
This project is live

This project started on 1 Jan 2008

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Community Reserves Roadsides Urban Landcare

Project description

110 groups participate in Keep Victoria Beautiful's Adopt A Roadside program. Our group has adopted a 5km section of the Midland Highway north of Huntly. This important aesthetic entrance to our town features 'significant roadside vegetation' and we hold clean up events four times each year to keep it litter free.

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Key contact

Nicole Howie
0413 974 074

This project is part of

Northern Bendigo Landcare Group

Funded by

Keep Victoria Beautiful


Project learnings

Rubbish you see from your car window is only one quarter of what is there. Most items are thrown from cars as they travel past. The most common item is drink containers.

Upcoming events

There are no upcoming events.

Past events

Volunteer opportunity Event ended 19 May 2019

Adopt A Roadside clean up event

Our Landcare Group is proud to have been cleaning up our adopted section of highway for 11 years now !!.

Volunteer opportunity Event ended 19 Aug 2018

August litter clean up event

Come along to help us keep our 'adopted highway' litter free !.

Project updates and news

Above: Proud participants in the Adopt-a-Roadside Program since 2008

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