Castlemaine Landcare Group Working Bee and End of Year Breakup


Castlemaine Landcare Group

Final working bee for 2019 with BBQ lunch to follow

This working bee will be to water this year's plantings behind Best Motors (32 Duke St).  Please park along the road, although one or two cars can be driven down towards the creek bank to drop off water if necessary.

We don't plan to use the 1000 L tank in this tight area, so please bring water if you can - old milk bottles work well.  This is not essential as we have some full bottles already there and a few of our members have a stash as well.

As always, wear stout footwear, gloves, sunscreen and hats.

If we get the watering done quickly, we will do some weeding as well.  So bring some weeding tools if you have them, although we do have some to spare.

Morning tea will NOT be provided because ......

.... at 12.30, we will have our end-of-year BBQ lunch celebration.  This will be under the pepper trees beside Tute's Cottage (29 Greenhill Avenue).

We will provide BBQ lamb and a vegetarian option, and we ask that you bring the following -

•    a salad and/or sweet thing to share;

•    a plate to eat from and cutlery to eat with;

•    something to drink and a glass/mug to drink from; and

•    a chair.

This location is a short walk along the creek from the watering site.  However, you can always choose to drive around if you have too many things to carry.

Please feel free to come along even if you have not been fully involved during the year.

Our event is here

Castlemaine Landcare Group
