On Thursday 18 July 2024, the winners of the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards were announced at the ceremony at Docklands Stadium, Melbourne. The awards ceremony was attended by more than 300 Landcarers from across Victoria.
There were a record number of 146 nominations for the 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards. See the list of all nominees at 2024 Victorian Landcare Awards winners
There were 17 nominations for this award category.
Read the story on the group in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024
Highly Commended:
Cannibal Creek Catchment Landcare Group
Springsure Hill Landcare Group
Read the story on the network in the Victorian Landcare magazine
Highly Commended - Merri Creek Management Committee
There were 24 nominations received in this award category.
Read the story on Marie in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/joan-kirner-landcare-award/
Highly Commended - Penny Roberts
Read the story on Peter in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/dr-sidney-plowman-travel-and-study-award/
Highly Commended - David Bateman
Read the story on Lisa in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/victorian-farmers-federationlandcare-victoria-inc-heather-mitchell-memorial-fellowship/
Highly Commended - Marissa Shean
Commended - Jonathan Starks
Winner - Annalise Varker
Read the story on Annalise in the Winter 2024 issue of Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/horrie-poussard-prize-annalise-varker/
Highly Commended - Kaye Rodden
Read the story on CARYA in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-climate-innovation-award/
High Commended - Heytesbury District Landcare Network
Commended - Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation
Read the story on Merri Creek Management Committee in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-community-partnerships-landcare-award-merri-creek-management-committee/
Highly Commended:
Read the story on Kevin in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-individual-landcare-award-kevin-nolte/
Highly Commended - Ian Arney
Read the story on the Blackwell family in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/australian-government-sustainable-agriculture-landcare-award-the-blackwell-family/
Commended - Mount Alexander Regenerative Agriculture Group
Read the story on Elizabeth in the Victorian Landcare magazine
Women in Landcare Award - Elizabeth Ross — Victorian Landcare Gateway (landcarevic.org.au)
Highly Commended - Marney Durie
Read the story on the joint winners in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/first-nations-landcare-collaboration-award-wurundjeri-woi-wurrung-cultural-heritage-aboriginal-corporations-narrap-unit-and-darebin-creek-management-committee/
Highly Commended - Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation’ s Narrap Unit and Yarra Valley Water
Commended - Warby Range Landcare Group and Bangerang Aboriginal Corporation
Read the story on Bryce in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/nextgen-landcare-award-bryce-watts-parker/
Highly Commended - Jackson Cass
Read the story on Simon in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/greyhound-coastcare-award-simon-davies/
Read the story on Tavish in the Victorian Landcare magazine https://www.landcarevic.org.au/landcare-magazine/winter-2024/woolworths-junior-landcare-award-tavish-bloom/
Highly Commended - St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School
Commended - Our Lady Star of the Sea Primary School