North East Ecological Farmers

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Our purpose

The NE Ecological Farmers is a group of landowners in North East Victoria interested in healthy farming systems.The North East Ecological Farmers is an interactive group of individuals who are supporting and encouraging interest and participation in sustainable and innovative ecological farming practices, through education and the sharing of knowledge...

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Norman Tozer - Secretary
03 5792 1139

Regions we're part of

Region 1
North East

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events.

Past events

Group event Event ended 18 Nov 2014

Role of soil microbes in production

Featuring Nicole Masters.Gain an appreciation of soil microbes and their role in profitable production.

Group event Event ended 24 Apr 2014

Value Adding your Farm Product

In this meeting the North East Ecological Farmers look at how you can add value to your product by controlling...

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Group news and project updates

News, 29 Aug 2016,

Better Farming Soil Forum & Book Launch

North East Ecological Farmers present Nicole Masters, local farmers, and launch the Better Farming book.

Our group is here

Seymour Vic