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Showing groups in Flora, fauna and biodiversity
The Bellarine Landcare Group (BLG) aims to preserve, protect and enhance the natural environment of the Bellarine Peninsula.
Albert River Landcare Group looks after community based natural resource management along the Albert River, encompassing Alberton, Stacey's Bridge and Hiawatha.
The Allambee Community Landcare Group was formed in 1994 and aims to maintain and improve the ecological status of the...
The Allambee South Landcare Group was formed in the early 1990s, in the past having 23 Landcare member families.
The Anakie Community Garden is located at the Parks Victoria Anakie Community Depot on Geelong-Ballan Rd, Anakie.
Anderson Inlet Landcare Group aims to be a community working together to improve land productivity and farm viability by reducing...
Our goal is to provide a friendly environment where all interested people are welcome regardless of differences.
The Apollo Bay Landcare Group includes the valleys of Skenes Creek and the steep and spectacular Wild Dog.
Ararat Landcare Group is a peri-urban group concentrating on remnant vegetation protection around Ararat.
Arawata Landcare Group covers approximately 26500 hectares of western South Gippsland encompassing Trida and Strzelecki in the north, Leongatha in...
Arthurs Creek District Landcare Group is an active Landcare Group of 120 or so members in outer North Eastern Melbourne.
The Avon Landcare Group is a community group made up of enthusiastic, dedicated and skilled people who aim to protect,...
We, Avon Plains Landcare, have local interest and knowledge of our Land.
Axe Creek Landcare Group encourage a community-wide, cooperative, multi-disciplinary approach to caring for the land.
Coimadai Landcare Group is the community to the north of Bacchus Marsh from the Long Forest to the Lerderderg State Park.
The Bairnsdale Urban Landcare Group focus its activities on restoring the Mitchell River Environs to a natural state allowing for...
Balcombe and Moorooduc Landcare Group is a friendly and dynamic group on the Mornington Peninsula.
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group - Our community group has been eradicating weeds and planting native trees in the area...
The Ballarat Environment Network (BEN) was formed in 1993 as an initiative arising from the 1991 Ballarat Region Conservation Strategy.
Our Landcare Group seeks to engage with a wide range of landholders, including new landholders, existing farmers, life style property...
"Restoring native vegetation to create a diverse weed free environment" Baranduda Landcare group is a sub-group of the Kiewa Catchment...
Ensuring Barapa Barapa Traditional Owners have an opportunity to work on the land helping preserve, protect and maintain Lands and...
From November 2017 please go to our new website at www.barraboolhillslandcare.org.au
To increase, protect, and enhance the land, soil, water, agricultural and biodiversity productivity of our region we work with members...
The Bass Coast Landcare Network if made up of 10 Landcare Groups which service over 850 members from farming families,...
Stonehaven Landcare group formed in 1989 and comprised of farming families in the community with strong interests in combating Serrated...
Many people who live adjoining this area are members of their local Landcare group, as well as Baynton–Sidonia.
The Bellarine Catchment Network region will work towards healthy, well connected and resilient wetlands, waterways and native vegetation ecosystems; sustainable...
We care for the Bellbird Corner Riverside Reserve.
The Benambra, Dinner Plain, Omeo Landcare Group formed in 2009 when the three separate groups amalgamated into one.
The Bendigo Creek Platypus Project is a community based action group working to assess, protect, create and improve the integrity...
The Berriwillock Landcare group formed in 1995 to raise awareness of conservation issues within the community as well as addressing...
Bessie Creek/Ararat Creek Landcare Group was formed in 2000 and aims to provide opportunities for members to be involved in...
The Bethanga Landcare Group (BLG) incorporates the catchments of Bethanga Creek and Spring Creek.
The Beulah Landcare group area covers approximately 33,100 hectares and lies within the Mallee Catchment Management Authority region and the...
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group. Working to improve the health of the catchments of the Fiery Creek, Lake Bolac and Salt Creek catchments.
The Binginwarri Landcare Group was initially started in 1987. It was then known as Binginwarri Ragwort and Landcare Group.
Birchip Landcare Group focus on biodiversity, threatened species and maintaining the area's wetlands.
The Birregurra Landcare Group, based in the township of Birregurra is an active group committed to caring for and enhancing...
Resumed activity in August 2008. The group consists of around 25 members and meet bimonthly.
Our purpose is to work toward keeping the Forest free of weeds through advocacy, direct action and public education.
Blampied Korroocheang Landcare Group Incorporated The Blampied Korroocheang Landcare Group started in 1986 and encompasses the areas of Blampied, Mt...
The Boolarra South Landcare group is active within the district of Boolarra, nestled amongst the Strzelecki ranges in the central...
One of the newest groups in the Heytesbury district, in the short two years has seen great support from local...
Breamlea Coast Action is an active group of volunteers and supporters who live or visit the small community of Breamlea.
Broadford Land Management Group is a newly formed group in 2013 caring for the natural bushland in Broadford.
The Broken Boosey CMN works tenure blind in the northern part of the Goulburn Broken basin.
This group covers the area to the south of Tallangatta township, incorporating the Bryants Gap valley, sections of the Lake...
An active community group supporting residents with activities related to native flora and fauna, plant give-aways, education and weed control.
The Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network supports 20 Landcare groups across the Shires of Buloke and Northern Grampians that...
The Bunbartha Kaarimba Landcare group came into being in 1990, and was initially concentrating their efforts on depression planting, filling...
Bunyip Landcare Group covers the districts of Bunyip, Tonimbuk and Iona. We aim to increase environmental awareness and farm sustainability.
This group covers the catchment of the Burgoigee Creek, around the area of Murmungee and Bowmans Forest.
The Camperdown Timboon Rail Trail Steering Committee was established in 1994 and the Rail Trail was officially opened in 2009.
To protect and enhance the Cannibal Creek catchments and its environment To develop and maintain bio-links within the Cannibal Creek...
Our group in interested in Biodiversity conservation; threatened species; strategic revegetation; weed control; vertebrate pest control.
Castlemaine Landcare Group welcomes visitors and new members. Formed in 2002, the group's primary focus is on restoring the natural...
The Cathedral Landcare Group (CLG) is located in Victoria, Shire of Murrindindi and based at the foot of the picturesque...
Welcome to the Central Otways. COLN supports landholders and community groups in Colac, Barongarook (Barongarook Creek catchment), Barongarook West (Deans...
The Chiltern Landcare area, covering the upper catchment of the Black Dog Creek, includes Chiltern, Indigo and Cornishtown.
Christmas Hills Landcare Group is a neighbourly network of people who care for the place we live in.
Clarkefield and District Farm Landcare Group has undertaken many projects on private properties.
Formed in 1992, formally as the Clydebank Landcare Group, the Group had previously operated as the Clydebank Salinity Awareness Group.The...
Coastcare proudly supports thousands of community volunteer groups working to protect and enhance Victoria's 2000 kilometres of coastline.
CWAD aims to reduce the weed impact on the Dandenong Ranges and work towards retaining, restoring and rehabilitating the natural...
Since forming in 1997, the Congupna Tallygaroopna Landcare group have planted thousands of trees and are slowly changing the landscape...
Connecting Country is a community-operated not-for-profit organisation working to restore and enhance biodiversity and improve the productive natural environment across...
The beginnings of the Group started in 1990 and aims to promote the vision of Landcare principles by working towards...
Our purpose is the re-establishment of near natural vegetation (EVC 55) on the "thorpes and thwaites" of land available in...
The purpose of Curyo Watchupga Landcare Group is to control environmental pest weeds and animals, and undertake rehabilitation works to...
Dabyminga Catchment Cooperative (DCC) is the operational group for two Landcare Groups - Reedy Creek Landcare Group and Tallarook Landcare Group.
Deep Creek Landcare Group purpose: Vision, Mission and Goals.
We have a membership of landholders from around 50 local properties, with a Committee of ten which initiates and coordinates...
Devilbend Landcare Group invites you to engage with your land and community.
The Dhurrigile and District Landcare group operates between Tatura to the North, Murchison to the south and Toolamba to the east.
Dunns Creek Landcare has a long history of bringing the community together to target local land management issues.
Interested local community members and School and other groups coming together to enhance, protect and restore the natural environment through...
The East Otway Landcare Group membership is from the Deans Marsh, Pennyroyal and Bambra area.
The Eastern Mallee Landcare Consotium is a cooperative arrangement made up of the Annuello, Manangatang, Kooloonong-Natya, Nyah West and Waitchie...
The Eastwood Landcare Group Inc. is established to be a charity with the purpose of enhancing the natural environment in...
The Elingamite-Cobrico Landcare Group was formed on July 22 1991 and has recently celebrated 20 years of caring for the...
Since 1990, with constant dedication from a Committee of Management, a Friends group and regular volunteers, the Euroa Arboretum is...
The Euroa Environment Group formed to ensure that land management within the township of Euroa and surrounds considered environmental considerations.
The Eynesbury Environment Group is committed to raising awareness and understanding about the importance of the Eynesbury Forest and surrounding environment.
F.E.H.M.R. was formed in 2014 to unify the environs and horticulture.
The Fish Creek Landcare Group was formed in 1992 and currently this Group has been classified as "Thriving" with more...
The Flynn Landcare group are a group of farmers from the local area aiming to improve their environment between Traralgon...
The remnant bushland in Andrews Reserve is a prized resource in the local community, used heavily by families, walkers, dog-owners,...
Revegetation of the Tangenong Creek behind the scout hall on Baden Powell Bushland Reserve, Frankston South.
FOBB aims to support and guide Geelong Landcare Network and the Western Region Ecological Network in managing local native vegetation...
We care for this Healthland (and ecosystem) that is the largest remnant of Sandringham Heath, that would be protected by...
Bradshaw Bushland Reserve needs friends! All welcome! If you would like to help, or learn about bush regeneration, or just...
Friends of Cape Nelson Landcare / Coastcare aims to maintain improve and promote the Cape’s great environmental assets and tourist...
Friends of Chiltern Box and Ironbark National Park, is dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the Park.
The Friends of Coolart Inc. is a volunteer organisation which supports Parks Victoria in the promotion, preservation and enhancement of...
The Friends of Edwardes Lake is a local group who aim to preserve, restore and care for the ecosystems of...
Emu Bottom Wetlands Reserve was once part of the historic Emu Bottom Run, of which the homestead, Victoria's oldest, still...
The Tiger Trail has been named after a Dodge auto-mobile that was converted to carry passengers on the Birregurra to...
We are a well-established and active group who are rehabilitating a 40 hectare bushland reserve.
Herring Island is an important environmental and recreational asset in Melbourne's inner suburbs.
The Friends of Holden Flora Reserve are a group of enthusiastic, like-minded individuals committed to ensuring that the Reserve is...
To view and download a map of Kalimna Park showing park boundaries and all of the walking trails visit the...
New members welcome & needed! Our priorities: 1. Preserve the diverse flora of Knox 2. Improve habitat for wildlife 3.
The Friends of Land and Water Landcare Group is a bunch of not-so-young people who live in the Lifestyle Village...
The Threatened List under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 has been aligned with the Commonwealth EPBC List.
Friends of Merri Creek are a community group that has actively worked since 1988 to restore and protect the Merri...
The Friends of Mount Gisborne Bushland Reserve, as a sub group of Gisborne Landcare, collaborate with the Macedon Ranges Shire...
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/pallisters/ Pallisters Reserve is private land owned by Trust for Nature.
Our Committee members are dedicated to making this once wasteland into a flourishing bush land.
This Friends Group meets weekly (generally a Thursday) and monthly (first Saturday of the month) to undertake rehabilitation and restoration...
The Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater formed in May 1989 when the population of the Helmeted Honeyeaters reached a critically...
The Group works to protect and improve the Upper Mitta by managing willow and other weeds along the Mitta Mitta Gorge.
The Organ Pipes National Park is situated off the Calder Freeway, almost opposite the Speedway and contains one of Melbourne's...
Friends of the Surry Inc.’ was formed in November 2006 to create a strong voice for the protection of the...
Friends of the WREN Baranduda is a group of local people involved in enhancing the Wodonga Retained Environment Network (WREN)...
The Friends of the Yarrowee River is a community group that aims to work actively to restore and protect the...
Friends of Toolern Creek are a community group actively working to preserve and restore the environment of Toolern Creek Anyone...
Over 100 species of native flora have regenerated in this 20 hectare Plains Grassy Woodland and Swampy Scrub.
Friends of Trentham Creeks & Reserves (FOTCR) is our volunteer-Friends group which does on -ground work under the auspice of...
The Friends of Turtons Creek aim to protect and enhance the area surrounding Turtons Creek, north of Foster.
Friends of Uralla volunteers are community members who are interested in preserving the Reserve so that we can all enjoy...
We're bringing the community together to re-vegetate, control weeds and generally improve the banks of the Werribee River as it...
Friends of Westgate Park group is made up of enthusiastic people, passionate about Westgate Park and the natural environment.
The Garibaldi Landcare Group runs a wide range of activities which have a community capacity building and environmental focus.
The Gazette Land Action Group is very passionate about its community and the environment.
The Geelong Environment Council Inc. (GEC) was formed in 1972 to assist in the protection of the environment in and...
The Group was formed in 1993 by five farming families along Dewings Bridge Road, Gerangamete, and originally named the Gerangamete...
Gippsland Intrepid Landcare is a volunteer group, led by passionate, creative and energetic young people, based in Gippsland Victoria.
Established in September 2021, the Gippsland Threatened Species Action Group is a group of passionate individuals with an interest in...
Community consultations in 2017 brought together interested people from the greater Gisborne area with an interest in Landcare and the...
The Glenaladale Landcare Group formed in 2004 and the group area covers 10,639 hectares.
Glenaroua Land Management Group Inc. (GLMG) is one of the original Landcare Groups in the region (formed: July 1988).
Glenelg Hopkins CMA aims to support volunteers and landholders to undertake actions that improve the condition of our environment and...
The Glengarry Landcare Group are a passionate bunch of local volunteers working with local community to coordinate activities on public...
GULLG operates between Coomoora, Denver, the Upper Loddon State Forest and the Wombat State Forest.
Global Landcare is a not-for profit organisation registered with the Australian government (as an incorporated organisation), which supports overseas communities...
Goomalibee Landcare Group is bordered by the township of Benalla, the Broken River and Hume Freeway.
Gooram Valley Landcare Group has a strong focus on the engagement of new land holders and emerging weeds in the region.
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is a voluntary, community run forum, operating within the Agricultrual Floodplains Area, located in the Goulburn...
our aim is to protect our farm environment from weed invasion, and to enhance the soils for sustainable land-use.
Greening of Riddell is a volunteer group which has taken responsibility for the rehabilitation and maintenance of Wybejong Park as...
The Hallston Regenerative Agricultural Group (HRAG) is located in Hallston. It is supported by and auspiced by South Gippsland Landcare Network.
The Hamilton - Coleraine Railway Line Landcare Group (HCRLG) consists of 46 members that have private land adjoining or nearby...
The Heathcote Landcare Group formed in 2017, as local community member were looking to undertake riparian restoration projects along McIvor...
The Hedley/9 Mile Landcare Group - currently in recess located just west of Yarram and takes in the important ecological...
Grass roots level, community led natural resource management, striving to enhance, restore and protect local agricultural land, soil health, waterways...
Highlands Landcare Group no longer meets on a monthly basis. It functions as a sub committee of the Hughes Creek...
The Hindmarsh Landcare Network (HLN) is an example of local people taking action and achieving success.
The Group covers the catchments of the Hodgsons and Horseshoe Creeks, surrounding Tarrawingee and Everton. The Hodgson's and Horseshoe Creeks Landcare...
Home Creek Spring Creek Landcare Group cares for one of the largest catchments in the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and...
To undertake environmental actions at Hopkins Falls and surrounding area.
The Ridge to Cape Catchment Landcare extends from Lavers Hill to Cape Otway.
The Horsham Urban Landcare Group is established to: a) coordinate family friendly activities to encourage community involvement in the protection...
The Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative is an umbrella group administrating the finances and coordinating the activities of four landcare groups.
The IFFA is dedicated to the future of Australian flora and fauna, whether in habitats of world heritage quality or...
The Indigo Creek Landcare Group covers the whole catchment of the Indigo Creek, through Barnawatha to the Murray River.
Jacksons Creek EcoNetwork (JCEN) is a network of 11 Landcare and Friends Groups along Jacksons Creek and its tributaries, including...
Jan Juc Coast Action is a volunteer group dedicated to the restoration of native vegetation on the Jan Juc cliffs...
Jarrahmond Landcare Group was formed in the late 1980s and became incorporated in 1992.
The Jindivick Landcare Group is an active community group which was formed in 2005 by local landholders.
Be part of the solution! Each one of us at Johns Hill Landcare feels empowered supporting the environment by being...
This Landcare network provides the governance structure and support for independent groups Baranduda and Yackandandah Creek as well as fully-merged...
Welcoming local members of the community to be involved with native revegetation, sustainable agriculture practices, picnics and events throughout the year.
To protect and preserve the coast, coastal reserve at Killarney and surrounding coast in SW Victoria.
The Kilmany - Pearsondale - Nambrok is an active community Landcare Group covering the area to the west of Sale.
The Kinglake Landcare Group is a friendly, local group that is part of the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network.
Kinglake Scouts Junior Landcare Group is part of the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and has been involved with the Kinglake...
Koala Clancy Foundation protects koalas in the wild through enhancement and protection of their natural habitat.
The Koetong Landcare Group covers the plateau around the village of Koetong in the Upper Murray.
“Kongwak Hills” is one of ten Landcare groups that form the Bass Coast Landcare Network.
The Kooloonong Natya Landcare Group is situated along the Murray River from Piangil to Boundary Bend.
The group is currently made up of 50% original farmers and 50% new arrivals though was originally 80% farmers.
This group is an active group based around the Koyuga and Kanyapella areas to the east of Echuca and north-west...
This group is an urban group operating in Kyabram main projects are: Grey Box Reserve Trotting Track Reserve South Boundary...
Labertouche Sustainable Farming and Landcare Group was established over 20 years ago by a small group of local landowners who...
Formerly Colquhoun North-Arm Landcare Group, the Lakes Entrance Community Landcare Group is located around Lakes Entrance between Kalmna in the...
Lal Lal Catchment Landcare Group mainly works on weed control on local reserves and roadsides to prevent weed invasion...
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network (LCLN) was formed in 1999, covering a large catchment area across Baw Baw, Latrobe City and...
The Leigh Districts Landcare Group is centred around the Leigh River and includes Shelford, Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn, and Wingeel.
The Group’s role is to support landholders in improving the landscape condition, sustainability and biodiversity of their land.
The Lismore Angling Club are actively involved in fencing and revegetating Lake Toolirook near Lismore.
"To engage all community members in the Promotion of Sustainable Landscapes and the Environment." The Lismore Land Protection Group (LLPG)...
Little River Community Landcare Group is the new name for this group.
Loch Nyora Landcare Group exists to help farmers, small acreage landholders, and community land in the Group area, develop projects...
A network of 18 Landcare and NRM community groups around the Loddon Plains.
The Longlea and District Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to assist in the improvement and preservation of the local environment.
Longwood East Landcare Group is primarily made up of small landholders in the granite hills, south of the Hume Freeway...
Local Lorne community group LorneCare is a true demonstration of dedication to Lorne’s environment.
Macclesfield Landcare Group was formed in 1996 to service the peri-urban area around Macclesfield in the Yarra Valley - just...
The Maffra and Districts Landcare Network's (MDLN) vision is for a Healthy Landscape & Thriving Communities.
Main Creek Catchment Landcare is an active group of landholders interested in promoting sustainable land and water management practices that...
Merri River Warrnambool Moyne Shire Making A Difference (MAD) for the Merri was established after a forum in 2007 to...
Manton and Stony Creeks Landcare Group Shoreham Red Hill Manton & Stony Creeks Landcare Group is an active group in the hinterland...
The Mardan/Mirboo North Landcare Group was formed in 2002 and we aim to protect and enhance the environment in our...
The Marengo-Barham Cathment Landcare Group includes the settlement of Marengo and half of the township of Apollo Bay.
Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary covers 290 hectares and is located 10 kilometers east of Werribee, adjoining Point Cook Coastal Park...
The primary purpose of the Merri Creek Management Committee is to ensure the preservation of natural and cultural heritage, and...
With a long history of community activities and development of local features such as the cemetery and railway walk, Merton...
The Middle Yarra Landcare Network works within the Yarra River Sub-catchments of Andersons Creek, Jumping Creek and Brushy Creek, comprising...
The Mitta to Murray Landcare Network was formed as an affiliation of seven Landcare groups in December 2009.
The group covers the Mitta Mitta Catchment below Dartmouth Dam and down almost to the top of Lake Hume.
Molyullah-Tatong Tree and Land Protection Group work on diverse projects in our region, including land management, conservation initiatives and landscape...
Monbulk Landcare is a group of local residents in and around the Monbulk area.
Formerly TRAC (Thompsons Road Area Community Fireguard and Landcare Group) If you love where you live, join in with your...
The Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group Inc. has grown into a strong and thriving group in recent years.
The Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network represents the 11 Landcare Groups on the Mornington Peninsula.
The Mount Elephant Community Management Inc is involved in the restoration of Mount Elephant, located at Derrinallum, Victoria.
Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf are part of a large volcanic complex known as the Leura Maar which was formed...
Mountain Rivers Landcare is a small group located in the hills of Erica, 38kms north of Traralgon.
Mt Lyall Landcare Group is located around the Poowong, Nyora and Athlone area.
Mt. Toolebewong and District Landcare Group covers a wide area between Healesville and Yarra Junction.
The Mt Worth and District Landcare Group attracts community members from the area of Darnum-Allambee Road in the east, Hazeldean...
The Muckatah Landcare Group was formed in April 2004 after a group of interested local people decided there was a...
The group covers the areas of Barwidgee Creek, Mudgegonga and Rosewhite.
The Munro Landcare Group formed in 1995 and have had a major emphasis of coordinated and integrated Rabbit Control across...
Murray Mallee Landcare Network is a new informal network of Landcare Groups in the North Central region, formed in 2017...
The Murrayville Landcare group formed in 1993 and covers an area of approximately 22,000ha, from the South Australia border to...
The Murrindindi Climate Network Inc. is a not for profit apolitical organization, uniting a wide variety of different organizations (for...
The Murroon Landcare group has a membership from the Murroon, Pennyroyal and Barwon Downs areas.
The group's vision is to foster sustainable ecologies throughout the Myrtleford district.
The member groups were motivated to form a Network so that they can operate together to achieve positive environmental change...
Nanneella Timmering Landcare group 2.0 has just been revived.! The group started in the late 90's with a focus on...
The Napoleons/Enfield Landcare Group is based around Cambrian Hill, Napoleons and Enfield just south of Ballarat.
The Naring Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to meet the need for natural resource and land management support at...
Protect and enhance our landscape by reconnecting people with the natural environment, through coordinated and collaborative efforts with our member...
NatureWest is a not-for-profit association for individuals, groups and organisations that share an environmental vision for the wider Werribee catchment...
The Neerim and District Landcare Group was formed by a small group of volunteers in the late 90's and today...
Nelson lies at the heart of some of the most environmentally-significant areas of southwestern Victoria, including the Lower Glenelg National...
The Nerrena Landcare Group was formed in 1995 and aimed to protect and enhance the natural assets of the area,...
The Nicholson River Landcare group formed on the 3rd of May 2004 and the group area covers 3,096 hectares.
Nillumbik Landcare Network is comprised of the 11 active Landcare groups within the Shire of Nillumbik.
North East Melbourne Intrepid Landcare empowers young people to better care for their local environment.
The Northern Yarra Landcare Network is located in the fire-affected region of Yarra Ranges and includes Steels Creek to the...
Nulla Vale Pyalong West Landcare Group is based in the granite country of the Cobaw Ranges west of Pyalong.
The Nungurner Landcare Group formed in 2009 and covers an area of approximately 3,500 hectares. This area is bordered by...
The Nyah West Landcare Group area is located in the northeast of the Mallee region.
Olinda Creek Landcare Group was formed in 2006, and is concentrating its efforts on the upper catchment of Olinda Creek.
'Bush Parks and Trails Connecting Community' Parklands Albury Wodonga provides opportunities for people to experience and share in the stewardship...
The Parwan Landcare Group work together to improve the environment, land management and biodiversity of Parwan
Our Mission Statement To encourage sustainable agricultural land-use, business practices and lifestyles, and promote the conservation and restoration of...
Pinkerton Landcare & Environment Group (PLEG) is concerned with the restoration of native grasslands and grassy grey-box woodlands, including the...
Poowong & District Landcare Group and Triholm Landcare Group merged on 15th October 2021.
Our group was established in 2005 to restore the biodiversity values of the Portland Cliffs.
The Powlett Project is a steering committee that covers the 5 landcare groups in the Powlett catchment.
Project Platypus acts as an umbrella organisation for the eleven Landcare groups of the Upper Wimmera Catchment.
Our Landcare Group protects and enhances the vegetation on the island in consultation with Parks Victoria and the Gunaikurai.
Red Cliffs and District Community Landcare Group formed in 2012 as an extension of the Junior Landcare Group based at...
The Ross Creek Landcare Group is located south-west of Ballarat, and incorporates the areas in the vicinity of Ross Creek,...
Rowsley Landcare Group is supporting each other to achieve sustainable agriculture and an improved environment.
The Rutherglen Landcare Group is a volunteer, not for profit, group committed to the environment and the community.
Our core aims are action-oriented, informed by the best research available, empowered by a huge volunteer network, and showing inter-generational...
Sheepwash Creek Landcare Group formed in 1997 to protect and enhance biodiversity and water quality within the catchment.
The Sheepwash Creek Catchment Landcare Group is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the extensive biodiversity contained within the...
We aim to rehabilitate sections of the Larni Barramal Yaluk at Shepherds Flat by removing noxious weeds, planting of indigenous...
This group was established in 2008 with interest from the Urban community members of Shepparton Mooroopna wanting to be kept...
Addressing natural resource management issues in the Snowy River Catchment, the Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee (SRILC) represents nine rural...
The South Eastern Mallee Landcare Consortium represents Birchip, Nullawil, Culgoa, Berriwillock, Ultima, Sea Lake, Curyo-Watchupga and Lalbert Landcare Groups.
We are a network made up of 15 individual Landcare and other groups in South Gippsland.
SWWAT started up in April 2019 with the intention of raising awareness of Sweet Pittosporum and other woody weeds and...
The Southern Dandenongs Landcare Group was formed in August 2007 with the aim to protect and preserve the remnant vegetation...
The Southern Mallee Landcare Consortium is a cooperative arrangement made up of Hopetoun, Beulah and Woomelang Lascelles Landcare Groups.
The Southern Otway Landcare Network (SOLN) is a grassroots community organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring our environment so that...
The Southwest Environment Alliance (SEA) was formed in 2007 under the name of South West Coast Action Landcare Network.
This group was formed in 1988, from an existing Farm Trees Group.
Springsure Hill is a wholesome community led Landcare group based in Buln Buln, Shady Creek and Crossover areas.
The Shelterbelters arose from a local drive to plant trees and engage the farming community in pest control, weed control,...
This group covers the area around Stanley, near Beechworth.The Stanley Landcare Group formed in 2000.
Stawell Urban Landcare Group is comprised of people from the township who are dedicated to the beautification, enhancement and promotion...
The Strath Creek Landcare group comprises more than 60 families (about 110 members) mainly from Strath Creek and Flowerdale (although...
We are a family orientated group that works with partner agencies to improve the health of local bushland reserves and...
The Strathbogie Tableland is located 15 km east of Euroa and 30 km south-west of Benalla, in North-East Victoria.
Sunday Creek/Dry Creek Landcare Group is based in the catchments of the two creeks before they join at Broadford.
Sutton Grange Landcare GroupSutton Grange Landcare Group The vision of Sutton Grange Landcare Group (SGLG) is: to establish and maintain...
The Swan Bay Environment Association recognises the importance of Swan Bay as a wetland of national and international importance and...
Swanpool Landcare Inc. has been operating since the late 1980s on projects related to sustainable farming, pest animals and weeds.
The Tambo Bluff Landcare Coastcare group formed in 1992 and the group area covers 121 hectares.
The Tanjil Valley Landcare Group is a community group with a focus on improving the local environment.
The Tarragal Landcare Group has a long history of on ground project work dating back to 2005.
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group was originally formed in 2005 from a network of local Landcare groups, specifically to tackle...
The Tarwin Lower Landcare Group was first formed in 1995 with the motto "for the farmers, by the farmers." The...
The Tarwin Valley Landcare Group is dedicated to the conservation, protection and rebuilding of our diverse and beautiful native flora...
The Three Creeks Landcare precinct takes in public and private land on the west side of the Powlett River catchment...
Toolern Vale Landcare Group is a vibrant volunteer organisation with over 35 active families as members.
TreeProject gets urban and rural communities working together to put trees back on the land.
We have been part of the Landcare movement for over 20 years, advocating and supporting responsible and sustainable land use.
Ullina Landcare formed in 1994 to connect local landholders with a common interest in caring for the land and engaging...
The Upper Avon Landcare Group was formed in 2002 when two existing groups - the Bushy Park Landcare Group and...
The Upper Barwon Landcare Network (UBLN) was formed in 1997 as an umbrella group for community groups operating in the...
The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN) is a collective of 18 Landcare/land management groups in the Murrindindi Shire area, North-East Victoria.
Landcare group covering the Upper Hughes Creek areas of Ruffy , Caveat & Terrip .
This group covers the Rockpool Rd and Mermaid Pool site, Junction Gully track, Simmonds Creek and along the new walking...
The Upper Ovens Valley Landcare Group Inc covers a considerable part of the upper catchment of the Ovens River, from...
UPMC Landcare Group meetings are the 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Shack, 1240 Wallan Rd Upper Plenty.
This group is centred on the Lockwood/Lockwood South area and includes Lockwood South State Forest, Shelbourne Nature Conservation Reserve Forest,...
Upper Yarra Landcare is a social group of committed people of all ages who maintain and preserve the environment in...
Wairewa and District Landcare Group is in a rural area of Far East Gippsland near the small town of Nowa Nowa.
Create a more liveable Wallan by engaging the community in restoring, enhancing & preserving the natural environment.
Warby Range Landcare Group (WRLG) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, community group working to improve the health of their land and...
Warranwood Reserve is an 11 hectare (27 acres) bushland reserve located in the City of Maroondah, some 26 km east...
The Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network (WCLN) is a very active volunteer-based organisation working in Warrnambool and district.
WFNC is an incorporated association operating in south-west Victoria that aims to: 1.
Wathaurong Aboriginal Co-operative retains the title to Wurdi Youang, Little River near the foot of the You Yangs, through the...
The Watson Creek Catchment Group (WCCG) seeks to improve the water quality of the Watson Creek through engaging local landholders...
We are family-based group who hold regular events aimed at improving and protecting our natural environment and having fun.
The Werribee River Association (WRivA) began its life in Werribee Township in 1981, with a view to protect and enhance...
Western Port Catchment Landcare Network lies on the eastern and northern boundary of the Western Port Catchment and has 12...
Westernport Intrepid Landcare provides a space for young adults to be empowered and connect to the environment, to share an...
Our group was established in 1999 for the war on Spear Thistle which had spread from Tooradin to Lang Lang...
Founded in 1986 Whiteheads Creek Landcare is one of the state oldest groups. Main projects in the past were soil...
The Woady Yaloak Catchment Project is a community based landcare project that evolved from the collaboration of seven Landcare groups...
We are a vibrant and active group with a passion and commitment for conservation.
The Wooragee Landcare Group covers the upper reaches of the Reedy Creek, including the Wooragee and Woolshed valleys.
Woorndoo and surrounding districts are renowned for the quality and diversity of their natural environments, particularly the region's remnants of...
This group has regular working bees along Yackandandah Creek within the Recreation Reserve of Yackandandah.
The Yarra Ranges Landcare Network is made up of groups in the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges.
YVELG - Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group for the Yarra Valley and surrounding Shires. Our group provides educational material eg.
Yarrilinks aims to protect, restore and re-establish the native vegetation in the region, balancing environmental activities with sustainable agricultural outcomes...
The Leigh Catchment Group (LCG) is a network of eight Landcare groups in the Corangamite region of South West Victoria.
The Yea River Catchment Landcare Group is a large group that has diverse interests and activities.
Yea’s wetlands are situated on 32ha of flood prone crown land between two branches of the unregulated Yea River.
The Yelta Landcare Group formed in 1995 to increase awareness of local landcare issues and to have a positive influence...
Landcare 3869 || Our group works on public and private land to achieve habitat protection, revegetation, weed control, water quality,...
Currently showing up to a maximum of 600 groups.
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