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The Waterwatch program is underway.

We have been supplied with a Waterwatch test kit by the NCCMA. We plan to test water quality at four sites in Forest Creek, in the area between the Colles Road Bridge and the Greenhill Avenue footbridge. Testing will allow us to monitor how water quality changes over time, and to assess the impact of our revegetation works on the creek.

Testing takes about 30 minutes at each site. Tests include acidity, turbidity, phosphorus content, and salinity. The initial results suggest that water quality in Forest Creek is quite good. We have been impressed by the number of fish, tadpoles and invertebrate life seen in the water. It will be interesting to see how quality changes over the dry summer months.

We are looking for volunteers to make up a roster, so that we can monitor each site every month or so. If you are interested, and can spare a couple of hours two or three times a year, contact Anne or George on ann_geo@netcon.net.au