Mid Ovens Landcare Consortium

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Our purpose

The Mid Ovens Landcare Consortium is a network of seven groups working together for better outcomes and effectiveness across a common landscape Member groups are Burgoigee Creek Landcare, Hodgsons & Horseshoe Creeks Landcare, Springhurst and Byawatha Hills Landcare, Mudgegonga and District Landcare, Stanley Landcare, Wooragee Landcare and Indigo Creek Landcare


MOLC Chair

Regions we're part of

Region 1
North East


Burgoigee Creek Landcare Group

This group covers the catchment of the Burgoigee Creek, around the area of Murmungee and Bowmans Forest.

Hodgsons & Horseshoe Creeks Landcare Group

The Group covers the catchments of the Hodgsons and Horseshoe Creeks, surrounding Tarrawingee and Everton. The Hodgson's and Horseshoe Creeks Landcare...

Indigo Valley Landcare Group

The Indigo Creek Landcare Group covers the whole catchment of the Indigo Creek, through Barnawatha to the Murray River.

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