24 members and freinds had a great night on Friday 30 August at the Crossover School. A shared meal was great for connecting with fellow LandCarers and neighbours, even if the country cooking led to us eating more than we possibly should have.
Guest Speaker was Bruce Quin speaking on the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Programme - the bird emblem for all Victoria. Bruce is the senior scientist – Ornithology on the Helmeted Honeyeater Recovery Programme Conducted by Environment and Water Regional Services for the Port Phillip Region of the Department of Environment and Primary Industries (DEPI), There are only two remaining populations of these honeyeaters known. The main one is at Yellingbo, north of Cockatoo and the other is pretty much on our doorstep in the Bunyip State Park. He told us of the strenuous, detailed, frustrating and rewarding efforts to create a safe and sustainable site for this very rare species.
Later in the evening the group held our 2013 Annual Meeting. The 2012 minutes were received, as was the treasurer's report. Marion Coulson, with John, were thanked for their work as secretary and newsletter editor. Graeme Henderson was thanked for being Treasurer, also for a couple of years. Elections were held with 3 new main office-bearers: President: Eric Smith; Secretary: Rob Rutter and Treasurer: Will Blackburn.