2009 Victorian Landcare Awards

Winners list

The 2009 Victorian Landcare Awards ceremony was held on 8 September.

Australian Government Coastcare Award

Warrnambool Coastcare Landcare Group and the Point Danger Committee of Management

Landcare Community Group Award

Birchip Landcare Group

Westpac Landcare Education Award

Badger Creek Primary School

VFF Heather Mitchell Memorial Fellowship Award

Heather Drendel

Indigenous Landcare Award

Barapa Barapa Indigenous Work Crew

Individual Landcarer Award

Arie Bos

Local Government Landcare Partnerships Award

Bass Coast Shire

CitiPower/Powercor Landcare Network Award

Bass Coast Landcare Network

Landcare NRM Region Award

North East CMA

Dr Sidney Plowman Travel and Study Award

Geoff Park

Urban Landcare Award

Friends of Westgate Park

Young Landcare Leader Award

Kayla Groombridge

Landcare Primary Producer Award

Julie and Sandy Cameron

People's Choice Award

John Robinson

DPI Sustainable Farming Awards


Julie and Sandy Cameron

East Gippsland

Armit Family

Glenelg Hopkins

Mike and Dawn Waite

Goulburn Broken

Doug James


Col Beasley

North Central

Andy Hay

North East

McIntosh Family

Port Phillip and Westernport

Rob and Carol Tylee

West Gippsland

Justin and Melissa Ainsworth


Dennis and Bronwyn Starick