A network of 18 Landcare and NRM community groups around the Loddon Plains.
The Loddon Plains Landcare Network (LPLN) supports a critical mass of like-minded people who are interested in their natural environment and activities to enhance natural values. The network is comprised of 18 groups, listed below:
Bendigo Creek Floodplain Group
Canary Island Landcare Group
East Loddon Landcare
Fairley Bael Bael Sandhill Lake Landcare
Friends of Kooyoora
Friends of Terrick Terrick National Park
Inglewood Urban Landcare Group
Kamarooka Landcare Group
Loddon Vale Landcare Group
Mologa Landcare Group
Mt Korong Eco-watch
North Central Landcare
Northern Plains Conservation Management Network
Northern United Forestry Group
Salisbury West Landcare Group
Terrick Ridge Landcare Group
Wedderburn Conservation Management Network
Wychitella District Landcare Group
The network is situated around the Loddon Plains and brings together more than 300 land managers responsible for approximately 300,000 hectares of private land. A number of groups also work closely with Parks Victoria and DELWP to play a role in public land management in various locations in the network.