Biolink, restoration, planting, revegetation, indigenous plants, flora, habitat, bushland,
This community-driven Landcare project seeks to restore Swamp Scrub, Damp Sands Herb-Rich Woodland & Heathy Woodland on private properties adjoining "Peninsula Gardens", a high-value bushland reserve on the southern Mornington Peninsula.
The project will restore habitat for a number of species recorded recently in this area listed on DELWPs Advisory List including Swamp Skink, Southern Toadlet, Lewin's Rail, Grey Goshawk, Powerful Owl & White-footed Dunnart.
Coordinated community fox and rabbit control programs will further benefit these species. SWMP Landcare will conduct training workshops to skill up landholders in plant ID & sensitive weed control methods. We will also invite local residents to an informative workshop to highlight significant local species & how to best protect them. Ecologically-sensitive woody weed control which minimises off-target damage will be conducted by experienced contractors.