This project has finished

This project started on 1 Sep 2015 and finished 30 Sep 2016

The Landcare group secured a 2015/16 Victorian Landcare Grant of $7,479 to address a Sweet Briar infestation along the northern section of the Axedale River Reserve.

The Axedale River Reserve is a 2km linear Crown land reserve along the western bank of the Campaspe River within the Axedale township managed by a Committee of Management on behalf of the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP). The Campaspe River forms the western boundary of the group's area.

The Landcare Group completed a highly successful National Tree Day activity along the southern section of the Reserve (south of McIvor Hwy) in partnership with the Committee of Management, North Central Catchment Management Authority and Axedale Primary School in 2016.