Victorian Landcare Magazine - Spring 2024, Issue 88

Regional snapshots: the next step in revitalising Forest Creek

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Above A concept image of a revitalised Forest Creek.

Castlemaine Landcare Group (CLG) received a Victorian Landcare Grant in 2021 for a project to revitalise a section of Forest Creek. The Forest Creek Revitalisation Project was the next step in work undertaken in 2018 by Professor Ian Rutherfurd, from the University of Melbourne, who developed an options paper for the rejuvenation of the creek.

The next step in revitalising Forest Creek

The Victorian Landcare Grants assisted the group with developing a scoping study with a concept design to rewild and rejuvenate 600 metres of the most urban section of Forest Creek, which flows through Castlemaine. The site is subject to stormwater runoff, litter, a dominance of common reed in the channel and other urban weeds.

Despite its urban nature the creek supports indigenous, heritage, social, recreational and natural values. The project aims to highlight and improve these values.

The Forest Creek Revitalisation Project is a partnership project between CLG and Djaara (Dja Dja Wurrung Clans Aboriginal Corporation), Mount Alexander Shire Council, North Central CMA, DEECA, and Friends of Campbells Creek.

The Victorian Landcare Grant enabled the CLG’s Forest Creek Revitalisation Project Implementation Group to engage a consultant to help develop publicity materials, undertake a mail-out to key stakeholders, organisations and local businesses and run an online survey. The group also held four information stalls to engage with the local community at the local Farmers’ Market and at other locations to gather the views of residents and visitors.

There was strong endorsement for the plan to improve creek health and biodiversity, along with additional values such as improved accessibility and recognition of cultural heritage, both First Nations and post-settlement.

Our project partner, Djaara, convened a Kapa Gatjin group of Dja Dja Wurrung Elders and Traditional Owner representatives to provide input into the project, including the design phase. Kapa Gatjin (to know water) provides a Traditional Owner cultural perspective to water related matters and included undertaking an Aboriginal Waterway Assessment.

Support through the Victorian Landcare Grants has helped the Implementation Group to gain further project funds through a Victorian Government Integrated Water Management Grant.

According to project co-convenor Jon Leevers, on-ground works will commence once detailed designs are finalised and are due to start late spring, to early summer 2024, depending on the weather.

“When the project is complete it will provide aquatic and riparian habitats and a recreational area that the community can utilise and be proud of as an urban feature in the township,” Jon said.

Kaye Swanton and Jon Leevers are the co-convenors of the Forest Creek Revitalisation Project Implementation Group.

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Castlemaine Landcare Group