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Showing groups in Sustainable agriculture & farming
Albert River Landcare Group looks after community based natural resource management along the Albert River, encompassing Alberton, Stacey's Bridge and Hiawatha.
The Allambee Community Landcare Group was formed in 1994 and aims to maintain and improve the ecological status of the...
The Allambee South Landcare Group was formed in the early 1990s, in the past having 23 Landcare member families.
Anderson Inlet Landcare Group aims to be a community working together to improve land productivity and farm viability by reducing...
The Annuello Landcare Group grew out of a desire by Annuello, Robinvale and Wemen landholders wanting to pursue projects in...
Arawata Landcare Group covers approximately 26500 hectares of western South Gippsland encompassing Trida and Strzelecki in the north, Leongatha in...
Arthurs Creek District Landcare Group is an active Landcare Group of 120 or so members in outer North Eastern Melbourne.
We, Avon Plains Landcare, have local interest and knowledge of our Land.
Coimadai Landcare Group is the community to the north of Bacchus Marsh from the Long Forest to the Lerderderg State Park.
Balcombe and Moorooduc Landcare Group is a friendly and dynamic group on the Mornington Peninsula.
Balmattum-Sheans Creek Landcare Group is made of of a mix of both lifestyle farmers and thoes who run farms full time.
• To promote awareness in the Baringhup community of the sensitivity of the environment and its associated problems • To...
The Barongarook Landcare Group covers the catchment area of the Barongarook Creek which flows into Lake Colac.
From November 2017 please go to our new website at www.barraboolhillslandcare.org.au
To increase, protect, and enhance the land, soil, water, agricultural and biodiversity productivity of our region we work with members...
The Bass Coast Landcare Network if made up of 10 Landcare Groups which service over 850 members from farming families,...
Stonehaven Landcare group formed in 1989 and comprised of farming families in the community with strong interests in combating Serrated...
Beechworth Urban Landcare and Sustainability Group love growing food, planting trees, riding bikes, building nesting boxes, swapping seeds and general...
The Benambra, Dinner Plain, Omeo Landcare Group formed in 2009 when the three separate groups amalgamated into one.
The Bengworden Landcare group formed in 1989 and the group area covers 16,606 hectares.
The Beulah Landcare group area covers approximately 33,100 hectares and lies within the Mallee Catchment Management Authority region and the...
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group. Working to improve the health of the catchments of the Fiery Creek, Lake Bolac and Salt Creek catchments.
Blampied Korroocheang Landcare Group Incorporated The Blampied Korroocheang Landcare Group started in 1986 and encompasses the areas of Blampied, Mt...
The Boorhaman Landcare Group covers the plains area around the town of Boorhaman, north of Wangaratta.
One of the newest groups in the Heytesbury district, in the short two years has seen great support from local...
The Brisbane Ranges Landcare Group was formed in 1997 with interested residents of the Anakie, Staughton Vale and Balliang districts...
This group covers the area to the south of Tallangatta township, incorporating the Bryants Gap valley, sections of the Lake...
An active community group supporting residents with activities related to native flora and fauna, plant give-aways, education and weed control.
The Buloke and Northern Grampians Landcare Network supports 20 Landcare groups across the Shires of Buloke and Northern Grampians that...
The Bunbartha Kaarimba Landcare group came into being in 1990, and was initially concentrating their efforts on depression planting, filling...
This group covers the catchment of the Burgoigee Creek, around the area of Murmungee and Bowmans Forest.
Strategic revegetation, remnant protection, River health (Richardson River); weeds.
Our group in interested in Biodiversity conservation; threatened species; strategic revegetation; weed control; vertebrate pest control.
This group covers the areas around Carboor and Bobinawarrah, including the Hurdle Creek catchment.
Welcome to the Central Otways. COLN supports landholders and community groups in Colac, Barongarook (Barongarook Creek catchment), Barongarook West (Deans...
The Chiltern Landcare area, covering the upper catchment of the Black Dog Creek, includes Chiltern, Indigo and Cornishtown.
Clarkefield and District Farm Landcare Group has undertaken many projects on private properties.
Formed in 1992, formally as the Clydebank Landcare Group, the Group had previously operated as the Clydebank Salinity Awareness Group.The...
Meetings are scheduled on a need basis, however rabbit control works are underway and several members have undertaken soil conservation...
Corangamite Lakes Landcare Area takes in the Lismore, Weerite, Weering - Eurack, Leslie Manor and Cundare - Duverney Landcare Groups...
Crowlands-Warrak Landcare Group are a farming based Landcare group, with an interest in sustainable agriculture.
The Cundare Duverney Landcare group formed in 1994, taking in the areas surrounding Cressy, Cundare, Duverney, Foxhow, some of Weering...
The purpose of Curyo Watchupga Landcare Group is to control environmental pest weeds and animals, and undertake rehabilitation works to...
We have a membership of landholders from around 50 local properties, with a Committee of ten which initiates and coordinates...
Devilbend Landcare Group invites you to engage with your land and community.
We run educational workshops and seminars, working bees, manage a volunteers program, and provide information and resources for our members.
Dunns Creek Landcare has a long history of bringing the community together to target local land management issues.
Anyone, Anywhere, Can Landcare! The East Gippsland Landcare Network Inc.
The Eastern Mallee Landcare Consotium is a cooperative arrangement made up of the Annuello, Manangatang, Kooloonong-Natya, Nyah West and Waitchie...
The Fish Creek Landcare Group was formed in 1992 and currently this Group has been classified as "Thriving" with more...
The Flynn Landcare group are a group of farmers from the local area aiming to improve their environment between Traralgon...
French Island Landcare Group promotes landholders working together to tackle local land protection problems, by encouraging sustainable land management thereby...
The Friends of Wodonga Landcare brings together individuals passionate about sustainable land management and conservation in the Wodonga region.
The Garibaldi Landcare Group runs a wide range of activities which have a community capacity building and environmental focus.
The Gazette Land Action Group is very passionate about its community and the environment.
The Gecko CLaN is an umbrella organisation which encompasses Landcare groups stretching from Yarrawonga to Avenel to Nagambie.
The Group was formed in 1993 by five farming families along Dewings Bridge Road, Gerangamete, and originally named the Gerangamete...
Glenaroua Land Management Group Inc. (GLMG) is one of the original Landcare Groups in the region (formed: July 1988).
Glenelg Hopkins CMA aims to support volunteers and landholders to undertake actions that improve the condition of our environment and...
Global Landcare is a not-for profit organisation registered with the Australian government (as an incorporated organisation), which supports overseas communities...
Goomalibee Landcare Group is bordered by the township of Benalla, the Broken River and Hume Freeway.
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is a voluntary, community run forum, operating within the Agricultrual Floodplains Area, located in the Goulburn...
our aim is to protect our farm environment from weed invasion, and to enhance the soils for sustainable land-use.
The Hallston Regenerative Agricultural Group (HRAG) is located in Hallston. It is supported by and auspiced by South Gippsland Landcare Network.
Grass roots level, community led natural resource management, striving to enhance, restore and protect local agricultural land, soil health, waterways...
The Hindmarsh Landcare Network (HLN) is an example of local people taking action and achieving success.
The Group covers the catchments of the Hodgsons and Horseshoe Creeks, surrounding Tarrawingee and Everton. The Hodgson's and Horseshoe Creeks Landcare...
The Hopetoun Landcare Group covers an area of approximately 42,200 hectares at the end of the Yarriambiack Creek system.
The Indigo Creek Landcare Group covers the whole catchment of the Indigo Creek, through Barnawatha to the Murray River.
The Irrewarra Farmcare Group is made up of landholders in the Irrewarra, Beeac and Murdeduke area.
Jarrahmond Landcare Group was formed in the late 1980s and became incorporated in 1992.
Kaniva District Landcare Group is a very active group focused on revegetation, pest plant and animal control, sustainable agriculture and...
This group covers the areas around the farming community of Kergunyah in the Kiewa River catchment, and is a sub...
This Landcare network provides the governance structure and support for independent groups Baranduda and Yackandandah Creek as well as fully-merged...
Welcoming local members of the community to be involved with native revegetation, sustainable agriculture practices, picnics and events throughout the year.
The Kilmany - Pearsondale - Nambrok is an active community Landcare Group covering the area to the west of Sale.
The Koetong Landcare Group covers the plateau around the village of Koetong in the Upper Murray.
The Kooloonong Natya Landcare Group is situated along the Murray River from Piangil to Boundary Bend.
The group is currently made up of 50% original farmers and 50% new arrivals though was originally 80% farmers.
Laharum Landcare Group are based on the North East side of the Grampians National Park (Gariwerd).
Latrobe Catchment Landcare Network (LCLN) was formed in 1999, covering a large catchment area across Baw Baw, Latrobe City and...
The Leigh Districts Landcare Group is centred around the Leigh River and includes Shelford, Inverleigh, Teesdale, Bannockburn, and Wingeel.
The Leslie Manor Landcare Group is located north of Camperdown to the west of Lake Corangamite on the Victorian Volcanic Plain.
The Group’s role is to support landholders in improving the landscape condition, sustainability and biodiversity of their land.
"To engage all community members in the Promotion of Sustainable Landscapes and the Environment." The Lismore Land Protection Group (LLPG)...
Little River Community Landcare Group is the new name for this group.
A network of 18 Landcare and NRM community groups around the Loddon Plains.
To re-establish the river banks, wetlands and roadsides with native vegetation.
The Maffra and Districts Landcare Network's (MDLN) vision is for a Healthy Landscape & Thriving Communities.
The Mallee Landcare group formed in late 1990 and became incorporated on May 30th 1991.
The Manangatang Landcare Group covers a large area of approximately 190,000 hectares.
The Mardan/Mirboo North Landcare Group was formed in 2002 and we aim to protect and enhance the environment in our...
Merricks Coolart Catchment Landcare aims to protect the diversity and extent of natural ecosystems and species in the catchment and...
Merriman Creek Landcare Group members actively participate in Landcare activities throughout their region of Stradbroke - Seaspray.
Currently, this network's member groups are: West Marong Landcare Group, Upper Spring Creek Landcare Group, Ravenswood Valley Landcare Group, Nuggetty...
The Millewa-Carwarp Landcare Group is the oldest Landcare group in the Mallee region and was formed in 1989 after the...
Please go to YouTube by typing in Mirranatwa Landcare Group to see what we are doing.
This community driven Blackberry Action Group is focused on Collective Action to Manage Blackberries across our Community.
The Mitta to Murray Landcare Network was formed as an affiliation of seven Landcare groups in December 2009.
The group covers the Mitta Mitta Catchment below Dartmouth Dam and down almost to the top of Lake Hume.
Molyullah-Tatong Tree and Land Protection Group work on diverse projects in our region, including land management, conservation initiatives and landscape...
The Mornington Peninsula Landcare Network represents the 11 Landcare Groups on the Mornington Peninsula.
Mountain Rivers Landcare is a small group located in the hills of Erica, 38kms north of Traralgon.
Moyston Landcare Group works with and supports landholders in the Moyston area, from large farming enterprises to smaller ‘lifestyle’ landholders.
The Mt Worth and District Landcare Group attracts community members from the area of Darnum-Allambee Road in the east, Hazeldean...
The group covers the areas of Barwidgee Creek, Mudgegonga and Rosewhite.
The Munro Landcare Group formed in 1995 and have had a major emphasis of coordinated and integrated Rabbit Control across...
Murray Mallee Landcare Network is a new informal network of Landcare Groups in the North Central region, formed in 2017...
The Murrayville Landcare group formed in 1993 and covers an area of approximately 22,000ha, from the South Australia border to...
The Naring Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to meet the need for natural resource and land management support at...
The North East Dung Beetle group is a collective of interested Landcare and industry groups and landholders undertaking monitoring and...
The Neerim and District Landcare Group was formed by a small group of volunteers in the late 90's and today...
The Nerrena Landcare Group was formed in 1995 and aimed to protect and enhance the natural assets of the area,...
The Newfield Valley Landcare Group has been working towards restoring the Newfield Valley for over 20 years.
Nulla Vale Pyalong West Landcare Group is based in the granite country of the Cobaw Ranges west of Pyalong.
The Nullawil Landcare group formed from a Rabbit Action Group in 1993 to improve management of rabbits and weeds, undertake...
The Nyah West Landcare Group area is located in the northeast of the Mallee region.
A group of Otways farmers’ passion for building a local food economy was the foundation of a new Landcare group...
The Powlett Project is a steering committee that covers the 5 landcare groups in the Powlett catchment.
Project Platypus acts as an umbrella organisation for the eleven Landcare groups of the Upper Wimmera Catchment.
Rainbow and District Landcare Group is located in the Mallee, between two major lake systems, Lake Hindmarsh and Lake Albucutya.
Lachlan Campbell and Olivia Kemp are the Regional Landcare Facilitators for North East Victoria.
The Romawi Landcare group formed in 1995 and the group area covers 8,333 hectares.
Rowsley Landcare Group is supporting each other to achieve sustainable agriculture and an improved environment.
The Rutherglen Landcare Group is a volunteer, not for profit, group committed to the environment and the community.
Our core aims are action-oriented, informed by the best research available, empowered by a huge volunteer network, and showing inter-generational...
Addressing natural resource management issues in the Snowy River Catchment, the Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee (SRILC) represents nine rural...
The South Eastern Mallee Landcare Consortium represents Birchip, Nullawil, Culgoa, Berriwillock, Ultima, Sea Lake, Curyo-Watchupga and Lalbert Landcare Groups.
We are a network made up of 15 individual Landcare and other groups in South Gippsland.
South West Goulburn Landcare is an informal grouping of the eight Landcare Groups operating in the catchments of the creeks...
The Southern Mallee Landcare Consortium is a cooperative arrangement made up of Hopetoun, Beulah and Woomelang Lascelles Landcare Groups.
"Informing, educating and inspiring our local community on environmental, conservation, heritage, cultural, indigenous and best practice sustainable land management issues."...
This group was formed in 1988, from an existing Farm Trees Group.
Springsure Hill is a wholesome community led Landcare group based in Buln Buln, Shady Creek and Crossover areas.
To encourage native farm tree planting in the St Helens District - for agricultural sustainability and increasing native biodiversity.
The Shelterbelters arose from a local drive to plant trees and engage the farming community in pest control, weed control,...
The Stratford and District Farm Cheque Group formed some 25 years ago with the founding members predominantly being beef farmers...
The Strathbogie Tableland is located 15 km east of Euroa and 30 km south-west of Benalla, in North-East Victoria.
Sunday Creek/Dry Creek Landcare Group is based in the catchments of the two creeks before they join at Broadford.
Surf Coast and Inland Plains Network (SCIPN) is a Landcare Network operating along the surf coast from Barwon Heads to...
Swanpool Landcare Inc. has been operating since the late 1980s on projects related to sustainable farming, pest animals and weeds.
The Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare follows the Tambo River valley from Bindi in the north down to Tambo Crossing.
The Tanjil Valley Landcare Group is a community group with a focus on improving the local environment.
The Tarwin Lower Landcare Group was first formed in 1995 with the motto "for the farmers, by the farmers." The...
Toolern Vale Landcare Group is a vibrant volunteer organisation with over 35 active families as members.
Up2Us Landcare Alliance was established in 2008 as a locally based network within the Mansfield Shire to support local Landcare...
The Upper Avon Landcare Group was formed in 2002 when two existing groups - the Bushy Park Landcare Group and...
One of the first four Landcare Groups to form in the early 1990's Mansfield District, Upper Broken River Landcare have...
The Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN) is a collective of 18 Landcare/land management groups in the Murrindindi Shire area, North-East Victoria.
Our mission: Protecting the environment, encouraging productivity, engaging the community to ensure sustainable farming for Current and future Generations.
The Upper Loddon & Avoca Landcare Network Inc operates to the north and west of Ballarat, covering the Avoca, Maryborough...
The Upper Williamsons Creek Landcare Group incorporates that area of Mt Buninyong, Lal Lal, Scotsburn, Clarendon.
The Victorian Blackberry Taskforce was established in 2001 to work with Victorian communities and government agencies to provide a collaborative...
The Victorian Gorse Taskforce was formed in 1999 and launched a community-led integrated approach to reducing gorse across the landscape.
The Victorian Rabbit Management Collaboration Initiative commenced in October 2014 and is the result of a collaborative project between the...
Waitchie Landcare Group formed in October 1992 because the local members found they had common goals and could achieve better...
The Wallup Ag Group has existed for over 20 years, initially formed as a Top Crop Group funded by the DPI.
Warby Range Landcare Group (WRLG) is an incorporated, not-for-profit, community group working to improve the health of their land and...
The Warrenbayne/Boho Land Protection Group was one of the first community groups of its kind to be formed in Victoria,...
The Watson Creek Catchment Group (WCCG) seeks to improve the water quality of the Watson Creek through engaging local landholders...
We are family-based group who hold regular events aimed at improving and protecting our natural environment and having fun.
The Weering-Eurack Landcare Group formed in 1991 and over the years has been actively involved with pest plant and animal...
Western Port Catchment Landcare Network lies on the eastern and northern boundary of the Western Port Catchment and has 12...
Founded in 1986 Whiteheads Creek Landcare is one of the state oldest groups. Main projects in the past were soil...
The Whorouly Landcare Group is in the mid catchment of the Ovens River.The Whorouly Landcare Group was established in 1992.
Willowmavin Landcare Group was formed in 1996 and is based on the volcanic plains west of Kilmore and in the...
The Woady Yaloak Catchment Project is a community based landcare project that evolved from the collaboration of seven Landcare groups...
Woodside Landcare Group takes care of Landcare activites around the areas of Woodside along the South Gippsland Highway.
The Wooragee Landcare Group covers the upper reaches of the Reedy Creek, including the Wooragee and Woolshed valleys.
The Wurdale Landcare group has a membership of the Wormbete Creek catchment and surronds, including Wurdale, Wensleydale and South Winchelsea.
The Wye to Wongarra Landcare Group is the most easterly of our four groups, encompassing the townships of Wye and...
Due to concern with salinity, rising watertables and a lack of trees, a public meeting was held in February 1993.
YVELG - Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group for the Yarra Valley and surrounding Shires. Our group provides educational material eg.
Yarrilinks aims to protect, restore and re-establish the native vegetation in the region, balancing environmental activities with sustainable agricultural outcomes...
The Leigh Catchment Group (LCG) is a network of eight Landcare groups in the Corangamite region of South West Victoria.
Currently showing up to a maximum of 600 groups.
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