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This is a PDF copy of Resources for the Upper Deep Creek Landcare Network's Property Management Plan Courses. It is a collection of information including manuals, handouts and links to other resources for participants of our Property management planning courses. Direct links to these resources are also available below.
Manuals and General Information about Farm Planning
- Building Healthy Soils and Soil Fertility - Notes by Chris Allenson
- The Soil Foodweb - Notes by E.R. Ingham
- World's soil is at risk - Notes by Australian Soil Consortium
- Managing gullies, tunnels and mass movement
- Managing soil on my property (CG factsheet)
- Landslips and erosion
Water and waterways
- Stock and waterways: a manager's guide
- Enhance your farm dam
- Melbourne Water Stream Frontage Management Program
Native Vegetation
- Direct Seeding factsheet 1: Overview
- Direct Seeding factsheet 2: Benefits
- Direct Seeding factsheet 3: Successful elements
- Direct Seeding factsheet 4: Machines
- Direct Seeding factsheet 5: More resilient
- Direct Seeding factsheet 6: Combined revegetation
- Direct Seeding factsheet 7: Benefits
- Protect and enhance remnant native vegetation
- Revegetation planner
- Create practical shelter belts using native plants
- Nationally Protected Threatened Species and Vegetation Communities - Australian Government website
- State Protected Threatened Species and Vegetation Communities - Victorian Government website
- Native Vegetation Regulations - State Government website
- Ecological Vegetation Classes to assist with revegetation
- State Government revegetation standards guide
- Biodiversity Interactive Map that can assist with determining EVC type for your property
- Convert problem wet areas into valuable habitat
- Develop a woodlot for fuel and wildlife habitat
- Wildlife friendly fencing
Weeds and Pests
- Your guide to the weeds of central Victoria
- Managing Weeds on Farms (CG factsheet)
- Rabbit management guide
- DEDJTR (State Gov) website with information on weeds and pests and your responsibilities as a land owner
- Pestsmart website - information on best practice pest control
- Macedon Ranges Shire Council weeds information
- DELWP Victorian Landcare Program information page
- Landcare Australia website
- Australian Government National Landcare Program website
Local Government info and documents
- Macedon Ranges Shire Council website - Waste & Environment
- Mitchell Shire Council website - Environment
- Planning Overlays and Zones - interactive map
- Macedon Ranges Shire Council Planning Scheme Zones
- Animal welfare basics (CG factsheet)
- Water for livestock (CG factsheet)
- Pastures - carrying capacity (CG factsheet)
- Beef Cattle Production: Managing a small beef herd (CG factsheet)
- Owning a Small Sheep Enterprise (CG factsheet)
Horticulture / Viticulture