2015 AGM - President's Report

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By Charlie Showers, Sept 2015

2015 has been another big year for BULS and I would like to thank the rest of the BULS committee members for assisting me in delivering such a successful year, volunteering your own time for such an organisation takes commitment and a strong belief in what BULS is fundamentally about, and that is a more resilient and sustainable community.

Amber Croft has spent a large amount of time managing the membership database and acquitting the final legacy Landcare grants whilst also initiating some great events like the produce swap.

Helen Robinson has been an  impressive Treasurer overseeing a change in banking providers and keeping meticulous records and financial systems.

Elke Jasper has been a constant source of energy and action in the biodiversity area overseeing the continuation of the Upper Spring Creek revegetation project with weeding days, planting days, clean up Australia Day and is always first to offer support in other areas when needed, John Hawker is a BULS information mega source and a very important part of the committee bringing a passion for biodiversity in particular flora and his beloved orchids including the ongoing management of the special BULS orchid site near the Beechworth golf course.

Peter Kenyon has brought the local food issue front and centre for BULS and helped position Beechworth as a leader in regional local food action and last but by no means least is Charlie Robinson whose infectious passion for life means meetings are never dull with a nice drop of red always on the meeting table. His extensive food growing knowledge and eagerness to share that information through activities like pruning workshops and Sustainable House Day in 2015 has been appreciated once again.

2015 has also been in year in which BULS has been well rewarded too with numerous national and state awards in the Tidy Towns awards, in particular for the Patch to Patch event, the Upper Spring Creek Project and the Beechworth Food Co-Op.

I will be standing down as President and from the BULS committee to focus on the Beechworth Food Co-Op. After four years on the BULS committee I would like to thank the BULS community for such a great Beechworth institution, it is an important group and one that will continue to become more important in the future as we become more reliant on our local connections, local food and local governance in a changing world.