Eucalypt Identification Tour: What Tree Is That? ...I want to grow one!



Community Bus Shed, Main Street Yinnar

Free - Use the RSVP tab to book (essential)

Eucalypt Identification Field day led by Jenny Wolswinkel from Seeds of Gippsland. Involves a bus tour around locally occurring eucalypts and instruction in seed collection.

Yinnar, Yinnar South Landcare Group is now ready to propagate our own locally collected seed for revegetation projects. We have engaged Jenny Wolswinkel from Seeds of Gippsland to lead a bus tour to help us identify local remnant eucalypts.

Our projects extend from the Gippsland Plains bio-region into the foothills of the Strzelecki ranges, and there are many different plant communities and plants that grow naturally in different places. The tour will concentrate on eucalypts...becuase they can be hard to identify.

Jenny will also give us tips on how to collect, store and manage seed from locally occurring native plants.

To save time and to get the most out of this day we will travel in the Yinnar community bus.

This event is free, but places are limited and [on-line] booking is essential. Please remember to cancel if you book then find that you can't attend. (There is a waiting list facility on Try Booking where you will book, so others may be ready to take up any unused places).

You need to wear appropriate clothing for being outdoors in the weather conditions and to bring your own drinks, snacks and lunch. Binoculars and/ or a hand lens may be useful if you have them.

Our event is here

Community Bus Shed, Main Street Yinnar
