Castlemaine Landcare Group May Working Bee


Castlemaine Landcare Group


Gerry Egan

Planting near Patterson's Bridge

You have probably noticed a bare area beside Pattersons Bridge (at the start of Duke St) where there used to be a sea of poplars along Forest Creek.  They were removed last year by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) because they are an invasive species which crowds out everything else.

Now is your chance to help Castlemaine Landcare Group, Mount Alexander Shire and DELWP to restore this area for community use and for increasing the diversity of plants there. Our friends the eastern grey kangaroos are regular users of the site and are asking for new planting.

All is organised for a mammoth planting event over two days - Sunday 13 May (yes, that's Mothers' Day) and then two weeks later on Sunday 27 May.

We will be planting about 800 plants on each Sunday, so there will be plenty for everyone to plant something, whether a tree or a bush. We will also be planting grasses and sedges that will help hold the area together while the other plants are growing.  

We will plant from 9.30am - 12.00pm on both days and refreshments will be available.  [If you can bring something for morning tea that would be great - bring it on the day or drop it off on the Saturday at about 3 pm when we will be preparing for the Sunday planting.]

Please wear stout footwear and bring gardening gloves.  The ground is rough, there are some hazards like old blackberry brambles, and there are poplar stumps and roots which are being left to hold the area together until they rot down.  

There is limited parking available on Happy Valley Rd (also called Burke St) but you may be better off parking on Pyrenees Highway and walking 200 m to the planting area.

Come with your family and friends. 

Our event is here

Castlemaine Landcare Group