New Rabbit Calicivirus Strain RHD session - Springhurst


Springhurst Byawatha Hills Landcare Group

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Springhurst & Byawatha Hills Landcare Group

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Find out how the upcoming RHBV boost release can help you manage rabbits and improve productivity

As part of a Victoria wide roadshow, the Springhurst and Byawatha Hills Landcare Group and the North East Catchment Management Authority will host two info sessions to provide information about the new strain of the Rabbit Haemorrhagic Disease Virus (known as RHDV1 K5).

Each session will provide information on how to get involved in the release and tips on planning and implementing integrated rabbit management techniques, which can greatly improve the impact of the virus on rabbit populations.

Presenters will be NSW DPI research Scientist, Dr Tarnya Cox and DEDJTR Biosecurity Manager Established Invasive Animals, John Matthews.

There is no cost and a light lunch will be provided.

RSVP for Springhurst event by Friday 15th January to:

Alandi Durling Ph. 0428 211 008

A session will also be held at:
Tallangatta - Monday 18th January, 7:30-8:30pm 
Details HERE


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Springhurst Byawatha Hills Landcare Group
