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Arthurs Creek District Landcare Group is an active Landcare Group of 120 or so members in outer North Eastern Melbourne.
Bald Hills Creswick Landcare Group - Our community group has been eradicating weeds and planting native trees in the area...
Our Landcare Group seeks to engage with a wide range of landholders, including new landholders, existing farmers, life style property...
Ensuring Barapa Barapa Traditional Owners have an opportunity to work on the land helping preserve, protect and maintain Lands and...
• To promote awareness in the Baringhup community of the sensitivity of the environment and its associated problems • To...
Bessie Creek/Ararat Creek Landcare Group was formed in 2000 and aims to provide opportunities for members to be involved in...
The Beulah Landcare group area covers approximately 33,100 hectares and lies within the Mallee Catchment Management Authority region and the...
Beyond Bolac Catchment Action Group. Working to improve the health of the catchments of the Fiery Creek, Lake Bolac and Salt Creek catchments.
The Binginwarri Landcare Group was initially started in 1987. It was then known as Binginwarri Ragwort and Landcare Group.
1. To provide opportunities and assistance for interested members of the community of Blairgowrie and surrounding areas to work together...
The Broken Boosey CMN works tenure blind in the northern part of the Goulburn Broken basin.
This group covers the area to the south of Tallangatta township, incorporating the Bryants Gap valley, sections of the Lake...
Bunyip Landcare Group covers the districts of Bunyip, Tonimbuk and Iona. We aim to increase environmental awareness and farm sustainability.
Burnt Creek Landcare Group has a 20 year history in landcare in their region.
Cabarita Community Inc and Landcare Group is "For Community by Community" working on local environmental projects and general awareness with...
To protect and enhance the Cannibal Creek catchments and its environment To develop and maintain bio-links within the Cannibal Creek...
Bring interested landholders together to inform and work collectively on local environmental issues
Castlemaine Landcare Group welcomes visitors and new members. Formed in 2002, the group's primary focus is on restoring the natural...
Christmas Hills Landcare Group is a neighbourly network of people who care for the place we live in.
Corangamite Lakes Landcare Area takes in the Lismore, Weerite, Weering - Eurack, Leslie Manor and Cundare - Duverney Landcare Groups...
Our purpose is the re-establishment of near natural vegetation (EVC 55) on the "thorpes and thwaites" of land available in...
The purpose of Curyo Watchupga Landcare Group is to control environmental pest weeds and animals, and undertake rehabilitation works to...
Deep Creek Landcare Group purpose: Vision, Mission and Goals.
We have a membership of landholders from around 50 local properties, with a Committee of ten which initiates and coordinates...
Interested local community members and School and other groups coming together to enhance, protect and restore the natural environment through...
The Eastwood Landcare Group Inc. is established to be a charity with the purpose of enhancing the natural environment in...
Since 1990, with constant dedication from a Committee of Management, a Friends group and regular volunteers, the Euroa Arboretum is...
The Euroa Environment Group formed to ensure that land management within the township of Euroa and surrounds considered environmental considerations.
F.E.H.M.R. was formed in 2014 to unify the environs and horticulture.
FOBB aims to support and guide Geelong Landcare Network and the Western Region Ecological Network in managing local native vegetation...
We care for this Healthland (and ecosystem) that is the largest remnant of Sandringham Heath, that would be protected by...
Friends of Cape Nelson Landcare / Coastcare aims to maintain improve and promote the Cape’s great environmental assets and tourist...
The Friends of Coolart Inc. is a volunteer organisation which supports Parks Victoria in the promotion, preservation and enhancement of...
The Friends of Darebin Creek was formed in 1994 to protect, restore and conserve the Darebin Creek and its adjacent...
The Friends of Edwardes Lake is a local group who aim to preserve, restore and care for the ecosystems of...
Friends of Ewart Brothers Reserve is a group of local residents who live near Ewart Brothers Reserve, alongside Huon Creek,...
We are a well-established and active group who are rehabilitating a 40 hectare bushland reserve.
This group has performed extensive works along the town's greatest natural asset, Jacksons Creek, linking public open space with recreational...
New members welcome & needed! Our priorities: 1. Preserve the diverse flora of Knox 2. Improve habitat for wildlife 3.
The Friends of Land and Water Landcare Group is a bunch of not-so-young people who live in the Lifestyle Village...
Friends of Lou Lieberman Park is a group of local residents who live near Lou Lieberman Park and have an...
Friends of Merri Creek are a community group that has actively worked since 1988 to restore and protect the Merri...
The Friends of Mount Gisborne Bushland Reserve, as a sub group of Gisborne Landcare, collaborate with the Macedon Ranges Shire...
Pryor Park was initially created in the early 1930s for public purposes and public recreation by the City of Ballarat...
Friends of Susan Campbell & Kent McKoy Reserves is a group of local residents who live or work near the...
The Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater formed in May 1989 when the population of the Helmeted Honeyeaters reached a critically...
Friends of the Surry Inc.’ was formed in November 2006 to create a strong voice for the protection of the...
Friends of the WREN Baranduda is a group of local people involved in enhancing the Wodonga Retained Environment Network (WREN)...
The Friends of the Yarrowee River is a community group that aims to work actively to restore and protect the...
Friends of Toolern Creek are a community group actively working to preserve and restore the environment of Toolern Creek Anyone...
The Friends of Turtons Creek aim to protect and enhance the area surrounding Turtons Creek, north of Foster.
Friends of Uralla volunteers are community members who are interested in preserving the Reserve so that we can all enjoy...
We're bringing the community together to re-vegetate, control weeds and generally improve the banks of the Werribee River as it...
Gippsland Intrepid Landcare is a volunteer group, led by passionate, creative and energetic young people, based in Gippsland Victoria.
The Gippsland Plains Rail Trail Committee of Management was first appointed in 1999.
Glenelg Hopkins CMA aims to support volunteers and landholders to undertake actions that improve the condition of our environment and...
The Glengarry Landcare Group are a passionate bunch of local volunteers working with local community to coordinate activities on public...
GULLG operates between Coomoora, Denver, the Upper Loddon State Forest and the Wombat State Forest.
Global Landcare is a not-for profit organisation registered with the Australian government (as an incorporated organisation), which supports overseas communities...
Goomalibee Landcare Group is bordered by the township of Benalla, the Broken River and Hume Freeway.
Goulburn Murray Landcare Network is a voluntary, community run forum, operating within the Agricultrual Floodplains Area, located in the Goulburn...
The Hallston Regenerative Agricultural Group (HRAG) is located in Hallston. It is supported by and auspiced by South Gippsland Landcare Network.
The Heathcote Landcare Group formed in 2017, as local community member were looking to undertake riparian restoration projects along McIvor...
Highlands Landcare Group no longer meets on a monthly basis. It functions as a sub committee of the Hughes Creek...
Home Creek Spring Creek Landcare Group cares for one of the largest catchments in the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and...
To undertake environmental actions at Hopkins Falls and surrounding area.
The Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative is an umbrella group administrating the finances and coordinating the activities of four landcare groups.
Intrepid Landcare aims to provide a platform to promote all environmental volunteer opportunities for young people across Australia with a...
The Jindivick Landcare Group is an active community group which was formed in 2005 by local landholders.
Be part of the solution! Each one of us at Johns Hill Landcare feels empowered supporting the environment by being...
This Landcare network provides the governance structure and support for independent groups Baranduda and Yackandandah Creek as well as fully-merged...
The Kilmany - Pearsondale - Nambrok is an active community Landcare Group covering the area to the west of Sale.
Kinglake Scouts Junior Landcare Group is part of the Upper Goulburn Landcare Network and has been involved with the Kinglake...
This group is an active group based around the Koyuga and Kanyapella areas to the east of Echuca and north-west...
This group is an urban group operating in Kyabram main projects are: Grey Box Reserve Trotting Track Reserve South Boundary...
Labertouche Sustainable Farming and Landcare Group was established over 20 years ago by a small group of local landowners who...
Little River Community Landcare Group is the new name for this group.
A network of 18 Landcare and NRM community groups around the Loddon Plains.
The Longlea and District Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to assist in the improvement and preservation of the local environment.
Longwood East Landcare Group is primarily made up of small landholders in the granite hills, south of the Hume Freeway...
Macclesfield Landcare Group was formed in 1996 to service the peri-urban area around Macclesfield in the Yarra Valley - just...
Merri River Warrnambool Moyne Shire Making A Difference (MAD) for the Merri was established after a forum in 2007 to...
The Marengo-Barham Cathment Landcare Group includes the settlement of Marengo and half of the township of Apollo Bay.
Point Cooke Marine Sanctuary covers 290 hectares and is located 10 kilometers east of Werribee, adjoining Point Cook Coastal Park...
Merriman Creek Landcare Group members actively participate in Landcare activities throughout their region of Stradbroke - Seaspray.
With a long history of community activities and development of local features such as the cemetery and railway walk, Merton...
Please go to YouTube by typing in Mirranatwa Landcare Group to see what we are doing.
A Landcare Group, currently inactive, that was supported by Mirridong Services in Yarram.
This community driven Blackberry Action Group is focused on Collective Action to Manage Blackberries across our Community.
The Mitta to Murray Landcare Network was formed as an affiliation of seven Landcare groups in December 2009.
Monbulk Landcare is a group of local residents in and around the Monbulk area.
Formerly TRAC (Thompsons Road Area Community Fireguard and Landcare Group) If you love where you live, join in with your...
The Moorabool Catchment Landcare Group Inc. has grown into a strong and thriving group in recent years.
The Mount Elephant Community Management Inc is involved in the restoration of Mount Elephant, located at Derrinallum, Victoria.
Mount Leura and Mount Sugarloaf are part of a large volcanic complex known as the Leura Maar which was formed...
Mt. Toolebewong and District Landcare Group covers a wide area between Healesville and Yarra Junction.
The Muckatah Landcare Group was formed in April 2004 after a group of interested local people decided there was a...
Murray Mallee Landcare Network is a new informal network of Landcare Groups in the North Central region, formed in 2017...
The Murrayville Landcare group formed in 1993 and covers an area of approximately 22,000ha, from the South Australia border to...
The group's vision is to foster sustainable ecologies throughout the Myrtleford district.
Nagle College is a Secondary College situated on the Lindenow-Dargo Road on the outskirts of Bairnsdale, Victoria.
The member groups were motivated to form a Network so that they can operate together to achieve positive environmental change...
Nanneella Timmering Landcare group 2.0 has just been revived.! The group started in the late 90's with a focus on...
The Napoleons/Enfield Landcare Group is based around Cambrian Hill, Napoleons and Enfield just south of Ballarat.
The Naring Landcare Group was formed in 1997 to meet the need for natural resource and land management support at...
Protect and enhance our landscape by reconnecting people with the natural environment, through coordinated and collaborative efforts with our member...
NatureWest is a not-for-profit association for individuals, groups and organisations that share an environmental vision for the wider Werribee catchment...
The Neerim and District Landcare Group was formed by a small group of volunteers in the late 90's and today...
Nelson lies at the heart of some of the most environmentally-significant areas of southwestern Victoria, including the Lower Glenelg National...
The Nerrena Landcare Group was formed in 1995 and aimed to protect and enhance the natural assets of the area,...
The North Harcourt Sedgwick Landcare group was among the first 20 Landcare groups established in Victoria, forming in 1988.
We aim to protect and enhance the local environment in the communities of White Hills, Epsom, Huntly and Bagshot, in...
The Northern Yarra Landcare Network is located in the fire-affected region of Yarra Ranges and includes Steels Creek to the...
Coastcare is community volunteers who have a passion for protecting and enhancing our coast.
We are farmers working with farmers to explore how growing trees can make farming more environmentally sustainable and economically rewarding.
A group of Otways farmers’ passion for building a local food economy was the foundation of a new Landcare group...
ORCA is devoted to sharing information relevant to our climate and future planetary survival.
'Bush Parks and Trails Connecting Community' Parklands Albury Wodonga provides opportunities for people to experience and share in the stewardship...
The Ross Creek Landcare Group is located south-west of Ballarat, and incorporates the areas in the vicinity of Ross Creek,...
Sheepwash Creek Landcare Group formed in 1997 to protect and enhance biodiversity and water quality within the catchment.
Addressing natural resource management issues in the Snowy River Catchment, the Snowy River Interstate Landcare Committee (SRILC) represents nine rural...
The Southern Otway Landcare Network (SOLN) is a grassroots community organisation dedicated to protecting and restoring our environment so that...
The Southwest Environment Alliance (SEA) was formed in 2007 under the name of South West Coast Action Landcare Network.
"Informing, educating and inspiring our local community on environmental, conservation, heritage, cultural, indigenous and best practice sustainable land management issues."...
The Shelterbelters arose from a local drive to plant trees and engage the farming community in pest control, weed control,...
This group covers the area around Stanley, near Beechworth.The Stanley Landcare Group formed in 2000.
Stawell Urban Landcare Group is comprised of people from the township who are dedicated to the beautification, enhancement and promotion...
The Stratford and District Farm Cheque Group formed some 25 years ago with the founding members predominantly being beef farmers...
The Strath Creek Landcare group comprises more than 60 families (about 110 members) mainly from Strath Creek and Flowerdale (although...
We are a family orientated group that works with partner agencies to improve the health of local bushland reserves and...
The Swan Bay Environment Association recognises the importance of Swan Bay as a wetland of national and international importance and...
Swanpool Landcare Inc. has been operating since the late 1980s on projects related to sustainable farming, pest animals and weeds.
The Swifts Creek Ensay Landcare follows the Tambo River valley from Bindi in the north down to Tambo Crossing.
Please note: This is currently a Landcare group by and for the Nalderun Upper Loddon Aboriginal Community.
The Tanjil Valley Landcare Group is a community group with a focus on improving the local environment.
The Tarrangower Cactus Control Group was originally formed in 2005 from a network of local Landcare groups, specifically to tackle...
The Tarwin Valley Landcare Group is dedicated to the conservation, protection and rebuilding of our diverse and beautiful native flora...
Toolern Vale Landcare Group is a vibrant volunteer organisation with over 35 active families as members.
The Torquay Landcare Group is committed to sustainable management of local natural resource assets.
Ullina Landcare formed in 1994 to connect local landholders with a common interest in caring for the land and engaging...
Up2Us Landcare Alliance was established in 2008 as a locally based network within the Mansfield Shire to support local Landcare...
This group is centred on the Lockwood/Lockwood South area and includes Lockwood South State Forest, Shelbourne Nature Conservation Reserve Forest,...
Upper Yarra Landcare is a social group of committed people of all ages who maintain and preserve the environment in...
Wairewa and District Landcare Group is in a rural area of Far East Gippsland near the small town of Nowa Nowa.
Create a more liveable Wallan by engaging the community in restoring, enhancing & preserving the natural environment.
The Wallup Ag Group has existed for over 20 years, initially formed as a Top Crop Group funded by the DPI.
The residents of Toorongo Court, Buntine Drive and surrounds have joined the Warragul Urban Landcare group.
Warranwood Reserve is an 11 hectare (27 acres) bushland reserve located in the City of Maroondah, some 26 km east...
The Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Network (WCLN) is a very active volunteer-based organisation working in Warrnambool and district.
The Watson Creek Catchment Group (WCCG) seeks to improve the water quality of the Watson Creek through engaging local landholders...
We are family-based group who hold regular events aimed at improving and protecting our natural environment and having fun.
The Werribee River Association (WRivA) began its life in Werribee Township in 1981, with a view to protect and enhance...
Westernport Intrepid Landcare provides a space for young adults to be empowered and connect to the environment, to share an...
The Winchelsea Land & River Care Group (formally the Barwon Rivercare Group) is based in the township and district of Winchelsea.
Friends of Wodonga Rail Trail is a volunteer group of local residents who help Parklands Albury Wodonga manage the inner...
Wodonga Urban Landcare Network provides support to stewardship groups and facilitates opportunities for linkages, information sharing, co-operative and wholistic planning...
Woorndoo and surrounding districts are renowned for the quality and diversity of their natural environments, particularly the region's remnants of...
The Wurdale Landcare group has a membership of the Wormbete Creek catchment and surronds, including Wurdale, Wensleydale and South Winchelsea.
The Wye to Wongarra Landcare Group is the most easterly of our four groups, encompassing the townships of Wye and...
Wyndham Litter Warriors carries out litter clean-up events across all four corners of Wyndham City Council. It works closely with Council...
This group has regular working bees along Yackandandah Creek within the Recreation Reserve of Yackandandah.
The Yarra Ranges Landcare Network is made up of groups in the Yarra Valley and Dandenong Ranges.
YVELG - Yarra Valley Equestrian Landcare Group for the Yarra Valley and surrounding Shires. Our group provides educational material eg.
Yarrilinks aims to protect, restore and re-establish the native vegetation in the region, balancing environmental activities with sustainable agricultural outcomes...
Landcare 3869 || Our group works on public and private land to achieve habitat protection, revegetation, weed control, water quality,...
Currently showing up to a maximum of 600 groups.
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