Blackberry Control Field Day


Bryants Gap Road, Tallangatta, Victoria

This event is part of

Mitta to Murray Landcare Network

Explore other events about

Community Pest plants and animals

Wasting time, money and chemicals on large infestations?
Don’t have a big enough spray unit? Or the time to spray?
Sick of looking at blackberry invasions and/or dead canes?

The field day will showcase:

• A bobcat/mulcher in action removing- large live infestation in steep country- dead canes in steep country and open paddocks- chat with the operator and inspect the results

• Reducing chemical usage for on-going suppression

• Biological controls - how do we drive the agenda?

• Helicopter spraying of blackberries- the do’s & don’t- chat with the pilot on how to meet legal requirement and protect native vegetation- follow-up works with aerial seeding & fertilizing

This is a joint project between to Mitta to Murray Blackberry Action Group and the North East CMA through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Programme.

RSVP by 11/3/16Doris Razeng     0499 977 471  orJim de Hennin  0408 978 847 

For more information refer to:

Event files and flyers

This event is part of

Mitta to Murray Landcare Network

Explore other events about

Community Pest plants and animals

Our event is here

Bryants Gap Road, Tallangatta, Victoria
