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Deer in the Headlights: Guest Speaker David Forsyth speaks on the future for wild deer in Australia.
"A recent National Workshop focusing on the future of wild deer in Australia had identified significant knowledge gaps that must be addressed to effectively manage this emerging national issue" says Dave Forsyth.
Dave has a background with over 20 years experience in wildlife management and research. He has conducted a variety of long-term field projects in Australia and New Zealand, focusing on understanding how plant communities respond to the management of overabundant herbivores such as deer and rabbits. This has often required the development of new monitoring and analysis methods.
Dave has also contributed to the understanding of large herbivore population dynamics through field and modelling projects. Prior to joining the Vertebrate Pest Research Unit in June 2016, Dave led the Wildlife Management Program at the Victorian Government’s Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research. There he supervised projects investigating the distributions, abundances and impacts of deer and other overabundant wildlife species.
Come and hear more about current research and what is needed - and share your own experience and knowledge.