Rabbit Control Demonstration Evening


Chiltern Landcare Group

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Chiltern Landcare Group invites all interested to a rabbit control demonstration evening.


Rabbit Control Field Demonstration Evening

Thursday 29 November 2012 6pm – 8.30pm

BBQ included

What we are doing…..

1.   Your legal obligations to control rabbits               DPI

2.    Rabbit attitudes (ecology etc)                                 Jane Roots

3.    Dial Before you Dig

4.    Chemical options & their use

5.   Rodentator Demonstration                                      Cuneens

Location: Old Domma Mungi Mine Site, Chiltern Valley Road, Chiltern Valley

Directions: One kilometre on the right from the intersection of Wenkes Rd and Chiltern Valley Rd, coming from Chiltern.

RSVP for catering purposes:  Quentin Bell:  0357 261604

Peter Twigg:  0357 261429

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Chiltern Landcare Group

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