What's in your patch? Identifying native plants on your property



Kings Lane, Moyhu, Victoria



Sally Day
0437 136 162

Have you ever seen grass trees flowering? Wondered how to identify an orchid? Have a question about which Euc. species is which on your property? Or perhaps you’d like some tips on how to manage that patch of native vegetation on your property

Come and join us on a nature walk through ‘Sugarloaf’ woodland and be guided by local ecologist Jim Blackney. As we explore this woodland, Jim will talk us through how to identify the plants we find and how we can manage and protect patches of remnant vegetation in our landscape. We will also be keeping an eye open for fauna sightings – this is a home for Gliders and woodland birds.

There will be plenty of opportunity to ask Jim specific management questions in relation to your individual properties at our Q&A session. Jim is a wealth of knowledge and is keen to share his management tips and advice whenever possible, drawing on years of practical experience in working across our landscape.

If time permits, there will also be an opportunity to explore a nearby wetland, which has been placed under a Covenant with Trust for Nature.

Event files and flyers

Our event is here

Kings Lane, Moyhu, Victoria
