Value Adding your Farm Product


Seymour Vic

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North East Ecological Farmers

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In this meeting the North East Ecological Farmers look at how you can add value to your product by controlling the supply chain of your end product, or in other words taking your animals or farm produce all the way to the end consumer. Please RSVP

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Come and hear two speakers on direct marketing your farm produce.

Hear from Alan Snaith, from Warialda Beef,   .

Allen owns a Belted Galloway herd at Clonbinane Victoria and found that even though the cattle performed well, these cattle were not popular in the saleyards. He realised he needed to create value to what was already great product, but needed to be able market his product to gain the true value of the product.

Alan now has cattle being grown all over Victoria to meet the demand for his meat and cattle sales. He has found that since he started selling product direct to the end consumer his sales of livestock have also increased. He has a number of full time employees in his business and uses contract food processes and bakers.

Also hear from Leanne and Alan Woods,   Milawa Organic Beef 

Alan had been farming along more natural and biological methods for many years and in 2012 became a registered organic farm.  

They realized that they may be able achieve extra value for their product so they decided to investigate direct marketing of their produce and here we are today.

Leanne and Alan will explain their journey, talk about the hurdles they have had to overcome or manage and the enjoyment they get from of selling their product directly to the end consumer

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Seymour Vic
