Lets go Fishin - Carp Muster


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Catch as many carp as you can along One Mile Creek in Wangaratta


The competition will begin at 8am and finish at 12 Noon followed by a BBQ Lunch.

Carp fishing competition is along One Mile Creek between Batchelors Green and Edwards Street Bridge.

An event for people of all ages and abilities.

The fishing competition is free to enter however, competitors must be registered before they start fishing.

  • Children under the age of 15 must be accompanied by an adult. 
  • There will be special fishing activities for children under 10 years of age.
  • Prizes awarded in different categories
  • Other activities include: BBQ (between 12 - 1pm), children’s activities, carp cooking demonstration and Waterwatch 20 years celebrations and activities.

An event to educate the community on the impacts of European Carp on native fish and One Mile Creek as an important part of the Ovens waterways. A fun day to get the community involved in the care of their local area while removing pest fish from the creek.

A project in the Restoring our Waterways project.  Proudly supported by Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group, Ovens Landcare Network, The Centre, North East Water, Caring for our Country, 3NE/EdgeFM, North East Catchment Management Authority, Waterwatch North East, Wangaratta High School and Wangaratta Chronicle

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