Castlemaine Landcare Group September Working Bee


Castlemaine Landcare Group



Maintenance of indigenous food planting area

Our task will be weeding and clearing around plants and grasses in our indigenous food area upstream of the poplars site,  We will start at 9.30 am, our usual Spring starting time.

We will meet at the start of the Leanganook walking track, near the intersection of Happy Valley Road and Verlin St.

Please bring weeding tools if you have them (although we usually have plenty of tools on the day); brush-cutters would also be useful.  Please wear stout footwear and dress for the weather (of course). We will have to cross the creek (narrow at that point but still wet) so you may wish to wear gumboots.  Bring good gardening gloves as well.

As usual, a great morning tea will be provided.   

Thanks to those who attended one or both of the last two working bees.  We managed to complete a solid planting in difficult terrain behind Best Motors.  This is a beautiful location and the planting effort will add to its well-being and attractiveness over coming years.

Our event is here

Castlemaine Landcare Group