This was a joint project between Omeo Landcare Group and Benambra Landcare group, and funded by the Victorian Second Generation Landcare Grants. The project began in 2000 and was completed in 2011.
However, prior to this the same work had been completed via different funding, and under the 'tree group' banner. It also continued beyond 2011 with a different facilitator.
As a long-standing project, the Omeo/Benambra Landcare Community Weed project has delivered considerable value to the government and community.
A wide range of activities undertaken as part of this project include:
- Community education and awareness of best practice for current weed control.
- Partnering with a range or stakeholders.
- Promoting community monitoring and control of new weed species - to allow identification and control of new weed species before they get established. This was a major issue post the 2003 fires, when emergency fodder supplies were brought into the area.
- Undertaking major broom control through spraying by helicopter and manual spraying.
- Establishing extensive broom twig moth (biocontrol) nursery sites in association with Parks Victoria.
The coordinator for this project was Colin Sedgman, local farmer, and member of the Benambra Landcare Group since 1994.