Castlemaine Landcare Group Working Bee


Castlemaine Landcare Group



Preparation for yam daisies in the indigenous food and fibre site

We will return to the Indigenous Food and Fibre Site - weeding, mulching, stake layout, commence some holes, and prepare beds for murnong (yam daisy) seeds.  The ground should still be easy to work.Park on Happy Valley Rd near the intersection with Verlin St at the start of the walking track.  If there has been rain beforehand, it is possible to avoid the creek crossing by walking in from the southern side - there is a little bit of parking on the dirt track accessible from Duke St (first left after the bridge if heading towards Chewton).

COVID-19 safe working practices are still in force.  Please email us if you plan to attend the working bee so that we can keep track of who is coming.  If you can, please bring your own tools, hand washing materials and morning tea if desired.

Our event is here

Castlemaine Landcare Group