Sycamore Slaughter at Budgeree Bushland Reserve



Budgeree Bushland Reserve, cnr Whitelaws Track and The Mill Road, Yinnar South



Jay Duncan
5163 1393

Spend time in a beautiful fragment of native damp forest and help to eradicate an invasive weed. Our annual event was formerly known as a "Maple Massacre" but we've changed its name.

Sycamore Maple (Acer pseudoplantanus) is a weed of wet shady forests.Twelve years ago, when our group started work, this little bush reserve was full of it!  We had a few big sessions getting rid of the bigger seeding trees and we go back every year to try and stop any more from growing.Mostly you'll be looking for little two leaf seedlings that are easy to pull out by hand.Get ready with your, water bottle, snacks, long pants, boots and hat and enjoy all the little hidden treasures you'lll see along with the weeds.

If you can bring hand tools such as loppers, secateurs and trowels that will be helpful. So will tough bags to hold any weeds with seeds. We can supply gloves and safety vests and all our volunteers are insured through Landcare.For those who don't want to venture down the steep and slippery slopes, there is also ox-eye daisy infesting the grassland at the top of the reserve.  If we have enough volunteers, we'll pull this out too.

The event is on a road, so people bringing children need to be mindful of this.We will finish at 12.30 p.m.NOTE: There are no toilets at the Budgeee Bush Reserve. The closest is at Martin Walker reserve.  It's opposite and to the left of the corner of Explorers Road and Gilberts Road (if you go down Explorers Rd).

Our event is here

Budgeree Bushland Reserve, cnr Whitelaws Track and The Mill Road, Yinnar South