Role of soil microbes in production


Seymour Vic

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North East Ecological Farmers

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Featuring Nicole Masters. Gain an appreciation of soil microbes and their role in profitable production. Develop an understanding of the tools and information available to build soil.

The program for the day:

9.30am – 12.30pm

Soil Biology 101: Introduction into soil biology and soil health and the interactions between the two.

  • How is soil made?
  • Major microbe groups, what they do.
  • Influence of different soil factors on microbes
  • Game- in groups, plant/microbe succession
  • Relationship between microbes and plants/weeds


1.30pm – 3.30pm:

Harnessing microbes; foods to optimise biological activity

  • Methods to build humus
  •  nutrient accumulation and fertility
  •  Soil water holding capacities.

Discussion: Resilience farming tools to face the challenges of water, temperature, and climate change.

Be inspired, change practices, Improve your soil health  knowledge and  improve your soil resilience.

Nicole Masters is an ecologist, educator and farming systems thinker. Her passion for fostering the growth of regenerative farming practices calls upon diverse skills in facilitation, an understanding of behavioural change and science communication.

The day is brought to you by:

Warby Ranges Landcare

North East Ecological Farmers 

Proudly supported by the North East CMA.

This event is part of

North East Ecological Farmers

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Seymour Vic
