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The Landcare group manages 3 riparian land sites in the area funded under River Tender. The sites are located on the Beechworth-Wodonga Rd, Reids Way and McFeeters Rd.

Wooragee Landcare Group currently manages 3 riparian land sites in the area funded under the North East CMA incentive River Tender. The sites are located on Reid’s Way, McFeeters Road and Beechworth-Wodonga Road. These sites give us an opportunity to improve the water ways in Wooragee. Through better management we can hopefully decrease erosion, improve water quality and increase natural corridors that benefit both plants and animals.
Reids Way Site 
Located at the reserve on Reid’s Way the site is 9.3 ha. This site is a depleted riparian shrubland area. To date the group has undertaken willow and blackberry control. Revegetation work was under taken in 2009 and has proven quite successful to date. Further work is planned to control rabbits in the area. This is also a release site for our Biological Control of Paterson's curse project.

Stockpile Site
This site is located on the Beechwoth-Wodonga Road and is a 2.9 ha site. Vegetation class is creek line grassy woodland. This site has also had willow and blackberry control. Revegetation work has occured over the past 2 years. Further work on willow management is planned for later this year.
McFeeters SiteThis site is located between McFeeters road and Woolshed road and is 31.75 ha in size. This area is depleted riparian shrubland and is located within the National Park. We are working with Parks Victoria to improve this area. To date willow control has been undertaken along the entire creek section in the River Tender area. Rabbit control and Paterson's Curse control (conventional and biological) are also planned for the near future.