The Bellarine Landcare Group (BLG) aims to preserve, protect and enhance the natural environment of the Bellarine Peninsula.
The Anakie Community Garden is located at the Parks Victoria Anakie Community Depot on Geelong-Ballan Rd, Anakie.
ANGAIR (Anglesea, Aireys Inlet Society for the Protection of Flora and Fauna) is dedicated to protecting our indigenous flora and...
The Apollo Bay Landcare Group includes the valleys of Skenes Creek and the steep and spectacular Wild Dog.
The Ballarat Environment Network (BEN) was formed in 1993 as an initiative arising from the 1991 Ballarat Region Conservation Strategy.
Our Landcare Group seeks to engage with a wide range of landholders, including new landholders, existing farmers, life style property...
The Barongarook Landcare Group covers the catchment area of the Barongarook Creek which flows into Lake Colac.
From November 2017 please go to our new website at
Stonehaven Landcare group formed in 1989 and comprised of farming families in the community with strong interests in combating Serrated...
The Bellarine Catchment Network region will work towards healthy, well connected and resilient wetlands, waterways and native vegetation ecosystems; sustainable...
The Birregurra Landcare Group, based in the township of Birregurra is an active group committed to caring for and enhancing...
One of the newest groups in the Heytesbury district, in the short two years has seen great support from local...
Breamlea Coast Action is an active group of volunteers and supporters who live or visit the small community of Breamlea.
The Brisbane Ranges Landcare Group was formed in 1997 with interested residents of the Anakie, Staughton Vale and Balliang districts...
The Camperdown Timboon Rail Trail Steering Committee was established in 1994 and the Rail Trail was officially opened in 2009.
Welcome to the Central Otways. COLN supports landholders and community groups in Colac, Barongarook (Barongarook Creek catchment), Barongarook West (Deans...
Clifton Springs Foreshore Coastcare Group is a new group forming during 2016.
Is a new group forming during 2016.
Corangamite Lakes Landcare Area takes in the Lismore, Weerite, Weering - Eurack, Leslie Manor and Cundare - Duverney Landcare Groups...
Welcome to the Corangamite Landcare Program.
Bringing rural women from a range of backgrounds together to strengthen networks to enhance community resilience.
The Cundare Duverney Landcare group formed in 1994, taking in the areas surrounding Cressy, Cundare, Duverney, Foxhow, some of Weering...
The East Otway Landcare Group membership is from the Deans Marsh, Pennyroyal and Bambra area.
The Elingamite-Cobrico Landcare Group was formed on July 22 1991 and has recently celebrated 20 years of caring for the...
FOBB aims to support and guide Geelong Landcare Network and the Western Region Ecological Network in managing local native vegetation...
The Friends of Brisbane Ranges is an active group which began in 1982.
Edwards Point State Faunal Reserve fringes the southern edge of St Leonards near Beach St.
The Tiger Trail has been named after a Dodge auto-mobile that was converted to carry passengers on the Birregurra to...
Are a nonprofit, volunteer group established in December 1992 to assist in the care, maintenance and preservation of the Mud...
Pryor Park was initially created in the early 1930s for public purposes and public recreation by the City of Ballarat...
Friends of Taylor Park is a group of volunteers who have been helping to maintain the park for over thirty...
The Friends Of The Bluff are a group of volunteers formed in 1994.The members have a common interest caring for...
The Friends of the Yarrowee River is a community group that aims to work actively to restore and protect the...
The Garibaldi Landcare Group runs a wide range of activities which have a community capacity building and environmental focus.
The Geelong Environment Council Inc. (GEC) was formed in 1972 to assist in the protection of the environment in and...
Please go to our website for up to date information.
The Group was formed in 1993 by five farming families along Dewings Bridge Road, Gerangamete, and originally named the Gerangamete...
Hasties Creek Landcare Group
Grass roots level, community led natural resource management, striving to enhance, restore and protect local agricultural land, soil health, waterways...
The Ridge to Cape Catchment Landcare extends from Lavers Hill to Cape Otway.
The Irrewarra Farmcare Group is made up of landholders in the Irrewarra, Beeac and Murdeduke area.
Jan Juc Coast Action is a volunteer group dedicated to the restoration of native vegetation on the Jan Juc cliffs...
Lal Lal Catchment Landcare Group mainly works on weed control on local reserves and roadsides to prevent weed invasion...
The Leigh Districts Landcare Group is centred around the Leigh River and includes Shelford, Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn, and Wingeel.
The Leslie Manor Landcare Group is located north of Camperdown to the west of Lake Corangamite on the Victorian Volcanic Plain.
The Lismore Angling Club are actively involved in fencing and revegetating Lake Toolirook near Lismore.
"To engage all community members in the Promotion of Sustainable Landscapes and the Environment." The Lismore Land Protection Group (LLPG)...
Local Lorne community group LorneCare is a true demonstration of dedication to Lorne’s environment.
The Marengo-Barham Cathment Landcare Group includes the settlement of Marengo and half of the township of Apollo Bay.
New group formed in 2016
We are a network of 23 member groups across the Shire of Moorabool.
The Mount Elephant Community Management Inc is involved in the restoration of Mount Elephant, located at Derrinallum, Victoria.
Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf are part of a large volcanic complex known as the Leura Maar which was formed...
The Murroon Landcare group has a membership from the Murroon, Pennyroyal and Barwon Downs areas.
The Napoleons/Enfield Landcare Group is based around Cambrian Hill, Napoleons and Enfield just south of Ballarat.
The Newfield Valley Landcare Group has been working towards restoring the Newfield Valley for over 20 years.
Coastcare is community volunteers who have a passion for protecting and enhancing our coast.
We are farmers working with farmers to explore how growing trees can make farming more environmentally sustainable and economically rewarding.
A group of Otways farmers’ passion for building a local food economy was the foundation of a new Landcare group...
ORCA is devoted to sharing information relevant to our climate and future planetary survival.
The Ross Creek Landcare Group is located south-west of Ballarat, and incorporates the areas in the vicinity of Ross Creek,...
The Southern Otway Landcare Network (SOLN) is a grassroots community organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring our environment so that...
Surf Coast and Inland Plains Network (SCIPN) is a Landcare Network operating along the surf coast from Barwon Heads to...
To educate and engage the broader community to value and develop a bio-diverse environment, free from invasive plants and animals.
Contact: Graeme Stockton
The Swan Bay Environment Association recognises the importance of Swan Bay as a wetland of national and international importance and...
The Torquay Landcare Group is committed to sustainable management of local natural resource assets.
The Upper Barwon Landcare Network (UBLN) was formed in 1997 as an umbrella group for community groups operating in the...
The Upper Williamsons Creek Landcare Group incorporates that area of Mt Buninyong, Lal Lal, Scotsburn, Clarendon.
The Victorian Volcanic Plains Conservation Management Network operates across three regions of Victoria.We are a non-government Network organization with a...
We are family-based group who hold regular events aimed at improving and protecting our natural environment and having fun.
The Weering-Eurack Landcare Group formed in 1991 and over the years has been actively involved with pest plant and animal...
The Weerite Landcare group was formed in 2008. The group area is located West of Camperdown, North of the Princes Highway.
The Winchelsea Land & River Care Group (formally the Barwon Rivercare Group) is based in the township and district of Winchelsea.
The Woady Yaloak Catchment Project is a community based landcare project that evolved from the collaboration of seven Landcare groups...
The Wurdale Landcare group has a membership of the Wormbete Creek catchment and surronds, including Wurdale, Wensleydale and South Winchelsea.
The Wye to Wongarra Landcare Group is the most easterly of our four groups, encompassing the townships of Wye and...
The Leigh Catchment Group (LCG) is a network of eight Landcare groups in the Corangamite region of South West Victoria.