Soils4Farms 2019/20 - Community workshops





Lisa Miller
0488 600 226

Would you like to learn more about managing for better soils and improved production?

Expressions of interest are now open for the 2019/20 Soils4Farms Workshops!

From 1 July 2019, there will be an opportunity for Landcare and farm production groups to work with Southern Farming Systems to access best available knowledge of soils and farm production through the 2019/20 Soils4Farms project.

In 2018/19, as part of the Glenelg Hopkins CMA’s Soils4Farms project, Southern Farming Systems partnered with Upper Glenelg Landcare Network to hold events that included managing sodic soils. This included erosion and profitable grazing in stony barriers. These were several highly successful events.

Have a soils or farm production you want to know more about? Check out the flyer for more information .

Event files and flyers