properties in Christmas Hills Agile Antechinus - 17.2.13 -...
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Since forming, Gorse Control has been of ongoing concern to the group.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quiksilver Foundation sponsored the day's planting and this enabled Quiksilver staff to work alongside members of Torquay Landcare and Angair.
Bellarine Landcare Group
Produces up to 50,000 local provenance indigenous seedlings per year for Landcare members.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quiksilver continues to sponsor Torquay Landcare's Revegetation projects.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Interacting through a workshop turned out to be a great day for adults and children to learn together.
Upper Murray Landcare Network
This group formed in March 2005 in response to community concerns on the impacts of blackberry in the upper murray area.
Christmas Hills Landcare Group
A project to enable the Christmas Hills Landcare Group to take a strategic approach to managing the threat to our...
Waitchie Landcare Group
In Dec 2007 The Waitchie Landcare Group conducted a Rabbit Ripping Program.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Thanks to the Second Generation Landcare Grant (SGLG1011) Torquay Landcare Group is able to help landholders who have a rabbit...
Waitchie Landcare Group
Rob and Jenny Stewart planted trees and Old Man Saltbush at their Waitchie property.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Good planning and community involvement and cooperation, can produce good control of rabbits not possible if rabbit control is done...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Sally Cunningham from the department of environment and primary industries will be demonstrating Visual Soil Assessment.
Ovens Landcare Network
A starting point for all information and resources on sustainability issues in a rural environment.
Waitchie Landcare Group
In June 2009 Greg Whitla has fenced an area of 3ha at his Waitchie property and planted, guarded and watered...
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Torquay Landcare Group farmers visit experimental sites of the Woady Yaloak Catchment where alternative sources of nutrients are being trialled...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
This large project involved our group members, Nick and Katie Dopheide and the Management Committee of the Rail Reserve at...
Ovens Landcare Network
This is a National Landcare Program funded project in conjunction with North East Greenhouse Alliance, to provide a series of...
Ultima Landcare Group
In August 2008 The Ultima Landcare Group conducted a Rabbit Ripping Program.
Waitchie Landcare Group
In June 2009 Greg Whitla fenced 134ha of Mallee vegetation with the help of Lee Kerr, Tim Lenton, Joe Kelly...
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Walk & Talk to witness 'Change in Our time'.
Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group
YVELG electric fence video on YouTube with Dougy, Dermie and Humans ...
Mt Toolebewong & District Landcare Group
Planting morning at Badger Creek. Join community members and the Mt Toolebewong & District Landcare Group to revegetate this lovely...
Ovens Landcare Network
The Ovens Landcare Network has been managing and coordinating a range of Soil Health projects in association with member groups.
Waitchie Landcare Group
In June 2009 Greg Hinton has fenced 11 ha of Mallee vegetation with the help of Lee Kerr, Tim Lenton,...
Ultima Landcare Group
In June 2009 Ian Grey fenced an area of 3ha at his Ultima property and planted, guarded and watered 500...
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Conservation Volunteers Australia work at Red Rocks by the Great Ocean Road, Victoria, Australia.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
National Tree Day was held on 22nd September 2013 at Park Hill. A tributary to the Wannon River was planted.
Ovens Landcare Network
Downloadable PDFs of all 2010-2011 Soil Health Newsletters This is a repository for the Soil Health Newsletter published throughout 2010...
Wises Creek-Talgarno Landcare Group
Our Landcare Group regularly calls for Expressions of Interest in sustainable agriculture activities from all members of the community.
Ultima Landcare Group
Boxthorn & Cactus get the treatment at Ultima Landcare groups tackle Boxthorn & Cactus in the Mallee The Nyah...
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quiksilver, in collaboration with Torquay LandCare, will be holding their 7th Annual Revegetation Day on Friday 19th September 2014.
Sheepwash Creek Landcare Group (Mornington Peninsula)
We will visit the area where the Green Army have been working and continue with our weeding program.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Hamilton to coleraine railway Landcare consortium will be holding a National tree day event in September.
Ultima Landcare Group
In June 2009 Damien O'brien has fenced an area of 4 ha to protect Mallee vegetation.
Waitchie Landcare Group
The Waitchie Landcare Group have completed their 2009 Second Generation Landcare Rabbit Ripping project.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Improve understorey diversity and health through revegetation.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Hamilton Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group invites you to attend the Mt.Koroite Wetland Field Day at Paul & Megan Moulds...
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network
The Middle Island Project's objective is to protect and increase a threatened colony of Little Penguins.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Reserve revegetation project in an area containing endangered species and site of historical interest Larcombes Road Nature Reserve is...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Information about workshops and field days that the Panyyabyr Landcare Group has held.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Mt.Koroite erosion project near Coleraine adjoining the Rail Reserve involved members of our Landcare group, Alex and Topsy Baulch and...
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
Work has commenced on three trial sites at Upper Gundowring.
Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group
The day was attended by over 200 people. It was a great success.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quiksilver, in collaboration with Torquay LandCare Group held their annual Revegetation Day last Friday (16/9/2013): the focus was the Spring Creek.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The 2010 Landcare Project called McKinnon Creek Crossing involving our landcare members Geoff and Penelope Slocombe, in consultation with the...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
This project was supported by the Second Generation Landcare Grant 2008 - 2009.
Laharum Landcare Group
Mt Worth and District Landcare Group Inc
Landcare is looking at different ways to offer skill development opportunities for members around farming or conservation practice.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
We have received funding to assist Landcare members with revegetation works (planting of native species).
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network has several revegetation projects underway and planned: * Reveg The Flume (a long term project that...
Nyah West Landcare Group
The Yarraby reserve has had a clean up and new fence installed to improve this lovely bushland reserve.
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quiksilver proudly sponsor the revegetation day at the Anglesea dunes.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The aim of this project was to develop a local area action plan of community based research into the location...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Second Generation Landcare Grant 2010-2011 The Panyyabyr Landcare Group was formed in 1994.
Nyah West Landcare Group
2000 Native trees were planted and guarded on the 1st of November 2008, at Kevin & Ros Obyans Pheasant Farm...
Torquay & District Landcare Group
Quicksilver is Torquay Landcare's sponsor, so for the fourth year Quiksilver staff joined community volunteers in a big revegetation project...
Mt Toolebewong & District Landcare Group
Three traps are available for members' use to trap Indian Mynas on their property.
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
Watershed 2000 covering the area from Caramut north to Chatsworth, then east to Woorndoo and south to Ballengeich - covering...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) funded a community bus trip to view the Kurranulla Erosion Control Project directed...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
This project was supported by the Second Generation Landcare Grant 2009 - 2010. The Panyyabyr Landcare Group was formed in 1994.
Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group
Enter your best photo of a significant or important tree in Wangaratta and win! Read more about it: ...
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
The nursery is situated at Running Creek, and specialises in growing native plants that are indigenous to our area.
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network has recently secured funding from the previous Federal Government’s Community Environment Grants to protect paddock trees.
Manangatang Landcare Group
Nyah West Landcare Group
700 trees planted and guarded at Gil Jones property.
Sunday Creek-Dry Creek Landcare Group
Erosion and the siltation of waterways and dams is a real issue post fire.
Mt Toolebewong & District Landcare Group
Several members have taken advantage of Melbourne Water grants to revegetate their stream frontage to Boggy Creek.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The Group AGM will be held on Tuesday 15th March 2016 at 204 Balkin Rd. Hamilton at 7p.m.
Gazette Land Action Group
The Yatmerone Wildlife Reserve is situated on the eastern perimeter of the Penshurst township and is approximately 13Ha of crown land.
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Timeline of Panyyabyr Landcare Group Activities 1993 to 2011. 1993 Pannyyabr Landcare Group formed 24 March 1993.
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
The AGM was held the evening Monday 17th September 2015. It was well attended by 12 members.
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
In early October 2013 the Basalt to Bay Landcare Network with support from the St Helens Landcare Group and the...
Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group
There are a number of significant trees in the urban area of Wangaratta, so to help us to recognize and...
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
This is a project of Kergunyah Landcare Group. The wetlands is situated 1km from Kergunyah reserve.
Manangatang Landcare Group
) KEY PROJECT OBJECTIVES (SHORT TERM) Ø Restructure (through planting and direct seeding) 1,500 Ha of now unprofitable croplands...
Nyah West Landcare Group
During July 2009 the Nyah West Landcare Group have completed a rabbit ripping program, funded through a Second Generation...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The Hamilton to Coleraine Landcare Consortium invites it’s membersand the community to participate in the National Tree Day Hosts: Kate...
Gecko CLaN
The Granite Creek's rabbit control project is open to all landholders of the Landcare groups within the Granite Creeks area,...
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
This is a joint River Health Works project between Lower Tambo Landcare & East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority to reduce...
Nicholson River Landcare Group
Revegetation of degraded creek front on Salt Creek, and Butchers Creek, Nicholson is being carried out by a number...
Mt Toolebewong & District Landcare Group
We have now completed stage 2 of our project, which included a Landcare for Singles event in May this year.
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Victorian Landcare Grant 2011 - 2012. The Panyyabyr Landcare Group was formed in 1994.
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
Roger & Jackie Brown, who have a property approx 8km south of Hamilton, have been successful in receiving assistance from...
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network in 2011 intitated a trial to see how people with diability or social inclusion barriers...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Gazette Land Action Group
James and Lucie Peddie have been sucessful in receiving assistance through the 2013 Victorian Landcare grant to create a biodiveristy...
Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group
Helen & Peter Curtis from the Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group have now published 'Floodplain Woodland Plants of North East Victoria:...
Bethanga Landcare Group
The Bethanga Creek is a tributary of the Murray River (Lake Hume).
NE Dung Beetle Project
This section contains reports, summaries and publications from other Dung Beetle projects that may be of interest.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups have received Federal funding to investigate the Indigenous Use of Fire and how this can be...
Nyah West Landcare Group
In May 2008, The Nyah West Landcare Group planted 4000 native trees. The tree plantings were conducted at 2 Sites.
Castlemaine Landcare Group
Castlemaine Landcare Group has received funding from the Mount Alexander Shire Community Grants program to restore the area known as...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
The fires of Black Saturday, 7th Feb. 2009, devastated large parts of our region.
Manangatang Landcare Group
Keith and Leslie dawes have protected a 300ha remnant consisting of areas of Mallee, Pine ridges open grassland and a...
Waitchie Landcare Group
Tree Planting Guide / “Deep Ripping”. by Malcolm Thompson 50364828.
Delatite Landcare Group
As a service to members who participate in the Mapping Project an individually tailored printed report is available.
Gecko CLaN
The food for soils Project is a set trials measuring the effectivness of different alternative fertilisers commercially available to producers.
Maude and District Landcare Group
Bellarine Catchment Network
The 2002-2007 Swan Bay Catchment Action Plan documents
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
This project is located on the NW side of the Tambo River under the Swan Reach bridge.
Nicholson River Landcare Group
The East Gippsland Rail Trail crosses the Nicholson River on a timber trestle bridge.
Far East Victoria Landcare Network
Newsletters of the Far East Landcare Network in 2010 February 2010 April 2010 June 2010 August 2010 December 2010
Middle Yarra Landcare Network
Creating a wildlife corridor connecting three properties to enhance wildlife movements from State Park to State Park for phasgogales, possums,...
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
The Pierrepoint group has been dedicated to combating the highly invasive environmental and agricultural weed, the Serrated Tussock.
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
The Green Line runs 37 km between Koroit and Minhamite - is on average 30 m wide with sections up...
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The group holds two meetings per year combined with a social BBQ and guest speaker.
Gazette Land Action Group
The Gazette Land Action Group's vision is to increase the number of wildlife corridors on privately owned properties to link...
Wonyip Landcare Group
Our aim is to extend Quoll corridors from Wonyip, to Wilsons Promontory which will be a major project involving a...
Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group
A riverine bushland restoration project. Kaluna Park is an area of 3.7 ha approximately 300 m from Wangaratta Post Office.
NE Dung Beetle Project
Prior to the North East Dung Beetle Project, Do it with Dung from the Mountains to the Murray, there were...
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
This project ran in 2009-2010 and involved dung beetle releases and monitoring across NE Victoria and Corowa shire in NSW...
Bethanga Landcare Group
Mitta to Murray Blackberry Action Group Re: Collective Action to Manage Blackberries across our CommunityA year ago the Mitta to...
Castlemaine Landcare Group
Restoration of the surroundings of Forest Creek is the major project of Castlemaine Landcare Group.
Waitchie Landcare Group
In November 1999, 600 Native Trees were planted at the Chillingollah Rd Reserve at Woorinen.
Murrayville Landcare Group
Teaching students landcare values is an integral part of education and awareness of landcare issues .
Tarragal Landcare Group
Rick Harris has completed rabbit ripping on a number of local farms. Any farmer interested in having ripping done in...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
Wildlife Recovery Project – Murrindindi Shire This project is investigating how local fauna have been recovering since the 2009 fires.
Birchip Landcare Group
The Birchip Landcare Group conducted a survey of wetland-dependent fauna at 28 sites covering an area around Birchip during the...
Manangatang Landcare Group
Manangatang Landcare group has secured $25,000 from the state SECOND GENERATION LANDCARE GRANTS, for undertaking road side rabbit ripping in 2009.
Delatite Landcare Group
Annually: Collection of locally indigenous seeds (December); seed sowing workshop (January); pricking out working bees (February - March); submission of...
Gecko CLaN
At it's simplest Pasture Cropping is a technique of zero-till sowing annual crops directly into living perennial pastures.
Far East Victoria Landcare Network
Newsletters of the Far East Victoria Landcare network in 2005 January 2005 Newsletter March 2005 Newsletter May 2005 Newsletter
Bellarine Catchment Network
Results of the Ocean Grove Biodiversity project.
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
Wetlands rehabilitation partnership between Lower Tambo Landcare Group & East Gippsland Water with funding from Australian Government Water Fund Community...
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
This project helped to enable volunteer groups who had an interest in nature reserves to access resources to implement improvements.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The Hamilton to Railway Line Landcare Group held their AGM on the 14th August 2013.
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
With funding from Victorian Landcare Grants in 2013, the LCLN ran a small grant program to support on-ground works that...
South Gippsland Landcare Network
Landcare Victorian Number Plates. Use this link to find details
Cowwarr Landcare Group
To re-establish native vegetation and wetland on the riverbank of the Thomson River above the Cowwarr Weir.
Bethanga Landcare Group
Grassy box woodlands is a valuable natural resource in the Bethanga area. This project aims to protect and restore this habitat.
Manangatang Landcare Group
Over the past two years MEEP crews have been injecting patches of cactus throughout the district.
Waitchie Landcare Group
Rabbit warren ripping continues to be an effective contol method.
Maude and District Landcare Group
2016 RABBIT POISONING CAMPAIGN.The campaign will be held on Friday, February 5th, Monday, February 8th and Thursday, February 11th, 2016.
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Bald Hills -Creswick Landcare group no longer involved in project 1852 - Commissioners camp established in Creswick.
Castlemaine Landcare Group
Update on Castlemaine Landcare Group plans for 2014, from Project Coordinator Robin Haylett For the early months of 2014 Castlemaine...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
Water quality and waterway health are a high-priority among landcarers and the broader community.
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
The search is on to find the biggest indigenous tree in the Kiewa Catchment.
Birchip Landcare Group
Removal of one or more banks of channel-fed dams reformed to make a larger gently sloping area to catch rainfall...
Gecko CLaN
Chilean Needle Grass is a highly invasive weed which is having an immense impact on agriculture and biodiveristy in the...
Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group
For several years now our group has been cleaning-up, weeding, planting, erecting signs and constructing a walking path at the...
Wattle Flat Pootilla Landcare Group
Wattle Flat-Pootilla Landcare Group has recently completed our Communities for Nature Grant on the Yarrowee River at the Ditchfield Rd...
Bellarine Catchment Network
Would you like to help grow local native plants? This project contains information on the Community Plant Nurseries.
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
Rabbits are in near plaque proportion along the foreshore reserve area of Tambo Bay causing severe erosion and plant damage.
Red Hill South Landcare Group
The Green Army removed weeds in bushland near the corner of Baynes Road and Point Leo Road at Red Hill...
Steels Creek Landcare Group
Blackberry is a noxious weed that is a major threat to both agricultural production and the natural environment.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
A BBQ and meeting was held to listen to Stuart Wilder speak about Mens health and introduce our new facilitator,...
Gazette Land Action Group
In April 2016, the Gazette Landcare Group hosted a field day for the community to showcase the on ground works...
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group
Work completed by the group to address problems with saline springs Increasing salinity levels in Lake Bolac have been associated...
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
GoodShepherdCollege(GSC) Senior campus on Mt. Napier Rd south of Hamilton offers as part of it’s curriculum a unique agribusiness program. ...
Warragul and District Landcare Group
Report on Rabbit Baiting for Warragul Landcare Group January 2014 Deeper green Summer 2014 baiting program report
Basalt to Bay Landcare Network
In September 2013 part of the Sungold Fieldays Carpark was set aside to showcase direct seeding methods for native shelterbelts.
Boolarra South Landcare Group
This historic site near the centre of Boolarra, has been a focus of the Boolarra South Landcare Group over the...
Cowwarr Landcare Group
To re-establish riparian vegetation on the flood-plain of the Rainbow Creek in the township.
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
The Healthy Soils - Sustainable Farms Program was a rewarding experience for all who took part in it's 2012-2013 iteration.
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group
In partnership with Alpine Shire and others, it is proposed to begin in 2009 a gradual replacement of weeds with...
Kiewa Catchment Landcare Groups Inc.
This project aims to promote soil improvement through the growth of pastures and deep-rooted perennials through the introduction of the earthworm...
Bethanga Landcare Group
The Bethanga local area plan aims to provide the Bethanga Landcare area community with: A summary of the areas environment...
Friends of Campbells Creek
Nyah West Landcare Group
To be held at 324 Campbell st Swan Hill at 9.30 am
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Remnant Vegetation Whilst many of our efforts have been directed towards already degraded land we are careful to maintain an...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
A very successful GB CMA Regional Landcare Awards evening was held in Benalla on Friday 3rd August at Rafferty’s...
Birchip Landcare Group
Birchip Landcare Group and Birchip Lions Club are undertaking a project to develop a wetland system at the Pump Hut...
Manangatang Landcare Group
John Hick’s site on Molyneaux road has been approved to be funding from Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) to fence the...
Delatite Landcare Group
An aspect of the Local Area Plan, the Mapping Project aims to establish an electronic data base mapping Delatite Landcare...
Strathallan Family Landcare Group
Remnant grassland community (Plains Grassland/Plains Grassy Woodland/Gilgai Wetland Mosaic)
Surf Coast & Inland Plains Network
Serrated Tussock: One Years Seeding is Seven Years Weeding! A Noxious Weed of National Significance Serrated Tussock is now one...
Friends of Taylors Park
Following on from the heavy weeding work completed earlier this year by Conservation Volunteers Australia, Green Corps and Torquay...
Friends of Bannockburn Bush
FOBB has an ongoing experimental project initially funded by Parks Victoria, to explore methods of restoring a former nightsoil dumping...
Bellarine Catchment Network
Information about the Bellarine community frog monitoring project, and link to further information
Far East Victoria Landcare Network
In 2009 the far East Community protested against changes to Faclitator funding Human Sign
Jarrahmond Landcare Group
The Linkages project began in 2003 to biolink the Snowy River and the Yalmy State Forest.
Bairnsdale Urban Landcare Group
Sections of the Mitchell River Walk are adopted bu community groups schools and local families and revegetated and maintained.
Bruthen and District Landcare Group
Revegetation of the banks of the Tambo River between the highway and railway bridges at Bruthen and creation of a...
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Indigenous Species Selection Guide This species selection guide has been developed in response to demand by landholders in the East...
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
This is a revegetation/ beautification project around the bus turning circle of the school.
Middle Yarra Landcare Network
A revegetation project has been started at Jumping Creek Road.
Pentland Hills Landcare Group
With the support of its partners, GW and PPWCMA, Melbourne Water and V4WP (through DSE), PHLC aims to rehabilitate 33...
Friends of Native Wildlife Inc
During dry spells, water can be difficult and dangerous for wildlife to access.
Dunns Creek Landcare Group
Weeding along these high priority roadsides is conducted with the broader vision of creating a habitat corridor to Main Creek
Mag Dam Advisory Committee
May 2011. The Committee, with the assistance of members of the Snake Valley community, replacing fenceline.
Pierrepoint Land Protection Group
Upper Hopkins Land Management Group
Victorian Landcare Grant 2011 - 2012.
Hindmarsh Landcare Network
The 2013 Project Hindmarsh Landcare Weekend was a great success and another fantastic year is over now.
Friends of Cape Nelson Landcare
Friends of Cape Nelson Land care /Coastcare Inc no.003227M Sun April 19th 2009@ Murrell’s Picnic Hill @ 3 pm.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Inspection of Erosion sites on the Grangeburn via Balkins Road.
Gazette Land Action Group
The Coolibah property is situated approximately 5km north east of Penshurst.
Springsure Hill Landcare Group
The LandCare Group owns a number of tree planters to make the holes in the soil for tube-stock to be planted.
Warragul and District Landcare Group
Full reports from Rabbit Busters Burke Street Sutton Street and Toorongo Crt
Cowwarr Landcare Group
In tandem with Toogabbie horse-riders, who propose the re-opening of Fox Road between Toongabbie-Cowwarr Road and Mockridge Lane, the Landcare...
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
There is a growing swell of people joining the grassroots effort to reduce Indian Myna Bird numbers in our community.
Maffra and Districts Landcare Network
2011 marked the 25th Anniversary of Landcare in Victoria and as part of this occasion, The Maffra and District Landcare...
Friends of Willow Park
This project was proposed to City of Wodonga and we are working in partnership with them to develop a community-led...
Wooragee Landcare Group
The Wooragee Landcare Group produces a regular newsletter for members and landholders in the group area.
Rutherglen Landcare Group
The Rutherglen Landcare group produces a newsletter for landholders and members in the group area.
Stanley Landcare Group
In conjunction with DSE the Stanley Landcare group is restoring Blue Gum Gully through weed removal, fencing, track restoration and...
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group
A partnership between Upper Kiewa Landcare, local residents and the Alpine Shire Are you tired of looking at the mess...
NE Dung Beetle Project
A simple identification chart for the most common dung beetle species found in our area.
Bethanga Landcare Group
At the height of the 'millennium drought', Bethanga Landcare Group embarked on an ambitious project to assess the Bethanga Creek...
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Winner 1999 State Rivercare Award What is it? This is a project, commenced in 1998, to rehabilitate 10km of streambank...
Friends of Campbells Creek
Lewis Drive precinct restoration project; Resurrection of threatened species along Campbells Creek; Continuing weed control and revegetation work.
Mallee Landcare Group
70,000 Old Man Saltbush and 14,000 native trees were planted through the Mallee Environmental Employment Program within the Mallee Landcare...
Far East Victoria Landcare Network
Focussed on a range of land management techniques that are environmentally sustainable. These include holistic management and regenerative farming techniques.
Ultima Landcare Group
Adam O'brien plants 500 native trees to provide a wildlife haven at his home block at Ultima.
Birchip Landcare Group
Birchip Landcare Group together with Curyo Rabbit Action Group have undertaken a rabbit ripping program in the Curyo and Kinnabulla areas.
Manangatang Landcare Group
Funding has been provided under the BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN to fence a catchment dam at Brian Barrys' property at Cocamba.
Waitchie Landcare Group
Nest Boxes provide a safe and cosy home for Native Birds at Nyah. “Nestboxes in the Mallee” By Malcolm Thompson.
Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group
This project is collating information on the distribution and abundance of all vertebrate species (mammals, birds, reptiles & amphibians) and...
Strath Creek Landcare Group
This project will build links of native vegetation across private land in a fragmented landscape in northern Victoria.
Baranduda Landcare Group
Draft document relating to a local area plan for Baranduda Baranduda Landcare Local Area Plan will be a blue print...
Upper Goulburn Landcare Network
The UGLN encourages and assists Landcare groups to identify their land management priorities and plan resulting activities, or actions.
Home Creek-Spring Creek Landcare Group
Home Creek-Spring Creek are working with Merton Landcare group and have established the Merton-Cathkin Blackberry Action Group (BAG).
Bellarine Catchment Network
The Coastal and Inland Plants of the Bellarine Peninsula has been recently developed by the Bellarine Catchment Network and are...
Far East Victoria Landcare Network
A group of farmers from Far East Gippsland are in the process of commiting to a pilot Better Beef project.
Snowy West Landcare Group
In 2011, a number of interested community members came together to address Landcare associated issues in their area.
Watson Creek Landcare Group
Watson Creek Catchment Group improving the health of Watson Creek and Yaringa Marine National Park through their “Watson Creek Restoration Project”.
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Alinta has kindly sponsored the restoration of a riparian site in Nicholson.
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
This project, on the East Bank of the Tambo River running off Metung Road aims to reduce pest plants and...
Northern Yarra Landcare Network
Landcare Groups in Steels Creek, Dixons Creek and Chum Creek help to co-ordinate volunteers keen to assist landowners in the...
Friends of Native Wildlife Inc
We learn more about what frogs are in Bayside, and how they are coping with the urban environment, through our...
Warrnambool Nature Reserves Society Inc
The Society co-operates with the local and state governments in maintaining a number of reserves.
Project Platypus
Have you seen a Southern Brown Bandicoot? Project Platypus has been intensively surveying the Black Range near Stawell to ascertain...
Gazette Land Action Group
Jeff & Morna Semmens, who have a property approx 19km south of Hamilton, have been successful in receiving assistance from...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
The "Grampians to Grassland" fox control project was supported by Caring for Our Country funding in 2010.
Upper Mount Emu Creek Landcare Network
A section of the creek which runs through public land in central Miners Rest is targetted for restoration.
Wennicott Creek Landcare Group
A second planting area is now protecting Scotchman Creek headwaters on Ian Murphy's property.
Springsure Hill Landcare Group
The LandCare Group owns a trailer with all the equipment needed for the spraying of weeds.
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
The Hamilton Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group held a National Tree Day at Paul & Naomi McKays property where 600...
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Networks Gippsland Red Gum Woodland and Wildlife Project aims to assist landholders to undertake works to protect...
Merriman Creek Landcare Group
Our current project is funded by a Communities for Nature grant.
Friends of Willow Park
This project will develop a landscape design that will increase the native biodiversity of the Pearce Street entrance to Willow Park.
Wooragee Landcare Group
An entertaining and educational short docudrama features the ‘endangered’ Barking Owls of North East Victoria.
Yackandandah Landcare Group
6 local landholders are participating in a perennial pastures trial This project involves 6 landholders who have agreed to plant...
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group
A state govt funded biodiversity initiative led by Jill Dawson This State-funded project will allow for two groups of...
King Basin Landcare Group
NE Dung Beetle Project
Dung beetle articles that can provide information that could be included in Landcare Newsletters
Wedderburn Conservation Management Network
Wedderburn Conservation Management Network News Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Landscape Restoration Project – Project Officer Position Project Officer Position...
Wychitella District Landcare Group
The Weed Management Strategy for the Loddon Shire was developed with an Integrated and a Coordinated approach to weed control.
Friends of Campbells Creek
The draft sign designs Our group has obtained funding to produce the signs that will sit in the information shelters...
Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group
Revegetating a section of the railway track between Castlemaine and Maldon In 2004 the Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group contacted Dean...
Ultima Landcare Group
The Ultima Landcare Group have completed their 2009 Second Generation Landcare Rabbit Ripping project.
Manangatang Landcare Group
Boxthorn is an increasing problem throughout the district.
Murrayville Landcare Group
An ongoing project for the group, pest animal management consists of an annual rabbit ripping campaign for the group, funded...
Nyah West Landcare Group
Environmental weeds get the treatment at Nyah West Landcare groups tackle Boxthorn & Cactus in the Mallee The Nyah...
Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group
The Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group is helping the the Eastern Foreshore Committee with planting of Australian Native Trees, shrubs and...
Birchip Landcare Group
Birchip Landcare Group conducted a project to eradicate cactus in the Kinnabulla and Curyo districts and boxthorn in the Warmur area.
Sheep Pen Creek Land Management Group
4 different site preparation techniques are being trialled at several locations within the Sheep Pen Creek area.
Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group
One leads directly to the other! Poor water and streamside management inevitably leads to catchment degradation.
Sunday Creek-Dry Creek Landcare Group
Ever been baffled by locals directions of “go down Pound Gully, along Luke’s Flat and past Hurst’s Sheds”.
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network
Nomination forms for: - Awards - Reward & Recognition Show & Tell Submissiona
Delatite Landcare Group
Community Action grant – funding of $9 500 for Improving Biodiversity Outcomes in the Delatite Catchment.
Upper Barwon Landcare Network
Activites and events in the Upper Barwon Landcare Network. To view recent magazines go to
Wattle Flat Pootilla Landcare Group
The Wattle Flat-Pootilla Landcare Group is currently working with Hepburn Shire to control Roadside Gorse in Wattle Flat
Weering Eurack Landcare Group
The Weering Eurack Landcare Group currently has some funding through Second Generation Landcare grants for rabbit ripping/harbour removal works.
Weerite Landcare Group
The project aimed to improve groundcover over Autumn and reduce the risk of soil erosion by planting perennial pastures where...
Lismore Land Protection Group
This 2011 / 2012 CCMA Corangamite Landcare Grant project aims to inspect properties in the vicinity of Serrated Tussock infestations...
Elingamite-Cobrico Landcare Group
Elingamite-Cobrico Landcare Group roadside spraying Over the past few years, the main focus of the Elingamite-Cobrico Landcare Group has been...
Jan Juc Coast Action
the project aims to control Gazania within the proposed project site.
Bellarine Catchment Network
Bellarine Landcare Group
Information and reports from the Bellarine Rail Trail project.
Lower Tambo Landcare Group
This plant is a noxious weed in E Gippsland and a small outbreak along Reynolds Rd verge has spread into...
Jarrahmond Landcare Group
The Gunns Creek Restoration Project was the first project embarked upon by Jarrahmond Landcare Group.
Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network
A collection of information including manuals, hand outs and links to other resources for participants of our Property management planning...
East Gippsland Landcare Network
Rabbit control is a common Landcare issue.
Red Hill South Landcare Group
Some observations by an amateur Landcare enthusiast.
Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network
Landcare Facilitator Jacqui Salter and MPLN Secretary Bernie Schedvin have developed a puppet show based on the importance of providing...
Olinda Creek Landcare Group
OCLG has advised and helped restore habitat on this private property.
Friends of Bay Road Heathland Sanctuary
Every second Saturday of the month we meet from 10-12 to manage the rare vegetation. Park in Marshall Avenue, Highett.
Friends of Native Wildlife Inc
Our Batting4Bayside project is all about microbats (the little insect-eating ones you almost never see, not the big fruit bats).
Project Platypus
We’re asking everyone to play a role in the conservation of the iconic platypus.
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Panyyabyr Landcare Group is mapping past protection and revegetation projects in the Panyyabyr Landcare Group map area.
Upper Hopkins Land Management Group
This folder contains information from meetings including agenda, minutes and meeting notes.
Wennicott Creek Landcare Group
Hamilton-Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group
Information to bring landcare members up to date with what is happening in their area.
Gazette Land Action Group
The Gazette Land Action Group developed a reserve park in memory of the group's founding President, Austin Uebergang.
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group
Exclusion of stock from the Fiery Creek YOu can view full details of this project at the CMA site for...
Making a Difference (MAD) for the Merri
In 2012/13, MAD for the Merri has been very fortunate in successfully in securing funding to continue facilitating on ground...
Bushy Creek Catchment Group
Members were encouraged to enter a plantation in the Bushy Creek Catchment's Group tree plantation competition.
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
LCLN is encouraging weed control by offering a discounted price for bulk chemical purchases for Landcare members.
Neerim and District Landcare Group
An easy to use and accurate revegetation planner that is pocket sized and water resistant On Wednesday 29th July 2009...
Yackandandah Landcare Group
Planned activities for the 2009 for Yackandandah Landcare The planned program for 2009 in pdf format (15kb)
Friends of Willow Park
This project will promote urban biodiversity, build links between urban gardens and parks and promote environmentally friendly practices in urban...
Wooragee Landcare Group
The Landcare group manages 3 riparian land sites in the area funded under River Tender.
Upper Murray Landcare Network
The Upper Murray Landcare Network held community events that showcased the region’s diversity of wildlife.
Upper Kiewa Landcare Group
There are 2 Black Sallee trees with weedy understorey.
Springhurst & Byawatha Hills Landcare Group
The Eco Tour is a self guided drive, with a tour brochure and map with information on sixteen sites on...
Carboor-Bobinawarrah Landcare Group
This booklet has been compiled as part of the Local Area Planning project, a Landcare Support program jointly established by...
NE Dung Beetle Project
A range of information about the results of monitoring (native and introduced beetles) Volunteer Monitors set traps on a fortnightly...
Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group
Do you want to know more about sowing and managing perennial pastures? The Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group supported by the...
Wedderburn Conservation Management Network
The Wedderburn CMN has gained Caring for our Country funding for three years, (2010 - 2013) to conduct protection and...
Friends of Campbells Creek
Loddon Plains Landcare Network
'Group Organised Action Nurturing Natural Assets' GOANNA is the landscape scale restoration project of the LPLN and is driven by...
Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group
Funding was obtained in 2009 to undertake a biolink revegetation project in Creasys Road, Muckleford.
Yelta Landcare Group
A rehabilitation project to remove pest plants and animals, improve the amenity and biodiversity value of the area, and to...
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Tree Planting The landcare group has recently planted a windbreak along the Baldhills road section of Lindsay Park
Millewa-Carwarp Landcare Group
As a part of the school curriculum the Years 9 and 10 students have been redeveloping the front entrance of...
Murrayville Landcare Group
Ongoing annual control program targeting regionally declared weeds with support from Second Generation Landcare Grants and Envirofund.
Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group
Our group is trialing the effects of different conventional and alternative fertilisers in a large-scale field trial.
Sunday Creek-Dry Creek Landcare Group
The Black Saturday fire burnt much of the Sunday Creek/Dry Creek Landcare group area and as such the members thought...
Nulla Vale Pyalong West Landcare Group
A survey of the vegetation across the Granite Country by the Landcare Group produced a list of rare or threatened plants.
Merton Landcare Group
The Merton Landcare members have been active over the past three years in raising awareness about the Merton Creek and...
Delatite Landcare Group
The title of the grant is Community Building Biolinks from the Seed Up; its value is $29,500.
Dhurringile and District Landcare Group
This projects aim is to create an environmental corridor along Dhurringile Road between the Midland Hwy and toolamba Rushworth Rd...
Glenaroua Land Management Group
The site is being set up for the benefit of the community, to demonstrate management of saline discharge sites.
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is holding a series of FREE information sessions and workshops for interested people to become involved...
Wattle Flat Pootilla Landcare Group
The Wattle Flat-Pootilla Landcare Group is currently working with the Moorabool Shire to control Gorse along Madderns Rd Glen Park
Weering Eurack Landcare Group
This project has increased the habitat area and improved biodiversity in an extensively cleared landscape by the planting of 6000...
Friends of Taylors Park
Conservation Volunteers Australia and Greencorp lend a hand to the Friends of Taylor Park.
Start at 10.00am on the third Sunday of each month. Followed by popular barbeques. Always working in attractive locations.
Bellarine Landcare Group
Implemented By Geoff McFarlane An essetial background for 21st century Farm management practice, which is in compliance with mainstream scientific...
Cundare-Duverney Landcare Group
The Cundare Duverney Landcare Group currently has some funding through Second Generation Landcare grants for rabbit ripping/harbour removal works.
Garibaldi Landcare Group
The Garibaldi Environment Group has had the walking track repaired after the floods of early 2011 (but still take care...
Friends of Bannockburn Bush
FOBB has been conducting an ongoing experiment to repair a former night soil dumping site within the Bannockburn Recreation reserve,...
Cann Valley Landcare Group
come on down kids and see how many easter eggs you can find This is an example of project adding...
Jarrahmond Landcare Group
Several seasonally active dung beetle species have been released in Jarrahmond.
Friends of Picnic Point Reserve Landcare Group
After more than a decade of neglect, the Picnic Point Reserve in Bairnsdale City's north-west corner, is set to undergo...
Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group
in conjunction with the East Gippsland Rainforest Conservation Management Network the East Gippsland Shire and the DSE we have been...
East Gippsland Landcare Network
The Red Gum plains recovery project has been running in East Gippsland for nearly 10 years.
Steels Creek Landcare Group
Community-based program aimed at reducing the rabbit population in the Steels Creek Valley and environs.
Toolern Vale Landcare Group
Linking fragmented ecosystems with corridors for endangered & threatened flora & fauna Two biodiversity wildlife corridors are practical on ground...
Red Hill South Landcare Group
The Communities for Nature project created biolink habitats on private land along Point Leo Road.
Friends of Sages Cottage Bushland and Wetland
Creation of a streamline and ponds capturing storm water runoff acting as a biofilter.
Friends of Native Wildlife Inc
Common Bronzewings are a species of native bird found in Bayside in declining numbers.
Andersons Creek Landcare Group
In this project we seek the co-operation of neighbours of our worksites to extend projects beyond the original boundaries.
Moyston Landcare Group
As a part of the Engaging Small Landholders Project, Moyston Landcare Group are regenerating the Moyston Mine Walk.
Project Platypus
You are invited to take part in the Annual Project Platypus Plantout Series to be held throughout the month of...
Panyyabyr Landcare Group
Individuals and groups were recognised at Glenelg Hopkins Environmental Achievement Awards in Hamilton held on Thursday, 25 August 2011 for...
Upper Hopkins Land Management Group
Second Generation Landcare Grant 2010 - 2011.
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network
Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network has always supported the formation of new groups.
Wennicott Creek Landcare Group
Initial erosion control works were carried out on this site in 1992 and the Second Generation Grant continued the line...
Friends of Cape Nelson Landcare
Brief history of Cape Nelson Land care Group from 1995- 2007/08.
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group
This has been an ongoing direction and focus of our group for many years
Friends of Hamilton Coleraine Rail Reserve
Ongoing work each year during October and November.
Mag Dam Advisory Committee
Restoration of walking track over dairy maid creek.
Ararat Landcare Group
Tarwin Lower Landcare Group
The area stretching between Cape Liptrap and Bunurong (Anderson's Inlet) is the focus of a project aimed at the preservation...
Kilmany-Pearsondale-Nambrok Landcare Group
The Kilmany Pearsondale Landcare Group have been very active in the revegetation of irrigation easements that traverse the district in...
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network
A shiny New member Application Form has been produced for LCLN new members joining a group or the Network as...
Avon Landcare Group
Boolarra South Landcare Group
Caring for our Country - Commmunity Action Grant
Friends of Willow Park
This Project is making changes at the Wetlands area in Willow Park There are great changes occurring around the wetland...
Wooragee Landcare Group
Wooragee Landcare has been involved with the control of Paterson's Curse in the area for many years.
Stanley Landcare Group
Through a Australia Post Community Development Grant, this project commenced in 2006 and involves earthworks, weed control and path construction...
Upper Murray Landcare Network
The network produces a newsletter twice yearly that is distributed to all landholders.
Mitta Valley Landcare Group
Deer talks; hunting; community engagement Starting the conversation on the issues faced by the community when dealing with game deer...
NE Dung Beetle Project
These newsletters were produced as part of the Do it with Dung project.
North East Ecological Farmers
Improving Sustainable Management Practices in North East Victoria.
Upper Murray Catchment Landcare Group
The Upper Murray Catchment Landcare Group have partnered with the NSW Murray Catchment Management Authority with support from the North...
Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group
A number of demonstration sites are planned in 2010 and 2011.The farmer managed sites will be set up in Murmungee...
Golden Point Landcare Group
Forest creek Action Plan
Muckleford Catchment Landcare Group
Fencing off a rare stand of Bulokes (allocasuarina luehmanni) Allocasuarina luehmanni, more commonly known as Buloke, was once very common...
Northern United Forestry Group
During August and September 2008 the Northern United Forestry Group delivered the Melbourne University 'Master Tree Growers' course.
Friends of Campbells Creek
This is where we publish finalised Precinct Plans once they are endorsed by our important stakeholders: the public land and...
Murrayville Landcare Group
The Landcare group has run many activities over the past 13 years; including - Field Days & Workshops - No-till-...
Sea Lake Landcare Group
Tyrrell College Ag-Hort Students inconjuction with Sea Lake Landcare group are undertaking the planning and operating of a scale size...
Yelta Landcare Group
Bank stabilisation has been undertaken by Yelta Landcare Group at Cowanna Bend to reduce erosion, sedimentation and to curb destructive...
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group
Commemorating 100 Years of Forestry in Creswick In 2009 Bald Hills - Creswick landcare group was approached by Rob Youl,...
Kooloonong Natya Landcare Group
Millewa-Carwarp Landcare Group
A small scale project that will study the value and usage of native perennials for their potential grazing value.
Yea High School Junior Landcare Group
For the last four years students from Yea High School have been building nest boxes for wildlife which we have...
Sunday Creek-Dry Creek Landcare Group
The Sunday Creek - Dry Creek Landcare Group initiated a plant donation scheme to assist people in the Mitchell Shire...
Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group
The Yarrawonga Urban Landcare Group is revegetation the Yarrawonga Aerodrome Wetlands with Australian Native Trees, shrubs abd ground cover.
Cathedral Landcare Group
On the 27th June, Corporate volunteers from the National Australia Bank descended on the property of South Cathedral Landcare Group members...
Strathallan Family Landcare Group
This historic bridge is often visted by travellers taking a break, the adjacent reserve is one of the few places...
Strathbogie Tableland Landcare Group
STLG information and activities - produced quarterly. Newsletter links at left.
Glenaroua Land Management Group