This project is live

This project started on 1 Jul 2014

"Learning from our Elders - Recording the environmental history of the Kiewa Valley". In 2014 we received funding from the Gardiner Foundation to begin the ambitious task of collecting and collating our environmental history. The first step was to interview landholders, before these memories are lost.
The themes we are exploring are:
• Changes to waterways (creeks, wetlands and Kiewa river)
• Changes in native fish, bird and mammal populations
• Pest Plant and Animals
• Changes in native vegetation composition and density
• Indigenous heritage
• In addition to recording interviews, we are collecting photos, paintings, letters and newspaper articles. It is anticipated that we will continue to add material as it is sourced. For more information contact Rowan Wallace

To see our results - go to Newspaper Articles, Historic Maps and Enviro History Powerpoint