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Network established 2012
The Southern Mallee Landcare Consortium is a cooperative arrangement made up of Hopetoun, Beulah and Woomelang Lascelles Landcare Groups. These groups predominantly represent the dry land farming community, along with their respective rural communities, in helping them to identify and address local and regional priorities and actions in relation to...
75 Lascelles Street HOPETOUN VICTORIA 3396
The Beulah Landcare group area covers approximately 33,100 hectares and lies within the Mallee Catchment Management Authority region and the...
The Hopetoun Landcare Group covers an area of approximately 42,200 hectares at the end of the Yarriambiack Creek system.
The Lascelles Landcare Group formed in October 2001 because landholders witnessed the success of other such groups in the region.
75 Lascelles Street, Hopetoun VIC