These logos are for community use and are suitable for publications and promotional materials, both online and offline. Download the zip file to your computer and extract the package of individual logo files.
Victorian Landcare Grants logos - Download (11 MB)
All recipients of Victorian Landcare Grants (VLG) funding should adhere to the 'Victorian Landcare Grants Guide for Official Logo Use'.
The ‘Victorian Landcare Grants logos package’ zip file includes the VLG logo and the Victorian State Government logo in a variety of colours and formats.
The VLG logos package contains both official logos in a variety of approved colours and formats, including:
- inline and stacked logos
- jpg and png formats suitable for digital use (social media, website, etc.) or low resolution print
- eps and ai formats suitable for high resolution professional design/printing
Refer to the 'Guide for Official Logo Use' for how, when, and where to use the official logos.
Victorian Landcare Program official logos - Download (8.6 MB)
The Victorian Landcare Program's package of official logos includes the State Government's Brand Victoria logo, released January 2016.
This package includes:
- Victorian Government logo in formats - jpg/png (for office/home printing), and eps format (for professional design/printing).
- Victorian Landcare Program (VLP) logo in formats - jpg/png (for office/home printing) and eps format (for professional design/printing).
- 'Guide to Using Official Logos'- developed to assist recipients of VLP funds with how, when, and where to use the official logos.