Resumed activity in August 2008. The group consists of around 25 members and meet bimonthly.
Meetings are scheduled on a need basis, however rabbit control works are underway and several members have undertaken soil conservation...
Crowlands-Warrak Landcare Group are a farming based Landcare group, with an interest in sustainable agriculture.
Guest speakers are a regular part of the meeting line up.
The group gathers quarterly at member's properties for a meeting and BBQ.
The Hindmarsh Landcare Network (HLN) is an example of local people taking action and achieving success.
The Horsham Urban Landcare Group is established to: a) coordinate family friendly activities to encourage community involvement in the protection...
Jallukar Landcare Group’s area covers the Mt William catchment.
Kaniva District Landcare Group is a very active group focused on revegetation, pest plant and animal control, sustainable agriculture and...
Laharum Landcare Group are based on the North East side of the Grampians National Park (Gariwerd).
The group's President and Secretary coordinate weed and rabbit control with the use of the Landmate crew.
Moyston Landcare Group works with and supports landholders in the Moyston area, from large farming enterprises to smaller ‘lifestyle’ landholders.
Meetings are called on an as needs basis often with a guest speaker.
The group has focused their energies on working bees on projects.
Project Platypus acts as an umbrella organisation for the eleven Landcare groups of the Upper Wimmera Catchment.
Stawell Urban Landcare Group is comprised of people from the township who are dedicated to the beautification, enhancement and promotion...
The Wallup Ag Group has existed for over 20 years, initially formed as a Top Crop Group funded by the DPI.
The West Wimmera is unique due to the myriad of seasonal wetlands in its landscape.
The Wimmera Agroforestry Network was formed in 1996 and is located in western Victoria.
We are a Horsham based volunteer group working with community and local government to improve health and condition of Wimmera...
Yarrilinks aims to protect, restore and re-establish the native vegetation in the region, balancing environmental activities with sustainable agricultural outcomes...