Official opening of the Sandhill Road Flora & Fauna Reserve, Stratford


Sandhill Rd, Stratford VIC


Official opening at 11, refreshments, guided plant ID walks and a kids’ scavenger hunt

The Avon Landcare Group began restoration of the 10-hectares of reserve situated on the hilltop of Sandhill Road in 2007. This long-forgotten slip of land is a time capsule of endangered species that once formed the Red Gum Plains Grassy Woodlands and is a seed repository of special significance. 

Through many volunteer hours the reserve is ready to reveal it’s hidden natural treasures - the ancient Red Gums, sweet Bursaria, native flowers and grasses. 

The official opening of the reserve is on Sunday 21st November at 11am. Refreshments, guided walks (at 11.15am and again at 12.15pm) and a kids’ scavenger hunt are some of the activities that will happen on the day.

Please come along to celebrate and learn how you too can get involved in restoring and maintaining the beautiful natural spaces in our Shire. 

We look forward to seeing you there!



Event files and flyers

Our event is here

Sandhill Rd, Stratford VIC
