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Funding has been provided under the BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN to fence a catchment dam at Brian Barrys' property at Cocamba.

Funding has been provided under the BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN to fence a catchment dam at Brian Barrys' property at Cocamba. The dam was built by Brian's father and rarely goes dry, despite the low rainfall. The dam is around 5ha about half of which is Mallee trees and the other half is an unvegetated catchment area. Brian intends to plant further trees and shrubs to enhance the vegetation but will maintain the undisturbed catchment area that has kept the dam full over the last year or so.
Brian also has two other sites of around 4 ha of trees in the process of revegtation and protecting. Both have water sources for wildlife. One has a small 'pipline' pond and the other they have created a new catchment dam.