Statement of Purpose

Mallee Conservation is restoring habitat on the "Raakajlim" conservation property, and building awareness and appreciation of the plants, animals and habitat of the Mallee in northwest Victoria

Mallee Conservation’s Statement of Purpose:

• Undertake restoration activities and implement a long-lasting model for the ongoing management of “Raakajlim”, an exemplar private conservation property.

• Build a wider appreciation of the plants, animals and habitat of the Mallee of northwest Victoria through volunteering opportunities and citizen science projects.

• Promote private land conservation and the valuable contribution it makes to our protected area network.

A major component of Mallee Conservation’s activities is the stewardship of Raakajlim, a 490-hectare property, managed for conservation since 2001. Located in the Mallee of northwest Victoria and adjoining Hattah-Kulkyne National Park, Raakajlim is private land entirely protected by a Trust for Nature conservation covenant. Our vision for the property is to:

"Restore a functioning, semi-arid landscape; a diverse habitat and sanctuary for threatened plants and animals"

We host visits to the property from field naturalist and other environmental groups, as well as scientists and interested individuals. We also share our Mallee Conservation stories through our website and blog, and social media:


