Our purpose

Due to concern with salinity, rising watertables and a lack of trees, a public meeting was held in February 1993. The Wyuna Landcare Group was formed from this meeting.
To investigate and promote tree planting on public and private property.To encourage landowners to follow management practices conductive to the protection of remaining trees.To coordinate Community Surface Drainage Projects to improve whole catchment drainage.To encourage landowners to use better water management techniques when irrigating and draining.To promote efficient control of noxious weeds.To foster community awareness of the affects of salinity on the future of agriculture in the Wyuna area.Establish a network of testwells to monitor watertable levels and water salinity. To give landholders guidance on trends and assist them to take suitable action.To stimulate and encourage the adoption of land use practises which will overcome soil degradation.To promote whole farm plans to encourage better sustainable farming practices.To encourage the adoption of on farm water reuse systems for more efficient irrigation and to reduce off farm drainage. To investigate and promote methods by whic live stock effluent discharges can be disposed of prior to them contaiminating water-ways.To develop further goals as the group sees fit.To assist with the cleaning and preservation of the Goulburn River.To liaise with relevant local, state and federal bodies with a view to acquiring the information, expertise and funding required to allow to expedient conclusion of above mentioned aims.

When We Meet
The Wyuna Landcare Group meets the 2nd Thursday of every month at Wyuna East Community Centre.