Weed Control


Lake Bolac, Victoria


Glenelg Hopkins CMA and Corangamite CMA will host two workshops in both Lake Bolac and Shelford on 4th and 5th of October

Do you control weeds on roadsides or rail reserves?

Want to learn more about the plants that grow on these reserves and how to identify them?

These workshops are for you!

Various sites will be visited showing a range of native and weed species that you are likely to come across whilst working on linear reserves. Tony Brady, CFA Vegetation Management Officer, will talk about CFA brigades’ invaluable involvement and support in the Linear Reserves Project. Lunch and cuppas provided.

To organise transport and catering please contact Aggie or Jess

Glenelg Hopkins CMA

When: Wednesday 4th October 2017

Where: Lake Bolac Information Centre car park, Glenelg Hwy, Lake Bolac 

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Who: Aggie Stevenson, 0435 537 443 a.stevenson@ghcma.vic.gov.au

Corangamite CMA

When: Thursday 5th October 2017

Where: Shelford Recreation Reserve , Shelford Bannockburn Road, Shelford 

Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm

Who: Jess Lill, 0477 719 149 jess.lill@ccma.vic.gov.au

Event files and flyers

Our event is here

Lake Bolac, Victoria