Panyyabyr Landcare Group

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Our purpose

The Panyyabyr Landcare Group covers the Moutajup, Karabeal and Woodhouse area around Dunkeld. There are several courses and projects that the group is involved in e.g. Healthy Grazing Pastures (Soils), EverGraze - Grazing Management, Lifetime Ewe Management, Trees to the River etc.The Panyyabyr Landcare Group is situated in the Victoria...

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Craig Oliver
0427 772 430

Regions we're part of

Region 1
Glenelg Hopkins

This group is part of

Landcare Victoria Inc.

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events.

Past events

Group event Event ended 2 Oct 2014

Pannyabyr Landcare Group Meetings

This folder contains information about meetings including agenda, minutes and meeting notes.

Group news and project updates

News, 29 Aug 2016,

Kowree Tree Group

Our group is here
