Pre-1852 Eucalypts in Maldon

This project has finished

This project started on 1 Jan 2009 and finished 30 Jun 2019

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Flora, fauna and biodiversity Urban Landcare

Project description

The primary objectives of this project conducted by Maldon Urban Landcare Inc. (MULGA) in 2017-2019 were to obtain detailed records for eucalypts that were growing before 1852 (pre-European settlement) in Maldon, and to achieve long-term protection for these trees under the Mt.

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Key contact

Bev Phillips
0407 770 350

This project is part of

Maldon Urban Landcare Group

Project learnings

Vital to do detailed research into best methodology to use when recording tree data to estimate age. Always allow three times as much time to do the work than you think it will take!

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