Upper Kiewa Landcare, Mt Beauty Neighbourhood Centre and our Native garden nursery are partners in a project training volunteers in local native plant propagation, their use in revegetation and their role in healthy ecosystems. The project has been funded by a Landcare Volunteer Action Grant.
Sessions are held fortnightly on a Sunday or Monday and always include an hour in the bush. The first session was in early August. We aimed for 10 participants' in 2 groups and already have 18. However, we are all busy people and not everyone can make every session. So we have decided to run the program again next year for those who missed sessions and for others who would like to join in then.
So far participants have covered some plant recognition, introduction to our nursery, potting up and weeding and the 'big picture' of how important Mt Beauty and this end of the valley is to wildlife. The nursery is a Not For Profit organisation and donates 10 plants to a project for every hour worked in the nursery by participants.
In flower in the bush now are patches of gorgeous Greenhood orchids, wattles, purple and 'egg 'n bacon' peas. Wattles and pea roots improve the fertility of the soil, their flowers attract and feed loads of insects and birds and their seeds feed ants and birds. Orchids are 'just' beautiful.
To join in now please
- Call Jill Dawson 02 6027 1089 mobile 0418 579 331 or
- email jilldawson@alpineology.com.au.