Tackling depression PUBLIC FORUM


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Ovens Landcare Network

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Incitec Pivot and Beyondblue: the national depression initiative are working together
to increase awareness of depression and available support in rural areas during the

One in five Australians will experience depression at some stage in their lives - if it’s
not you, maybe it’s someone you know. To learn more about depression, anxiety and related drug and alcohol issues, you are invited to attend a public forum.

Tuesday 20th March 2007


Food on Wood, Milawa


Guest Speakers:
Former farmer Noel Trevaskis will share his personal
experience of depression and recovery.

A medical professional will speak about identifying and dealing
with mental illness in the community.

MC: Julie de Hennin, Chair Alp Valleys.

RSVP by Wednesday 14 March for catering purposes (Pizza will be provided) to
Jim De Hennin on 0408 978 847

In association with McPhersons, Murray Goulburn

For more information about the forum, please contact your Incitec Pivot Area Sales Manager,
Jim de Hennin on 0408 978 847.

Don’t beat about the bush! For more information about depression, available treatments and where to get help go to www.beyondblue.org.au or call 1300 22 4636 (local call). This forum is supported by community organisations.

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Ovens Landcare Network

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